• Tailoring Multi-Dimensional Outcomes to Level of Functional Recovery after Traumatic Brain Injury 

      Wilson, Lindsay; Horton, Lindsay; Polinder, Suzanne; Newcombe, Virginia F.J.; Steinbuechel, Nicole v.; Maas, Andrew I. R.; Menon, David K; Åkerlund, Cecilia; Andelic, Nada; Andreassen, Lasse; Vik, Anne; Anke, Audny Gabriele Wagner; Skandsen, Toril; Frisvold, Shirin; Røise, Olav; Helseth, Eirik; DAHL, HILDE MARGRETE; Røe, Cecilie; Audibert, Gérard; Azouvi, Philippe; Azzolini, Maria Luisa; Barzó, Pál; Beauvais, Romuald; Beer, Ronny; Bellander, Bo-Michael; Benali, Habib; Berardino, Maurizio; Beretta, Luigi; Blaabjerg, Morten; Bragge, Peter; Brazinova, Alexandra; Brinck, Vibeke; Brooker, Joanne; Brorsson, Camilla; Buki, Andras; Bullinger, Monika; Cabeleira, Manuel; Caccioppola, Alessio; Calappi, Emaliana; Calvi, Maria Rosa; Cameron, Peter; Lozano, Guillermo Carbayo; Carbonara, Marco; Cavallo, Simona; Chevallard, Giorgio; Chieregato, Arturo; Citerio, Giuseppe; Clusmann, Hans; Coburn, Mark; Coles, Jonathan (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2022)
      There is increasing emphasis on assessing multi-dimensional outcomes in traumatic brain injury (TBI), but achieving this aim is hampered by a plethora of overlapping assessment tools. There is a clear need for advice on ...
    • Takayasu Arteritis and Pregnancy: A Population-Based Study on Outcomes and Mother/Child-Related Concerns 

      Gudbrandsson, Birgir Mar; Wallenius, Marianne; Garen, Torhild Oddveig; Henriksen, Tore; Molberg, Øyvind; Palm, Øyvind (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2017)
      Objective To assess pregnancy outcomes in an unselected Takayasu arteritis (TAK) cohort, and identify pregnancy‐related concerns. Methods Consenting female patients with TAK were predominantly recruited from a ...
    • Taking home-based services into everyday life; older adults' participation with service providers in the context of receiving home-based services 

      Witsø, Aud Elisabeth; Ytterhus, Borgunn; Vik, Kjersti (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2015)
      This article aims to increase the understanding of older adults' participation with home-based service providers. It is critical to ensure that home-based services promote older adults' ability to live in their own homes, ...
    • Taleoppfattelse i et ordinært klasserom 

      Næss, Lise; Kularas, Abirami (Bachelor thesis, 2022)
      Formål: Menneskets hovedvei til kommunikasjon kommer via det viktigste talesignalet vi hører. Tale er viktig for kommunikasjon, og kan bidra til å påvirke undervisning og trivsel på skolen. Å oppfatte tale er viktig for ...
    • Taleoppfattelse i et ordinært klasserom 

      Næss, Lise; Kularas, Abirami (Bachelor thesis, 2022)
      Formål: Menneskets hovedvei til kommunikasjon kommer via det viktigste talesignalet vi hører. Tale er viktig for kommunikasjon, og kan bidra til å påvirke undervisning og trivsel på skolen. Å oppfatte tale er viktig for ...
    • Tannhelseprosjektet ved St. Olavs Hospital : kartlegging av orale diagnoser og behandlingsbehov hos pasienter fra hjertemedisinsk dag- og femdøgnsenhet henvist til Tannteamet i perioden 2012 – 2015 

      Wisur, Siri Anne (Master thesis, 2016)
      Bakgrunn I en rapport fra 2010 konstaterte Helsedirektoratet at det er stor variasjon i tilbudet av tannhelsetjenester i norske sykehus når det kommer til både omfang, innhold og organisering (1). I 2012 ble derfor ...
    • Task shifting of intraocular injections from physicians to nurses: a randomized single-masked noninferiority study 

