Browsing Fakultet for medisin og helsevitenskap (uspesifisert) by Issue Date
Now showing items 1-20 of 910
Fuktige bygninger gir helseplager: Beskrevet i det gamle testamentet, men fortsatt et problem
(Research report, 2000)Konklusjoner og anbefalinger • Fuktskader under bygging og drift må unngås. Bygningsmateriell må transporteres og lagres rent og tørt. Fuktskadet,sopp- og bakterieinfisert materiale må fjernes. • Fukt i bygninger kan ... -
Molecular mechanisms involved in TNF - and gastrin-mediated gene regulation
(Dissertations at the Faculty of Medicine, 0805-7680; 189, Doctoral thesis, 2001)Cells in a multicellular organism depend on extensive communication with each other. Eukaryotic cells have developed elaborate signal transduction systems by which externally provided information (hormones, cytokines, ... -
Novel cytokines in growth control and bone disease of multiple myeloma
(Dissertations at the Faculty of Medicine, 0805-7680; 182, Doctoral thesis, 2001)Myelomatose (benmargskreft) er en blodsyk dom som rammer ca 200 nordmenn årlig. Sykdommen kan ikke kureres og karakteriseres av symptomer som benmargssvikt og infeksjonstendenns, men kanskje først og fremst av sykelig ... -
The significance of anxiety and depression in fatique and patterns of pain among individuals dagnosed with fibromyalgia: Relations with quality of life, functional disability, lifestyle, employment status, co-morbidity and gender
(Dissertations at the Faculty of Medicine, 0805-7680; 198, Doctoral thesis, 2001)The main purpose of the theses is to explore the significance of anxiety and depression in patterns of pain, fatigue, quality of life. Lifestyle, functional disability, co-morbidity and gender among individuals given the ... -
The classification and clinical diagnosis of Alcohol-related seizures
(Dissertations at the Faculty of Medicine, 0805-7680; 185, Doctoral thesis, 2001)The aims of this dissertation were to investigate alcohol-related seizures in clinical neurological practice. We wanted to assess the extent of this problem, to classify the seizures, and to investigate methods to improve ... -
Strain rate imaging og the left ventricle by ultrasound: Feasibility, clinical validation and physiological aspects
(Dissertations at the Faculty of Medicine; 192, Doctoral thesis, 2001) -
Functional Aspects of the ECL Cell in Rodents
(Dissertations at the Faculty of Medicine, 0805-7680; 194, Doctoral thesis, 2001)Gastric acid plays an important role in digesting food (especially proteins), iron absorption, and destroying swallowed micro-organism. N4 is secreted by the oxyntic parietal cells. Its secretion is regulated by endocrine, ... -
Seasonal Variation of Human Mood and Behavior
(Dissertations at the Faculty of Medicine, 0805-7680; 183, Doctoral thesis, 2001)Seasonal variations of mood, behavior and physiology have been of increasing interest. At least two different seasonal rhythms seem to exist: Descriptions of Seasonal Affective Disorder (SAD) with increased weight, increased ... -
Receptors involved in cell activation by defined uronic acid polymers and bacterial components
(Dissertations at the Faculty of Medicine, 0805-7680; 187, Doctoral thesis, 2001)PAPER 1 In the first paper we show that reducing the average molecular weight from ~350 kDa to <6kDa by acid hydrolysis diminished the cell-stimulating activity of poly-M, measured as TNFproduction from human monocytes. ... -
Inflammatory mediators in perinatal infections
(Dissertations at the Faculty of Medicine, 0805-7680; 202, Doctoral thesis, 2002) -
Magnetic resonance imaging and spectroscopy of breast cancer
(Doktoravhandlinger ved NTNU, 1503-8181, Doctoral thesis, 2002)Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) has become one of the most important diagnostic tools in oncology. Dynamic contrast-enhanced (DCE) MRI of breast cancer provides information on functional features such as vascularity and ... -
Respiratory symptoms, lung function, and bone mineral density in a comprehensive population study: The Nord-Trøndelag Health Study 1995-97, The Bronchial Obstruction in Nord-Trøndelag Study
(Dissertations at the Faculty of Medicine, 0805-7680; 232, Doctoral thesis, 2003)The prevalence of respiratory symptoms and diseases like asthma and chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD), seem to have increased the last decades. The reason for the increase in asthma related symptoms and allergy ... -
Routine based recording of adverse eventsduring anaesthesia: application in quality improvement and safety
(Dissertations at the Faculty of Medicine, 0805-7680; 228, Doctoral thesis, 2003) -
Skin infections in occupational saturation divers in the North Sea and the impact of the environment
(Dissertations at the Faculty of Medicine, 0805-7680; 231, Doctoral thesis, 2003) -
Effects of fatty acids and over-stimulation on insulin secretion in man
(Dissertations at the Faculty of Medicine, 0805-7680; 217, Doctoral thesis, 2003)Pressemelding: Behandling av type 2 diabetes har trolig best effekt i en tidlig fase av sykdommen. Dette skriver assistentlege Elisabeth Qvigstad (36) fra Grimstad i doktoravhandlingen sin ved Norges teknisk-naturvitenskapelige ... -
Studies of early retrovirus-host interactions. Viral determinants for pathogenesis and the influence of sex on the susceptibility to Friend murine leukaemia virus infection
(Dissertations at the Faculty of Medicine; 225, Doctoral thesis, 2003)The studies in the present thesis sought to define virus and host factors that can influence on the susceptibility to murine retrovirus infection. In addition, we wanted to study possible correlations between events of ... -
Rectal cancer treatment in Norway - standardisation of surgery and quality assurance
(Dissertations at the Faculty of Medicine, 0805-7680; 232, Doctoral thesis, 2003)The main purpose of the present work was to evaluate the efforts taken by the Norwegian surgical community in order to promote and enhance the standards of rectal cancer treatment on a national level, in particular: - to ...