Analysis of underwater snake robot locomotion based on a control-oriented model
Original version
Wang, Zhidong [Eds.] Proceedings of the 2015 IEEE Conference on Robotics and Biomimetics p. 1930-1937, IEEE conference proceedings, 2015 10.1109/ROBIO.2015.7419055Abstract
This paper presents an analysis of planar underwater snake robot locomotion in the presence of ocean currents. The robot is assumed to be neutrally buoyant and move fully submerged with a planar sinusoidal gait and limited link angles. As a basis for the analysis, an existing, controloriented model is further simplified and extended to general sinusoidal gaits. Averaging theory is then employed to derive the averaged velocity dynamics of the underwater snake robot from that model. It is proven that the averaged velocity converges exponentially to an equilibrium, and an analytical expression for calculating the forward velocity of the robot in steady state is derived. A simulation study that validates both the proposed modelling approach and the theoretical results is presented.