      Bolme, Stine; Morken, Tora Sund; Follestad, Turid; Sørensen, Torben Lykke; Austeng, Dordi (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2019)
      Purpose To test if task shifting of intraocular injections to nurses in a real‐world setting can result in similar visual function outcome with equal safety profile. Method All patients with either age‐related macular ...
    • Task shifting of intravitreal injections from physicians to nurses: a qualitative study 

      Bolme, Stine; Austeng, Dordi; Gjeilo, Kari Hanne (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2021)
      Background Intravitreal injections of anti-vascular endothelial growth factor are high-volume procedures and represent a considerable workload on ophthalmology departments. Several departments have tried to meet this ...
    • Tau analysis of arm movements in early infancy as a detection method for cerebral palsy 

      Mitchell, Amy (Master thesis, 2015)
      Cerebral palsy is the most common motor disability seen in children. Physicians agree that early detection and intervention for affected children is desirable, yet current diagnostic measures rely heavily upon a child’s ...
    • Teaching general practitioners to activate older patients: the intervening role of changes in perceived communication skills 

      Wlodarczyk, Dorota; Lazarewicz, Magdalena Anna; Rzadkiewicz, Marta; Chylinska, Joanna; Miroslawa, Adamus; Jaworski, Mariusz; Lillefjell, Monica; Haugan, Gørill; Espnes, Geir Arild (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2019)
      Objective This report examined whether a change in the perceived communication behaviour (PeCoBe) of general practitioners (GPs) influenced the effect of the Promoting Active Aging (PRACTA) intervention on activation ...
    • Team approach: Multidisciplinary treatment of hip fractures in elderly patients: Orthogeriatric care 

      Figved, Wender; Myrstad, Marius; Saltvedt, Ingvild; Finjarn, Merete; Odland, Liv Marie Flaten; Frihagen, Frede Jon (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2019)
      Patients with hip fractures are best managed by a multidisciplinary team. The multidisciplinary team consists of an orthogeriatrician, orthopaedic surgeon, aanesthesiologist, orthopaedic and/or geriatric nurse, occupational ...
    • Technical validation of real-world monitoring of gait: A multicentric observational study 

      Mazzà, Claudia; Alcock, Lisa; Aminian, Kamiar; Becker, Clemens; Bertuletti, Stefano; Bonci, Tecla; Brown, Philip; Brozgol, Marina; Buckley, Ellen; Carsin, Anne-Elie; Caruso, Marco; Caulfield, Brian; Cereatti, Andrea; Chiari, Lorenzo; Chynkiamis, Nikolaos; Ciravegna, Fabio; Del Din, Silvia; Eskofier, Bjoern M.; Evers, Jordi; Garcia-Aymerich, Judith; Gazit, Eran; Hansen, Clint; Hausdorff, Jeffrey M.; Helbostad, Jorunn L.; Hiden, Hugo; Hume, Emily; Paraschiv-Ionescu, Anisoara; Ireson, Neil; Keogh, Alison; Kirk, Cameron; Kluge, Felix; Koch, Sarah; Küderle, Arne; Lanfranchi, Vitaveska; Maetzler, Walter; Micó-Amigo, M Encarna; Mueller, Arne; Neatrour, Isabel; Niessen, Martijn; Palmerini, Luca; Pluimgraaff, Lucas; Reggi, Luca; Salis, Francesca; Schwickert, Lars; Scott, Kirsty; Sharrack, Basil; Sillen, Henrik; Singleton, David; Soltani, Abolfazi; Taraldsen, Kristin; Ullrich, Martin; Van Gelder, Linda; Vereijken, Beatrix; Vogiatzis, Ioannis; Warmerdam, Elke; Yarnall, Alison; Rochester, Lynn (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2021)
    • Technique analysis in elite athletes using principal component analysis 

