Browsing Institutt for pedagogikk og livslang læring by Document Types "Journal article"
Now showing items 1-20 of 386
A carta relacional en terapia de pareja: un recurso narrativo para la reconstrucción de la ética y el bienestar interpersonal
(Journal article, 2019)This paper is entirely focused on a specific therapeutic resource in couple therapy: the relational letter. This is a tool, that emerged from narrative therapy, designed to revitalise couples’ relational ethics and consists ... -
A panel study of sickness presence and sickness absence among secondary school students
(Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2019)Objectives: This article investigates sickness presence among secondary school students in 5 European countries. The research questions asked are: What characterizes students with high sickness presence in secondary schools? ... -
A pilot study of impulse radio ultra wideband radar technology as a new tool for sleep assessment
(Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2018)Study Objectives: To validate Impulse radio ultra wideband pulse-doppler radar technology against polysomnography (PSG) for sleep assessment. Methods: In all, 12 participants were recruited and their overnight sleep was ... -
A wager for life: Queer children seeking asylum in Norway
(Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2019)This article explores the experiences of queer children who have sought asylum alone in Norway, focussing on hope, fear and despair. The children who are denied asylum relate an experience of standing at the brink of death, ... -
Adolescents: Differences in friendship patterns related to gender
(Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2016)Based on a survey of 123 Norwegian students aged 14-15 (grade 10) this article will discuss possible gender differences in peer relations, social position and friendship criteria. The students filled in a questionnaire ... -
Advancing the status of nursing: reconstruction professional nursing identity through patient safety work
(Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2019)Background Recent decades have seen increased attention to patient safety in health care. This is often in the form of programmes aiming to change professional behaviours. Health professionals in hospitals have traditionally ... -
Affirmative and Non-affirmative Dimensions in Quality Assurance: Balancing the Accountability–Improvement Dilemma as a Matter of Trust and Learning
(Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2024)Today, given the build-up of national quality assurance systems, ‘quality management’ within higher education institutions requires critical attention. This management operates as a balance between accountability, which ... -
“And then it’s my turn”: Negotiating participation in tablet activities in early childhood education and care
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2021)The article explores the sociomaterial organization of preschool children’s digital literacy activities, focusing on how participant positions are enacted and distributed. The data material consists of 70 hours of ... -
Annerledes og likeverdig: førstelektorstillingens skjebne under akademias konvensjoner
(Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2024)I Norge finnes to karriereveier innen undervisning og forskning i høyere utdanning. Veien fra stipendiat via førsteamanuensis til professor er den mest brukte. Men en tredel av de tilsatte i høyere utdanning er tilsatt i ... -
Are educational transitions related to young people’s loneliness and mental health: a systematic review
(Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2024)Transitions can be described as passage/movement from one life phase, condition, or status to another, where people learn to adapt to the change through inner reorientation, adaptation, and/or transformation. The aim was ... -
"Are you good at dating?" The emergence of learning discourses in dating television
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2022)Within various everyday practices there is a tendency to talk about, categorise and deal with what happens through discourses of learning. Popular culture reveals clear examples of how learning vocabularies and repertoires ... -
Aspects of Elite Female Football Players’ Training Loads and Sleep Variations
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2024)The current study investigated the associations between female football players’ training loads and their sleep variations. The sample included 21 female elite football players from a Norwegian top-league club with a mean ... -
Association between Laboratory Capacities and World-cup Performance in Nordic Combined
(Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2017)Background Nordic combined (NC) is an Olympic winter-sport performed as a ski jumping (SJ) event followed by a cross-country (XC) pursuit race employing the skating style. Purpose To elucidate the associations ... -
Awareness based technologies for leadership development: utilising Immunity to Change coaching
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2015)This article presents a study of the use of Immunity to Change (ITC) coaching in an integrated leadership development programme as an example of awareness based leadership development technology. Constructivist developmental ... -
«Å gjøre noe sammen vi ikke kunne gjort alene»: Rask psykisk helsehjelp som et interkommunalt psykisk helsetjenestetilbud
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2020)Kommunestørrelse har betydning for hvilke psykisk helsetjenester som er tilgjengelige for befolkningen, og det er få kommuner som samarbeider om psykisk helsetjenester for personer med lettere og moderate psykiske vansker. ... -
Back to the future – Challenging traditional positions and hierarchies in academic development
(Journal article, 2020)With the emphasis on evidence in academic development, it is important to consider how research on higher education is conducted, who influences its direction and what questions are being raised. In this work, I will take ... -
Balancing freedom and commitment - making higher education matter to working life
(Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2015)I dagens debatt innenfor høyere utdanning er sammenhengen mellom utdanning og arbeidsliv et stadig tilbakevendende tema. I denne artikkelen utforsker vi dette samspillet basert på intervjuer med studenter på et tverrfaglig ... -
Barnas Valg – når barna går til stemmeurnene
(Journal article, 2019)I forbindelse med stortingsvalget 2017 organiserte Redd Barna i Norge et valg for barn i form av en nettbasert stemmeavgivning. Barnas valg var inspirert av artikkel 12 i FNs Barnekonvensjon, og et av de uttalte målene var ... -
Barnefellesskap som demokratisk danningsarena : kva kan gje høve til medverknad i leik i barnehagen?
(Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2011)Abstract: Children’s formal right to participate in the formation of their everyday life in Norwegian kindergar-tens, has led to several discussions of democracy connected to young children in kindergartens. This article ... -
Barneperspektiv - en ressurs i kritisk samfunnsvitenskap? : et faghistorisk bidrag
(Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2019)Artikkelen er et faghistorisk bidrag som har som mål å synliggjøre tidlige bidrag med et barneperspektiv, i en norsk kontekst. Med utgangpunkt i forskning fra samfunnsvitenskap der barn er informanter og anerkjennes som ...