Institutt for geovitenskap og petroleum
Recent Submissions
Methods to Design and Manage Energy-Efficient Offshore Hydrocarbon Production Systems
(Doctoral theses at NTNU;2025:83, Doctoral thesis, 2025) -
Crustal Heterogeneity Onshore Central Spitsbergen: Insights From New Gravity and Vintage Geophysical Data
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2025)Gravity data provide constraints on lateral subsurface density variations and thus provide crucial insights into the geological evolution of the region. Previously, gravity data from the Norwegian Arctic archipelago of ... -
Pore-scale Investigations of Fluid Flow and Interfacial Mass Transfer
(Doctoral theses at NTNU;2024:510, Doctoral thesis, 2025)In this thesis, we investigated fluid flow in porous media from a pore-scale perspective and derived continuum-scale properties. This study conducts statistical analysis of single-phase flow and implements experimental and ... -
Color-gradient-based phase-field equation for multiphase flow
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2024)In this paper, the underlying problem with the color-gradient (CG) method in handling density-contrast fluids is explored. It is shown that the CG method is not fluid invariant. Based on nondimensionalizing the CG method, ... -
3D Numerical Modeling of Rock Mass Failure in an Uplift Test of a Rock Anchor with Focus on the Role of Rock Joints
(Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2025)This paper aims to numerically study the failure mechanisms of the rock mass during the uplift test of a rock anchor installed in limestone. The rock anchor consisted of a smooth tendon, with short threaded sections at ... -
Performance Evaluation and Optimization of the REFLUX Flotation Cell (RFC) in Processing Kupferschiefer-type Copper Ore
(Doctoral theses at NTNU;2024:499, Doctoral thesis, 2024)The demand for metals continues to surge, necessitating advancements in mineral processing technologies to increase production capacity and efficiency. Flotation, a predominant method for separating valuable minerals from ... -
CO2 Monitoring Design using Value-of-Information Analysis with Applications to the Sleipner Project
(Journal article, 2024) -
Permanent tunnel support with reinforced shotcrete arches and forepoling in over-consolidated till and weathered rock. A case study based on the construction of the Bergås tunnel, Norway
(Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2025)Ground support in tunnels excavated through weak ground conditions in Norway has normally consisted of reinforced shotcrete methods. However, in cases where exceptionally poor ground or soil tunnel conditions were expected, ... -
Spatial Sediment Erosion and Yield using RUSLE coupled with distributed SDR model
(Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2024)Estimating sediment yield in a river is a challenging task in water resources field. Different methods are available for estimating sediment erosion and yield, but generally they are not spatially distributed in nature. ... -
The Almenningar landslides, northwestern Iceland - detailed characterization of fine-grained material and landslide properties
(Master thesis, 2024)I Almenningar-området nord på Tröllskagihalvøya på Nord-Island går det tre saktegående jordskred. Over skredene går det en viktig vei som forbinder Siglufjörður med resten av Island. Bevegelsene under veien fører til store ... -
Bismuth Metal Alloys: A Possible Future for Well Plugging and Abandonment
(Doctoral theses at NTNU;2024:480, Doctoral thesis, 2024)ALL things must come to an end, and so does the life cycle of a well. Permanent abandonment involves sealing the penetrated formation, or reservoir, to prevent hydrocarbons from migrating to the surface or into surrounding ... -
Viewpoint: Response to the article: "Key principles for hydropower tunnel design, construction and operation" by Dr. Brox published in H&D Issue 4, 2024
(Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2024)This Comment paper is in response to the article: ‘Key principles for hydropower tunnel design, construction and operation’ by Dr. Brox, published in H&D Issue 4, 2024. The letter responds to the author’s opinion on the ... -
3D-modellering av bergmasse og stabilitetsvurdering av planlagt tunnel ved E6 Langnesberga
(Master thesis, 2024)E6 forbi Langnesberga har blitt identifisert av Meld. St. 14 (2023–2024) (2024) som et av de mest skredutsatte veiene i Trøndelag. Det er besluttet å bygge en tunnel gjennom Langnesberga for å unngå denne eksponeringen. ... -
(Master thesis, 2024)Denne forskningen har som mål å undersøke effektiviteten av geomagnetiske metoder for å identifisere geologiske forkastninger og forstå hvordan forkastninger påvirker magnetiske feltdiagrammer. I tillegg utforsker studien ... -
Changes in cement paste during accelerated mortar bar testing for pyrrhotite containing aggregate
(Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2024)The accelerated mortar bar test (AMBT) for pyrrhotite (Fe1-xS) containing aggregates accelerates expansion using two regimes: Phase I, during which Fe1-xS oxidation to iron hydroxide is accelerated by bleach and storage ... -
Advances in geothermal drilling: A comparative study with oil and gas techniques
(Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2025)Geothermal energy is an essential clean and renewable resource that is reliable and has large reserves that are not impacted by the weather or the seasons. However, there are many barriers in the way of drawing heat out ... -
Stress path dependence of time-lapse seismic effects in shales: experimental comparison at seismic and ultrasonic frequencies
(Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2024)Changes in pore pressure within geological reservoirs, due to, e.g., hydrocarbon production, CO2 and energy storage, or wastewater disposal, may cause substantial stress changes in the overburden, altering propagation ... -
Black-oil PVT table generation methods
(Master thesis, 2024)In this paper the focus is on testing the validity of well known correlations, mainly which are from the Phase Behavior Monograph. This is done from a generated BOPVT Table at $T=200^oF$ with a two-step separator process, ... -
Innovative Top-Side Recombination Techniques for Enhancing Multi-Phase Flow Meter Measurements of Density, GOR, and Molar Compositions
(Master thesis, 2024)Multi-phase flow meter (MPFM) er avgjørende i petroleumsindustrien for nøyaktig bestemmelse av nøkkelparametere som tetthet, gass-olje forhold (GOR), og molare sammensetninger. Disse målingene er essensielle for effektiv ... -
Well integrity and late life extension - A current industry state of practice and literature review
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2024)Well integrity is an integral part of every phase of the well’s lifecycle. During the operational phase, well integrity monitoring and control is intended to reduce the risk of failures from degradation mechanisms so as ...