Indoor Positioning Integrated in EBIM
This thesis aims to investigate and identify which potentials the use of asset tags, location based services and BIM models hold for the future of hospitals and other large buildings. A prototype of an indoor positioning system integrated in Enterprise Building Information Model (EBIM) was developed during the work on this thesis, in collaboration with Jotne EPM Technology for St. Olav Eiendom. Data gathering was carried out by conducting an interview of a department manager at St. Olav's University Hospital. Additionally, testing and a survey were planned, but could unfortunately not be carried out, and will be explained in Chapter 6. The gathered data reveals that the use of an indoor positioning system, such as the one developed during this project, will be found useful by the potential users. Areas of reduction in costs are identified, and potentials for the future of hospitals and other large buildings are identified together with future development. The findings suggest that implementation of an indoor positioning system integrated in EBIM will provide opportunities, and benefit hospitals and other larger buildings.