Exploring Model Quality in Enterprise Modeling - A Case Study
The popularity for enterprise modelling has increased rapidly over the last decades. This demand has created a need for analysing and evaluation enterprise models to determine their quality. Having the right set of qualities results in a model that is useful and bringing value to the organisation.
Statoil is Norway's largest oil and gas company with over 20 000 employees spread all over the world. They have successfully implemented the use of enterprise models in marketing, midstream, and processing (MMP) to document what IT-systems they have and what functions they support.
This architecture is now going to be implemented in other business areas, and therefore it is, necessary to uncover the quality of the model and discover room for improvements. SEQUAL, a framework for model evaluation quality has been used throughout the study. It is a flexible framework, where all the different aspects of the enterprise model are evaluated.
The result of this study has revealed that the enterprise model has a high level of quality. It is a good representation of the enterprise and used for both communication and documentation. The modelling process is thorough and involves the end users from the start, resulting in semantic correct models that are understood by the users. There are however aspects of the model which are not perfect and have room for improvements.