• Erfaringer med oppfølgingsordningen 2020-23 

      Jones, Mari-Ana Myfanwy; Bergh, Camilla Fredrikke; Hagerup, Pia Skog; Aasen, Arne Johannes (Research report, 2024)
    • Establishing Rating Scales to Assess Writing Proficiency Development in Young Learners 

      Skar, Gustaf Bernhard Uno; Jølle, Lennart; Aasen, Arne Johannes (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2020)
      Writing assessment scales were developed to include functional aspects of writing proficiency in contemporary Norwegian teaching toolkits for Grades 1 to 3. This study aims to describe the process of developing empirically ...
    • Functional Writing in the Primary Years: Protocol for a Mixed-Methods Writing Intervention Study 

      Skar, Gustaf Bernhard Uno; Aasen, Arne Johannes; Jølle, Lennart (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2020)
      This protocol article describes the project Functional Writing in the Primary Years, which received funding in late 2018 and was started in August 2019. The Functional Writing in Primary School (FUS) project aims to increase ...
    • Handwriting fluency and the quality of primary grade students’ writing 

      Skar, Gustaf Bernhard Uno; Lei, Pui-Wa; Graham, Steve; Aasen, Arne Johannes; Byberg Johansen, Marita; Kvistad, Anne Holten (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2021)
      Until children can produce letters quickly and accurately, it is assumed that handwriting disrupts and limits the quality of their text. This investigation is the largest study to date (2596 girls, 2354 boys) assessing the ...
    • A longitudinal intervention study of the effects of increasing amount of meaningful writing across grades 1 and 2 

      Skar, Gustaf Bernhard Uno; Graham, Steve; Huebner, Alan; Kvistad, Anne Holten; Johansen, Marita Byberg; Aasen, Arne Johannes (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2023)
      The current study examined the effectiveness of a writing is caught approach with young developing writers in Norway. This method is based on the premise that writing competence is acquired naturally through real use in ...
    • Risikotrekk og skjulte kvalitetar i elevtekstar 

      Skar, Gustaf Bernhard Uno; Aasen, Arne Johannes (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2016-02)
      Denne artikkelen undersøker ein elevtekst frå dei nasjonale utvalsprøvene i skriving som ei rekkje ekspertvurderarar har bedømt svært ulikt. Formålet med analysen er å avdekke vurderingsområde som kan vere krevjande å ...
    • School Writing in Norway: Fifteen Years With Writing as Key Competence 

      Skar, Gustaf Bernhard Uno; Aasen, Arne Johannes (Chapter, 2021)
      Some 15 years ago, all teachers in Norway became writing teachers—at least according to the new curriculum—overnight. Following a “PISA-shock” in the early 2000s, Norwegian legislators decided to reform the national ...
    • Å måle skriving som grunnleggende ferdighet 

      Skar, Gustaf Bernhard Uno; Aasen, Arne Johannes (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2018)
      Denne artikkelen undersøker utviklinga av skriveprøver i Norge (i 2005 og 2009–2017). Formålet er å drøfte utfordringer forbundet med det å måle elevers skriving som grunnleggende ferdighet gjennom skriveprøver. I undersøkelsen ...