Viser treff 21-40 av 461

    • Pengepolitikk ut av økonomiske kriser 

      Haugen, Beate Lillestøl; Sandaa, Anne-Gina (Bachelor thesis, 2024)
      De siste 160 årene har det oppstått flere økonomiske kriser, med ulikt opphav. Disse krisene har rammet internasjonalt, med implikasjoner for norsk økonomi og norske banker. Verden har nylig vært rammet av en pandemi, og ...
    • Analytical Frameworks, Impact Categories, Indicators and Performance Evaluation 

      Fet, Annik Magerholm (Chapter, 2023)
      This chapter introduces the background for indicators to be used to monitor and communicate the environmental performance of different systems and activities. They are anchored in the DPSIR-analytical framework which stands ...
    • Environmental Management at Fiskerstrand Verft AS: A 30 Year Journey 

      Fiskerstrand, Rolf; Fet, Annik Magerholm (Chapter, 2023)
      Fiskerstrand Verft is a multipurpose shipyard with extensive expertise and activities in shipbuilding, maintenance, repair and conversion/modification of ships. The yard is exposed to a range of different environmental ...
    • Systems Engineering 

      Haskins, Cecilia; Fet, Annik Magerholm (Chapter, 2023)
      The value of systems science approaches to address sustainability topics has been formally recognized since the publication of Limits to Growth (1972) and the application of system dynamics to investigate the synergies ...
    • The CapSEM Model 

      Fet, Annik Magerholm; Knudson, Haley Michele (Chapter, 2023)
      Organizations may feel pressurized to improve their sustainability performance and increase their orientation towards sustainability, but may not have either the knowledge as to where, or the capacity, to begin. This chapter ...
    • Lessons Learned: HE driven open innovation to sustain CHOs in Europe 

      Angeletaki, Alexandra; Evangelista, Chiara; Sasso, Gaia; Giuliodori, Giovanni; Rice, Paula Maria (Research report, 2024)
      Provide a guideline for the development of OIP (Open Innovation Project) driven by Higher Education Institutes (HEIs) for the benefit of Cultural Heritage Organisations (CHOs). The outcome to be expected is the definition ...
    • Manufacturing backsourcing: a case study of a company's process framework 

      Solli-Sæther, Hans; Karlsen, Jan Terje; Slyngstad, Andrea Blindheim (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2023)
      The purpose of this study is to examine the backsourcing process. Based on previous research and lessons learned from a case study of a supplier of maritime equipment in a Scandinavian cluster, important drivers, activities ...
    • Quadruple Helix Relational Approach to Recycling Fishing Nets: Cluster Development in the Norwegian West Coast Region 

      Vaagen, Hajnalka; Tippett, Arron Wilde (Chapter, 2023)
      The study presented in this chapter takes the quadruple helix relational perspective to develop a regional innovation cluster for fishing nets recycling and upcycling. A multi-method approach is proposed—triangulating ...
    • The Role of Non-profit Organisations (NGOs) in Value Creation: Lessons from the Recycling of Fishing Gear in Norway 

      Glavee-Geo, Richard; Ahmed, Sardar Wasi Uddin al; Tippett, Arron Wilde; Grimstad, Siv Marina Flø; Pasquine, Mark Vincent (Chapter, 2023)
      Value chain collaboration and volunteering by non-governmental organisations (NGOs) are success factors that enhance fishing gear recycling. Using multiple cases of NGOs from the Norwegian value chain of recycled plastic ...
    • Reporting Schemes 

      Fet, Annik Magerholm; Sparrevik, Lars Magnus (Chapter, 2023)
      This chapter gives an overview of different reporting schemes which can be used by companies to communicate their environmental, as well as their sustainability, performance. Connections between different reporting schemes, ...
    • Input-Output Analysis and Cleaner Production 

      Fet, Annik Magerholm; Haskins, Cecilia; Sparrevik, Lars Magnus (Chapter, 2023)
      This chapter gives an overview of the basic principles for analysing material flows for production processes. This type of analysis is based on a calculation of materials going in and out of a process. Typical materials ...
    • The Role of Public Sector Buyers: Infuencing Systemic Change in the Construction Sector 

      Truloff, Shannon Louise; Boer, Luitzen de; Qiu, Xinlu; Fet, Annik Magerholm (Chapter, 2023)
      Construction machinery is essential to all construction projects and is also a significant contributor to both air pollution and greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions. The Non-Road Mobile Machinery Market (NRMM), otherwise known ...
    • Digitalization as a source of competitive advantage in high-cost countries, a case of Norwegian companies. A dynamic capability approach 

      Hammervold, Laila (Master thesis, 2023)
      Sammendrag Denne oppgaven undersøker hvordan suksessrike Norske produksjonsbedrifter utnytter mulighetene som digitalisering gir dem. Hovedmålene i digitaliseringsutnyttelsen er forbedring av konkurransefortrinn, ...
    • Managing Business Relationships in Turbulent Environments to Achieve Resilience: A Case Study on Norwegian Firms Selling to African Markets 

      Mauky, Jonas Athanas (Master thesis, 2023)
      Mange globale forretningsfirmaer fra vestlige land engasjerer seg i økende grad med fremvoksende markeder. Disse markedene er imidlertid ofte preget av turbulente forretningsmiljøer, noe som kan utgjøre utfordringer for ...
    • Engaging Volunteers as Experts in Data-Driven Research Projects and a Circular Economy: The Case of PlastOPol 

      Hellevik, Christina Carrozzo; Deshpande, Paritosh Chakor (Chapter, 2023)
      Beached plastic litter is a global concern and is also an important source of data for research to improve our understanding of the extent and the main sources of the problem. Digital tools can help both in making the data ...
    • Environmental Management Systems 

      Fet, Annik Magerholm; Michelsen, Ottar (Chapter, 2023)
      This chapter gives an overview of the history of the development of environmental management systems (EMS) and the purpose of an EMS. It expands on the description of the different steps of an EMS under the model ...
    • Helping Business Contribute to a Sustainability Transition: Archetypes of Business Models for Sustainability 

      Knudson, Haley Michele; Keitsch, Martina Maria (Chapter, 2023)
      This chapter discusses business models for sustainability (BMfS). The objective for BMfS is to increase positive or decrease negative impacts of business performance on the environment and society, simultaneously providing ...
    • Life Cycle Assessment of Fishing and Aquaculture Rope Recycling 

      Tippett, Arron Wilde (Chapter, 2023)
      In this chapter, we assess the environmental footprint of the production of recycled plastic granulate made of waste ropes from the fishing/aquaculture industries. The end-of-life treatment of waste fishing and aquaculture ...
    • The Way Forward 

      Fet, Annik Magerholm; Keitsch, Martina Maria (Chapter, 2023)
      This chapter points to the way ahead by introducing five recommendations to meet the requirements set forward by the Stockholm+50 agenda. The requirements identify co-working as vital to addressing the planetary crisis of ...
    • Business Challenges in the Transition to Sustainability 

      Fet, Annik Magerholm; Keitsch, Martina Maria (Chapter, 2023)
      The first chapter of this book presents a brief history of Sustainable Development (SD) and takes a closer look at business and industry and their attitudes and actions towards sustainability regarding technological ...