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dc.contributor.authorGiskeødegaard, Elin
dc.description.abstractThis study is about how entrepreneurs contribute to the development of societies, and how society contributes to the development of entrepreneurs. The thesis presents a case study about Orkdal municipality’s development and Christian Thams entrepreneurship. How entrepreneurs become entrepreneurs can be linked to economic cycles, local and national business, the environment, culture and history, traditions and the entrepreneur's personal qualities. This thesis’ emphasis is placed on local history, culture, environment and the entrepreneur’s personal characteristics as factors for entrepreneurship. All members of the Thams family was entrepreneurs. Wilhelm August Thams was the first to establish industrial operations in Orkdal. The establishment of steam sawmill Strandheim Brug gave residents of Orkdal prospects for a new livelihood and had major implications for the municipality’s further local development. Strandheim Brug, alongside the Thams family other establishment has influenced industrialization in Orkdal, and resulted in more growth. Especially Christian Thams’s communication establishment from Løkken to Trondheim was of great importance. Thesis research questions: - What impact has Thams family his work had in relation to industrialization and economic local development in Orkdal Municipality? Sub-questions: - Who was Christian Thams? How and why can he be called an entrepreneur? - What is Thams legacy? Is Thams entrepreneurial spirit still present in the municipality? Thesis findings: - Strandheim Brugs establishment was crucial for Orkdal Municipality industrializationprocess and further development. - Thams’s other establishments have also been important for the area's growth. - Christian Thams can be defined as an entrepreneur by Joseph Schumpeter's economic theory. - Orkdal Municipality is one of the leading municipalities in industry. Their culture, which is a consequence of the Thams family entrepreneurships, has been crucial to this development.nb_NO
dc.titleArven etter Thams : en studie av en manns entreprenørskap og dets ringvirkninger for en kommunes framtidnb_NO
dc.typeMaster thesisnb_NO
dc.subject.nsiVDP::Social science: 200nb_NO

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