• A Feature Discretization Method for Classification of High-Resolution Remote Sensing Images in Coastal Areas 

      Chen, Qiong; Huang, Mengxing; Wang, Hao (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2021)
      Feature discretization is one of the most relevant techniques for data preprocessing in remote sensing research area. Its main goal is to transform the continuous features of images into discrete ones to improve the ...
    • Feature Extraction and Analysis Approach for Distinguishing Between Different Types of Malicious Websites 

      Homb, Gjert Michael Torp (Master thesis, 2023)
      Denne oppgaven fokuserer på å skille mellom forskjellige typer ondsinnede nettsteder ved å identifisere fremtredende attributter blant forskjellige typer ondsinnede nettsider. Den raske utviklingen av ondsinnede nettsteder ...
    • Feature Extraction and Static Analysis for Large-Scale Detection of Malware Types and Families 

      Grini, Lars Strande (Master thesis, 2016-02-01)
      There exist different methods of identifying malware, and widespread method is the one found in almost every antivirus solution on the market today; the signature based approach. This approach uses a one-way cryptographic ...
    • Feature-based detection of fake Twitter profiles using machine learning 

      Iversen, Richard (Master thesis, 2020)
      Denne hovedoppgaven undersøker hvordan falske Twitter-profiler kan identifiseres ved hjelp av maskinlæring. Ved å bruke et datasett med 1000 falske kontoer og 10.000 ekte kontoer, lærer vi opp våre binære klassifiseringsmodeller ...
    • Fiber to the Home with an Emphasis on Greenfield Developments 

      Vathanagopalan, Rushanth (Master thesis, 2008)
      Fibre-to-the-home (FTTH) is experiencing great public acceptance throughout the world, as well as in Norway. This thesis investigates the technological, economical and strategic aspects of FTTH with an emphasis on greenfield ...
    • Field Test of Mobile Terminals in a Wireless City 

      Stray, Petter (Master thesis, 2007)
      A rising question today is whether or not wireless networks and terminals are at the border of being able to compete with the cellular phone service. A variety of terminals are available and citywide wireless networks are ...
    • File Detection in Network Traffic Using Approximate Matching 

      Gupta, Vikas (Master thesis, 2013)
      Virtually every day data breach incidents are reported in the news. Scammers, fraudsters, hackers and malicious insiders are raking in millions with sensitive business and personal information. Not all incidents involve ...
    • Filter array based spectral imaging : Demosaicking and design considerations 

      Wang, Xingbo (Doctoral thesis at NTNU;2016;, Doctoral thesis, 2016)
      Spectral imaging apparatus in current use are often cumbersome, costly and slow in operation, which becomes a major obstacle to extensive use of spectral imaging in several application areas. In recent years, the technical ...
    • Financial Aspects of the Online Gaming Service Industry 

      Larsen, Christer-Andre (Master thesis, 2011)
      The goal of this thesis is to identify and analyze the dominant revenue models in the OGS industry, as well as the logic behind the choice of a specific model. Identification of the prevalent models and their characteristics ...
    • Finding Educationally Friendly Malware 

      Bjørkhaug, Aleksander (Master thesis, 2021)
      Denne rapporten er en masteroppgave som har mål om å undersøke hva utdanningsvennlig skadevare kan være, og hjelpe lærere med å finne dem. Vi ønsker å finne hva som identifiserer skadevaren som utdanningsvennlig, og lage ...
    • Finding weaknesses in web applications through the means of fuzzing 

      Hammersland, Rune (Master thesis, 2008)
      NORSK: Håndtering av brukerinput i web-applikasjoner har ved flere anledninger vist seg å være en vanskelig oppgave. Gang på gang har vi sett sårbarheter i slike applikasjoner på grunn av måten input benyttes uten å ...
    • Fine tuning BERT for detecting cyber grooming in online chats 

      Melleby Aarnseth, Simen (Master thesis, 2023)
      This thesis will look into how cyber grooming may be detected through the natural language processing model BERT, with an emphasis on the use of abbreviations and slang present in the chats. To investigate this, several BERT ...
    • Finger Vein Indexing using Unsupervised Clustering 

      Surbiryala, Jayachander (Master thesis, 2015)
      Finger vein recognition systems have gained more popularity recently, and it is one of the most reliable biometric modality. Finger veins are present inside the finger, and its pattern is not known which makes it hard to ...
    • Fingerphoto Verification Using Siamese Neural Network 

      Madhun, Ahmed Said Mahmoud (Master thesis, 2020)
      De siste årene har vi hatt en enorm utvikling av portable enheter. Sensorene i smart-telefoner og bærbare datamaskiner har kommet til det stadiet at de åpner for nye former for biometrisk autentisering. En av disse formene ...
    • Fingerprint Image Quality: Predicting Biometric Performance 

      Olsen, Martin Aastrup (Doctoral Dissertations at Gjøvik University College;5-2015, Doctoral thesis, 2015-11-30)
      Biometric systems and fingerprint recognition systems in particular have become very widespread in the recent years, both in mobile devices and through increased usage in border controls and electronic national identification ...
    • Fingerprintløsning for lokalisering ved bruk av WLAN 

      Wiese, Gerhard Christoffer (Master thesis, 2010)
      I forbindelse med denne masteroppgaven har det blitt designet, implementert og testet en nettsentrert lokaliseringsløsning for WLAN. Løsningen baserer seg på innsamling av lokasjonsdata i form av lokasjonsfingeravtrykk. ...
    • FiPrAD - A Guideline for Fingerprint Presentation Attack Database Creation 

      Madhun, Ahmed S. M. (Bachelor thesis, 2018)
      Abstract: Nowadays, biometric recognition systems are widely implemented in many personal devices like smartphones and laptops, as it provides higher security while identifying the real owners of these devices. Fingerprint ...
    • Firewall models in cloud environments 

      Thingnes, Lars Gunnar (Master thesis, 2022)
      Denne oppgaven undersøker hvordan tradisjonelle sentraliserte og sonebaserte brannmurer kan migreres til moderne mikrosegmenterte og virtuelt distribuerte brannmurer. En slik migrering anses som en høy risiko siden den ...
    • Fjernavlesning av vannmålere med LoRa-teknologi 

      Kristensen, Daniel B.; Barhaugen, Kevin A.; Skaue, Kristian A.; Solstad, Hans Kristian T. (Bachelor thesis, 2019)
      I dag blir all vannavlesning i Ringsaker kommune gjort manuelt av huseierene. Teknisk drift i Ringsaker kommune er interessert i å automatisere denne prosessen, og LoRaWAN er en teknologi som kan bli brukt for å muliggjøre ...