Subsea surveillance unit - (Undervanns overvåkningsenhet)
This master thesis was carried out by Eivind Prestholt during the spring 2015 in collaboration with Trollhetta AS.
The project can be seen as a concept study of a subsea surveillance unit intended for use in the oil and gas industries, where the focus mainly is monitoring tasks in areas where there are limited infrastructure, for example at a temporary abandoned well. The objective for the project has been to make it an introductory part of the development-process for the surveillance unit, providing Trollhetta AS with insight and inspiration for further development of a surveillance unit. The concept study has attempted to take on a realistic approach and tried to make the presented solutions display a certain degree of feasibility.
The project builds partly on a pre-project which was carried out in the autumn 2014 as part of the subject TPD 4500 Product design (PD9). However, the framework for the project was still rather open at the start of this master thesis. Extensive research was done to obtain insight and knowledge into relevant areas such as use, market, production and technical aspects. The research was largely based on interviews and visits to relevant companies and educational institutions. The design of the concept is based on various analyses, findings and results from the research together with requirements and wishes put down by Trollhetta. The work consisted mainly of designing the unit with main components and parts.
The final concept was developed with a focus on providing a flexible and practical standalone-solution which accommodate for optimal leak detection and monitoring.
The final concept displays features such as: Modularity and tailorability. Easy and inexpensive installation and collection. Sturdy anchoring and very trawl-resistant design.