• Risikobegrepets innvirkning på operative beslutningstakere i petroleumsindustrien 

      Orvik, Casper Pilskog; Valdersnes, Erlend (Master thesis, 2022)
      Det nye risikobegrepet ble presisert i 2015 til å være konsekvensene av virksomheten med tilhørende usikkerhet. I denne masteroppgaven studeres det hvordan den nye risikodefinisjonen til Petroleumstilsynet (Ptil) påvirker ...
    • Risikoforståelse av arbeid i tunnel 

      Andersen, Sofie; Brunstad, Ludvik (Master thesis, 2021)
      At ulike aktører opplever risiko forskjellig er helt naturlig, og hvordan individer eller organisasjoner forstår risiko preges av mange faktorer. På bakgrunn av dette er det i denne studien kartlagt, vurdert og evaluert ...
    • Risikohåndtering i integrerte operasjoner i petroleumsindustrien 

      Fonn, Per Kristian (Master thesis, 2009)
    • Risikovurdering av arbeidsmiljø i offshoreindustrien 

      Sakshaug, Nora; Storbakken, Ingrid (Master thesis, 2020)
      Som en del av masterløpet i HMS ved NTNU ble det på høstsemesteret 2019 skrevet prosjektoppgave, hvor det i Petroleumtilsynets (PTIL) tilsynsrapporter fra 2018 og 2019 ble avdekket en stor andel avvik innen risikovurdering ...
    • Risikovurdering av sykkeltrafikk i Midtbyen 

      Bambulyak, Elizaveta; Snartland, Ina M.; Ditløvsen, Vebjørn (Bachelor thesis, 2020)
      Midtbyen er et vitalt punkt for trafikk i Trondheim. Store trafikkmengder medfører høy risiko for konflikter mellom trafikanter. Den eksisterende utformingen av sykkeltrafikk i Midtbyen bærer preg av mangler. Oppgaven ser ...
    • Risk - A Cost to Allocate?: An Emipirical Study of Business Practice 

      Forland, Sven Ivar; Upadhyay, Varun (Master thesis, 2011)
      The combination of risk management and cost allocation in order to allocate risk in a sensible manner is a field with not much existing theory. The ABC (Activity Based Costing) model seems as an appropriate cost allocation ...
    • Risk Allocation Framework in Public Private Partnership Projects: An analysis of Norwegian context 

      Babri, Sahar (Master thesis, 2014)
      For many years, public sector has collaborated with private sector under Public Private Partnership scheme in order to implement big high-risk projects to improve infrastructures or increase public service level. Despite ...
    • Risk and benefit sharing schemes in oil exploration and production 

      Fedorov, Semyon; Lavrutich, Maria; Hagspiel, Verena; Lerdahl, Thomas (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2022)
      The volatile environment of oil exploration and production sets new challenges to market players prompting them to explore new business models. In this paper, we analyze a novel type of partnering in oil and gas operations, ...
    • Risk and Return Effects of Executive Stock Options 

      Kjærnsli, Henrik; Hestmo, Sindre (Master thesis, 2021)
      Denne masteroppgaven består av to separate artikler. De to artiklene bruker ulike tilnærminger til å analysere sammenhengen mellom bruken av aksjeopsjoner til toppledere og ulike deler av selskapsprestasjoner. I den første ...
    • Risk aversion in imperfect natural gas markets 

      Egging, Ruud; Pichler, Alois; Kalvø, Øyvind Iversen; Walle-Hansen, Thomas Meyer (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2017)
      This paper presents a natural gas market equilibrium model that considers uncertainty in shale gas reserve exploration. Risk aversion is modeled using a risk measure known as the Average Value-at-Risk (also referred to as ...
    • Risk Characteristics of Hydrogen Sulphide Exposure in Wastewater Collection and Treatment Related Occupations 

      Austigard, Åse Dalseth; Smedbold, Hans Thore; Svendsen, Kristin V Hirsch (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2022)
      Objectives Water and wastewater workers can be exposed to hydrogen sulphide (H2S), with an unpredictable exposure pattern, dominated by sharp peaks. These peaks can often be high above the ceiling value (CV) at 10 ...
    • Risk Control in Maritime Shipping Investments 

      Skålnes, Jørgen; Fagerholt, Kjetil; Pantuso, Giovanni; Wang, Xin (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2019)
      In this paper we extend the state-of-the-art stochastic programming models for the Maritime Fleet Renewal Problem (MFRP) to explicitly limit the risk of insolvency due to negative cash flows when making maritime shipping ...
    • Risk factor analysis across business segments in the US equity market 

      Alvestad, Sveinung; Glover, Dan Erik Harlem (Master thesis, 2012)
      This report examines whether the excess total return to shareholders could be projected by common accounting and market ratios using regression analysis. Our four most important results indicate that; 1) growth stocks ...
    • Risk factors in stock returns of U.S. oil and gas companies: evidence from quantile regression analysis 

      Mohanty, Sunil K.; Frydenberg, Stein; Osmundsen, Petter; Westgaard, Sjur; Skjøld, Christian (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2022)
    • Risk in the Internationalization Process of Norwegian SMEs 

      Karlsen, Andreas Bø; Dahl, Knut Einar (Master thesis, 2012)
      By studying the internationalization process of four Norwegian SMEs involved in a governmental-backed internationalization support program, this case study aims at uncovering how SMEs identify, evaluate and mitigate risks ...
    • Risk in transit: a case study of the introduction of a new risk definition for risk management in the Norwegian petroleum industry 

      Haavik, Torgeir Kolstø; Kongsvik, Trond Øystein; Vigen, Marius Grefstad (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2023)
      In 2015, a new risk definition was presented by the Norwegian Petroleum Safety Authority (PSA-N) as a petroleum regulation update and ‘rolled out’ in the PSA-N organisation and the oil and gas industry as a regulatory ...
    • Risk Management through Optimal Procurement Contracting in the Aluminium Remelting Industry 

      Hovland, Madeleine Kristin (Master thesis, 2018)
      In today s increasingly turbulent and volatile commodity exchange markets, it is evident that controlling the risks in procurement strategies is an important issue. In this thesis, we develop a portfolio procurement ...
    • A risk model for recreational craft accidents 

      Thieme, Christoph Alexander; Aalberg, Asbjørn Lein; Bye, Rolf Johan; Linløkken, Randi; Johansen, Stig; Torgersen, Tove Aasland (Chapter, 2023)
      The Recreational Craft Platform (RCP, Norwegian: Fritidsbåtplattformen) is being developed to collect and merge available data on recreational craft accidents and thereby enable stakeholders to actively take measures to ...
    • Risk Modelling in Energy Markets: A Value at Risk and Expected Shortfall Approach 

      Almli, Eldar Nikolai; Rege, Torstein (Master thesis, 2011)
      Value at risk (VaR) and Expected Shortfall (ES) are commonly used risk measures in the financial literature. They have however not been applied to a great extent on energy derivatives. This paper compares the performance ...
    • Risk modelling using Vine Copulas: Modelling an energy company portfolio 

      Haukaas, Magnus Solli; Huse, Paul Ingebrigt; Benterud, Jostein Larsen (Master thesis, 2013)
      In this paper, a method for calculating Value-at-Risk using GARCH and Vine Copulamodelling with various marginals is implemented and tested on a set of eight electricity futures. The forecasts from this model are then ...