      Gløersen, Øyvind Nøstdahl; Myklebust, Håvard; Hallén, Jostein; Federolf, Peter Andreas (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2018)
      The aim of this study was to advance current movement analysis methodology to enable a technique analysis in sports facilitating (1) concurrent comparison of the techniques between several athletes; (2) identification of ...
    • Technologies for assessment of bone reflecting bone strength and bone mineral density in elderly women: An update 

      Dhainaut, Alvilde; Hoff, Mari; Syversen, Unni; Haugeberg, Glenn (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2016)
      Reduced bone mineral density is a strong risk factor for fracture. The WHO’s definition of osteoporosis is based on bone mineral density measurements assessed by dual x-ray absorptiometry. Several on other techniques than ...
    • Template-Based Recognition of Human Locomotion in IMU Sensor Data Using Dynamic Time Warping 

      Sczuka, Kim; Schneider, Marc; Bourke, Alan; Mellone, Sabato; Kerse, Ngaire; Helbostad, Jorunn L.; Becker, Clemens; Klenk, Jochen (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2021)
      Increased levels of light, moderate and vigorous physical activity (PA) are positively associated with health benefits. Therefore, sensor-based human activity recognition can identify different types and levels of PA. In ...
    • Temporal and kinematic patterns distinguishing the G2 from the G4 skating sub-technique 

      Meyer, Frederic; Kocbach, J.; Tjønnås, J.; Danielsen, J.; Seeberg, Trine Margrethe; Austeng, A.; Sandbakk, Ø. (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2021)
      In cross-country ski skating, both the G2 and G4 sub-techniques involve one pole push for every second ski push but are used at largely different speed-slope ranges. The aim of this study was to compare temporal and kinematic ...
    • Temporal Relationship between High-Intensity Exercise and Atrial Fibrillation Episodes 

      Teige, Ana Sofia Izaguirre (Master thesis, 2024)
      Sammendrag Bakgrunn Atrieflimmer (AF) er en vanlig hjertearytmi og det er utilstrekkelig kunnskap om trening sin effekt til å kunne gi gode treningsanbefalinger for pasienter med AF. Forskning innen trigger effekten ...
    • Ten Lessons for Good Practice for the INHERIT Triple Win: Health, Equity and Environmental Sustainability 

      Bell, Ruth; Khan, Matluba; Romeo-Velilla, Maria; Stegeman, Ingrid; Godfrey, Alba; Taylor, Timothy; Morris, George A.; Staatsen, Brigit; van der Vliet, Nina; Kruize, Hanneke; Anthun, Kirsti Sarheim; Lillefjell, Monica; Espnes, Geir Arild; Chiabai, Aline; García de Jalón, Silvestre; Quiroga, Sonia; Martinez-Juarez, Pablo; Máca, Vojtech; Zverinova, Iva; Ščasný, Milan; Marques, Sibila; Craveiro, Daniela; Westerink, Joyce; Spelt, Hanne; Karnaki, Pania; Strube, Rosa; Merritt, Anne-Sophie; Friberg, Marita; Bélorgey, Nathalie; Vos, Marjolijn; Gjorgjev, Dragan; Upelniece, Inese; Costongs, Caroline (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2019)
      The world’s challenges of climate change, damage to ecosystems, and social and health inequalities require changes in human behaviours at every level of organisation, among governments, business, communities, and individuals. ...
    • Ten years of change in clinical disease status and treatment in rheumatoid arthritis: Results based on standardized monitoring of patients in an ordinary outpatient clinic in southern Norway 

      Haugeberg, Glenn; Hansen, Inger Johanne Widding; Soldal, Dag; Sokka, Tuulikki (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2015)
      Introduction In the new millennium, clinical outcomes in patients with rheumatoid arthritis (RA) have improved. Despite a large number of register data, there is a lack of data reflecting the entire outpatient RA ...