Virtual humans in the Virtual Hospital
Described in this thesis are the details behind the implementation of virtual hu-mans into NTNU's virtual university hospital in Second Life. These virtual hu-mans played as patients, and it will be discussed how such virtual patients cancontribute to the education of medical personnel. The work in this project buildupon work done earlier on the virtual hospital by the students Kleven and Heintz.Virtual environments have been explored earlier by other projects as an alterna-tive to traditional patient simulation and paper based education. These projectshave been met with positive results, and this thesis was an attempt to implementvirtual humans in a virtual hospital for purposes of patient simulation. The eval-uation of the work took place in two stages. Firstly, a testing of the system bynurse students and teachers from Alesund University College. The second stagewas the presentation of the system to two experts, a teacher from the Faculty ofNursing (HiST), and a professor at the Department of Public Health and GeneralPractice (NTNU).