Experimental Study of Cement-Formation Bonding
This experimental work is the continuation of the literature study of cement-formation bonding, done in the autumn semester. Cement-formation bonding has not been given special attention so far, in resolving the well integrity problems. A lot of work has been done on other influential factors but this area has not been studied much. With a view to have better understanding about this unexplored area, the experimental setup was developed and several experiments were carried out. Although some experiments were done previously on this topic but that work was limited to two specific rock types. Four different rock types, including sandstone, limestone, chalk and shale were used in experiments. The results obtained from these experiments are discussed in this report. The rock samples were also treated with the drilling fluid to observe the effect of drilling fluids on the bonding strength at cement-formation interface. These results were, then compared to the dry samples of the same rock type and difference between bonding strength was measured. This research work will be helpful in understanding the failure occurred at the cement-formation interface. By knowing all these facts affecting the bond strength, it is possible to improve the bonding strength by treating them carefully. Future work in this area can be valuable to overcome the well integrity issues.