NTNU Universitetsbiblioteket
Nye registreringer
Perceptions and management of risk in the translation of a Norwegian-language health app into English
(Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2024)Health texts are a type of text where non-optimal translation can have serious consequences. In the eHealth/mHealth case study presented here, we explore how different categories of translational agents perceive risk and ... -
Artificial Intelligence in PhD Education: New Perspectives for Research Libraries
(Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2024)Artificial intelligence (AI) will drastically influence and change the working methods of scholars and researchers. This paper presents findings from a broad, national survey and a workshop focusing on the challenges and ... -
Norsk vitenskap i støpeskjeen: Gerhard Schønings vitenskapelige aktivitet i Norge under opplysningstida
(Skrifter;, Book, 2024)Gerhard Schøning var født i 1722 i Lofoten og døde i 1780 i København. Fra sin opprinnelse i et nordnorsk miljø av handels- og embetsfolk ble han et fremtredende medlem av det intellektuelle miljøet i opplysningstidens ... -
Aktiveringspolitikk og prioritering i kommunale helse- og omsorgstjenester til eldre: Tjenestetildelingens «fortjenestefullhet»
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2024)Tjenestetildeling og prioritering i de kommunale helse- og omsorgstjenestene har fått ny aktualitet i lys av bærekraftutfordringer i primærhelsetjenesten. I artikkelen undersøker vi hvordan styringssignaler og moralske ... -
Artificial intelligence, real library - Final report for Project Laibro
(Report, 2024)Artificial intelligence (AI) has the potential to transform library services and operations. This report presents the results from Project Laibro "Artificial Intelligence, Real Library," which aimed to chart the course for ... -
Chatbots and scholarly databases: Impressions from trying out Scopus AI
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2025)This viewpoint article explores the Scopus AI — Elsevier’s innovative add on to the Scopus database, which allows users to engage with the Scopus database in natural language rather than via Boolean operators. Scopus AI’ ... -
Psychoeducational group interventions for adults diagnosed with attention-deficit/ hyperactivity disorder: a scoping review of feasibility, acceptability, and outcome measures
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2024)Introduction Although psychoeducational group interventions are increasingly used for adults diagnosed with attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD), a comprehensive review focused on the feasibility and acceptability ... -
A scoping review of cerebral Doppler arterial waveforms in infants
(Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2023)Cerebral Doppler ultrasound has been an important tool in pediatric diagnostics and prognostics for decades. Although the Doppler spectrum can provide detailed information on cerebral perfusion, the measured spectrum is ... -
Barriers and Facilitators for Physical Activity Among Children and Youth With Autism—A Scoping Review
(Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2024)Background: The purpose of this scoping review was to systematically synthesize barriers and facilitators for physical activity (PA) among children and youth with autism spectrum disorders (ASD) across the socioecological ... -
Kunstig intelligens, ekte bibliotek: Sluttrapport for Prosjekt Laibro
(Report, 2024)Kunstig intelligens har potensial til å transformere biblioteketstjenester og -drift. Denne rapporten presenterer resultater fra Prosjekt Laibro «Kunstig intelligens, ekte bibliotek», som har hatt som mål å stake ut en ... -
Psychoeducation for adult ADHD: a scoping review about characteristics, patient involvement, and content
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2024)Background Psychosocial interventions such as psychoeducation are increasingly being used to treat adult ADHD, both as an alternative and as a supplement to pharmacotherapy. A thorough overview of the literature on ... -
Om å kartleggja mørk materie med maskinlæring
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2023) -
Effects of education on adult mortality: a global systematic review and meta-analysis
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2024)Background The positive effect of education on reducing all-cause adult mortality is known; however, the relative magnitude of this effect has not been systematically quantified. The aim of our study was to estimate the ... -
Lessons Learned: HE driven open innovation to sustain CHOs in Europe
(Research report, 2024)Provide a guideline for the development of OIP (Open Innovation Project) driven by Higher Education Institutes (HEIs) for the benefit of Cultural Heritage Organisations (CHOs). The outcome to be expected is the definition ... -
Making space for CRISPR: scientists’ translation work to make gene editing a legitimate technology
(Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2023)This paper focuses on scientists working with CRISPR in Norway, where genetic modification is thought to be a particularly stigmatized technology with strict regulation and a strong consumer skepticism. Drawing on actor–network ... -
Språklig og litterær re-videring: Cortázar lest med nye øyne
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2023)Artikkelen undersøker fenomenet språkrevidering fra et akademisk perspektiv. Gjennom en komparativ lesning av to bokmålsutgaver av Julio Cortázars Seremonier, utgitt for første gang i 1970 og presentert som «språkrevidert» ... -
Review of the theory, principles, and design requirements of human-centric Internet of Things (IoT)
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2023) -
Gerhard Schønings arkiv og kildesamling i København
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2023)Den norske historikeren Gerhard Schøning (1722–80) etterlot seg et stort arkiv i København. Ved Schønings død i 1780 kjøpte kongen opp arkivet og tilhørende kildesamling for 1260 riksdaler. Få norske historikere har benyttet ... -
The health consequences of informal employment among female workers and their children: a systematic review
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2023)Background Informal employment is unprotected and unregistered and it is often characterized by precarious working arrangements. Although being a global phenomenon and the most common type of employment worldwide, ...