Knowledge Based Engineering for Human Body Modeling and Simulation
This thesis has been written to demonstrate the development of a Knowledge-Based Engineering (KBE) application of the musculoskeletal system of the humanbody. One of the main goals has been to establish what advantages musculoskeletalmodeling could have in a KBE modeling framework.
The model has been created in Adaptive Modeling Language (AML) developedby Technosoft to show how a multibody model of the human anatomy can bemodeled in a nite element representation. Furthermore, the possibilities of usingthe AML models to perform simulations in the multibody software Fedem areinvestigated.
In summary, the goal of this thesis is to develop a conceptual AML modelof the human skeleton for future development along with a potential frameworkfor simulations. The challenge is to model the cross eld of bio-mechanics andmechanical engineering, to discover possible alternative applications of AM thatcould benet musculoskeletal modeling.