Browsing Institutt for geografi by Issue Date
Now showing items 1-20 of 1145
Bonden og landskapet. Historier om natursyn, praksis og moral i det jærske landskapet
(Doctoral thesis, 2002)Tiltagende miljøproblemer som resultat av et stadig mer intensivt drevet jordbruk går som en rød tråd gjennom den norske agrare etterkrigshistorien. Identifiseringen av miljøproblemene har ledet fram til grunnleggende ... -
Geographical information processing: Towards transparent statistical mapping
(Doctoral thesis, 2002) -
Agriculture and cultural heritage. A state of the art report on research based knowledge
(Rapport Norsk senter for bygdeforskning;, Research report, 2002) -
Adopsjon av jordbruksinnovasjoner i Misungwi, Tanzania
(Master thesis, 2003)This thesis is the result of investigations of the agricultural practices in Misungwi district in Tanzania. The background for the research is the rough conditions for agriculture in the district and an assumption that ... -
Finding a place. Local integration and protracted displacement in Sri Lanka
(Doctoral thesis, 2003)In October 1990, the Liberation Tigers of Tamil Eelam expelled the entire Muslim population living in the LTTE-controlled areas of the Northern Province of Sri Lanka. Most of the northern Muslims arrived and settled in ... -
Kartlegging av landskap i samband med bruks- og verneplan for Lomsdalen-Visten området.- En oppfølging av St. meld. nr 62 (1992-93) ”Ny landsplan for nasjonalparker og andre større verneområder i Norge”
(NIJOS-rapport;, Research report, 2004)Prosjektet ”Kartlegging av landskap i samband med bruks- og verneplan for Lomsdalen-Visten området. - En oppfølging av St. meld. nr 62 (1992-93) Ny landsplan for nasjonalparker og andre større verneområder i Norge” har som ... -
Rural Landscape Change: Landscape Practices, Values and Meanings The Case of Jagatpur VDC, Chitwan Nepal
(Master thesis, 2004)In Nepal the nature conservation practices started during 1970s and the establishment of the Royal Chitwan National Park laid the foundation stone. Though the nature conservation practices in Nepal have undergone changes ... -
Connecting places - internet cafes as technosocial spaces
(Doctoral thesis, 2004)This is a study about the use of technology in particular places. It is about how spaces are produced through relations and practices involving technology and their users. The study is based on four internet cafés located ... -
Forslag til ny modell for detaljert arealressurskart - AR5
(NIJOS dokument;, Research report, 2005)Dokumentet gjev ei tilråding for innhald i eit nytt arealressurskart, AR5, som skal erstatta digitalt markslagskart. -
Zambia's housing scheme of the mid 1990s: Have the poor really been empowered?
(Master thesis, 2005)Issues of housing are becoming very important as the urban population grows at a very rapid rate, particularly in developing countries. The number of people who are homeless and those living in substandard housing in Zambia ... -
The role of district capitals in regional development : linking small towns, rural-urban linkages and decentralisation in Ghana
(Doktoravhandlinger ved NTNU, 1503-8181; 2005:118, Doctoral thesis, 2005) -
Housing the Urban Poor: Planning, Business and Politics: A Case Study of Duaripara Slum, Dhaka city, Bangladesh
(Master thesis, 2006)This study is conducted on Duripara slum of Dhaka city which is one of the fastest growing megalopolis and primate cities not only among the developing but also among the developed countries. The high rate of urbanization ... -
Technology Transfer: A case-study of the prominence of place and reciprocity in the global economy
(Doktoravhandlinger ved NTNU, 1503-8181; 2006:67, Doctoral thesis, 2006)This thesis presents a case study conducted within a Norwegain company, Raufoss ASA and their process of technology transfer in relation to establishing a new plant in Montreal, Canada. The research methods have mainly ... -
The impact of rural poverty on human development in Sri Lanka: A case study from a village in Kandy District
(Master thesis, 2006)The study has examined the impacts of rural poverty on human development in Sri Lanka. Recently, human development became one of the most important facts of the development process. Meanwhile it is obvious that the two ... -
Cognition, science and geography: an exploration into mental infrastructure and interdisciplinarity
(Master thesis, 2006)This text explores the significance of perspectives from the cognitive sciences for interdisciplinarity or cross-domain thinking in science, and particularly in geography. First interdisciplinarity is examined, describing ... -
The persistent food crisis in Ethiopis: causes, government responses and household strategies; the case of Enebse Sar Midir district
(Master thesis, 2006)This study looks into the underlying causes of household food shortage and coping and survival strategies of households. It also analyzes government intervention undertaken to address the problem. It was based on a field ... -
Livelihoods and survival strategies among migrant children i Addis Ababa
(Master thesis, 2006)This study attempts to explore the livelihoods and survival strategies of migrant children who live on the street or make a living on street based activities in Addis Ababa. It also depicts and analyses the forces behind ... -
Women, poverty and HIV/AIDS in the Abura-Asebu-Kwamankese district
(Master thesis, 2006)This is about women, poverty and vulnerability of HIV/AIDS in Moree and Asebu in the Abura-Asebu-Kwamankese District in the Central Region of Ghana. The main objective of the study is to find out whether poverty actually ... -
Small-Scale Stone Quarrying: Its Contribution to People's Livelihoods.: A Case Study Kasenge Parish, Nama Sub-County, Mukono District (Uganda)
(Master thesis, 2006)With majority of the world’s poor living in rural areas and engaging in agriculture governments and NGOs have taken measures to promote agricultural activities so as to alleviate poverty. Uganda’s Poverty Eradication Action ... -
The management of south luangwa national park towards sustainable tourism development
(Master thesis, 2006)This thesis explores communities’ participation and involvement in both wildlife-based and tourist activities in south Luangwa national park with particular focus on local participation/ devolution. Specifically, it assesses ...