• A Semantic Web-driven Approach to Self-Configurating Computer Systems 

      Johnsen, Jahn Arne (Master thesis, 2006)
      The explosive growth, in both the size and complexity, of communication and computing systems has made it increasingly difficult to manage and configure these. In today s ever-changing environments, systems frequently need ...
    • Broadband Development: Who Stands to Gain 

      Brorson, Hans Kristian (Master thesis, 2006)
      The first Internet services which attracted users were e-mail and web. Broadbanddeployment have later enabled multimedia services like voice and video. This development disrupts the future outlook for both telephone ...
    • Åpen Kanal: Ytringsrett og distribuert samhandling 

      Vold, Erik (Master thesis, 2006)
      Foreningen Åpen kanal er Norges første og eneste initiativtaker til å sikre allmennheten en ytringsrett i fjernsynet. Ytringsrett er en reell ytringsfrihet der man blir gitt tilgang til en kanal for fri ytring. For at ...
    • Aksesssikkerhet i Trådløse Trondheim 

      Al-Karbawi, Adheed Abbas Kadhim (Master thesis, 2006)
      Sammendrag Økonomiske og administrative fordeler har gjort trådløse nettverk (WLAN) et foretrukket teknisk alternativ til vanlige nettverk (LAN). Mange bedrifter har sett på WLAN som fremtidens investering og antall nye ...
    • Bluetooth enabled Peer2Peer services in ActorFrame 

      Kristiansen, Stephan Søreng (Master thesis, 2006)
      To make services for mobile devices more user friendly wireless communication is a very helpful tool. Wireless communication normally requires no or very little user input, and communication over a wireless interface is ...
    • Privacy handling in context dissemination 

      Egeland, Silje Bentzen (Master thesis, 2006)
      Pervasive environments are characterized by ubiquitous, mobile and embedded computing devices and wireless networking. The vision is an environment where the technology resides in the background ready to be used when it ...
    • Sikkerhet i VoIP-portnere 

      Kristensveen, David (Master thesis, 2006)
      Session Initiation Protocol(SIP) er i ferd med å bli den ledende signaleringsprotokollen i forbindelse med IP-telefoni. SIP benyttes til å initiere, modifisere og terminere interaktive sesjoner. Arkitekturens to hovedkomponenter ...
    • Secure and Verifiable Electronic Elections at NTNU 

      Onshus, Bent Kristoffer Rosvold (Master thesis, 2006)
      This thesis describes an electronic voting system based on Damg\aa rd, Jurik and Nielsen's generalization of Paillier's probabilistic public key system. A threshold variant of this homomorphic cryptosystem is used to provide ...
    • The Cost of meeting Bandwidth Demand 

      Staude, Anders Christian (Master thesis, 2006)
      Telenor is faced with complex decisions regarding their access network strategies. Competitors are given the right to use Telenor?s copper access network through LLUB (Local Loop Un-Bundling) regulations. Competition is ...
    • A mobile single sign-on system 

      Byfuglien, Mats (Master thesis, 2006)
      NORSK: Brukere må i dag ha et sett med brukernavn og passord for hver tjeneste de vil benytte. Etter hvert som antall passord de må holde styr på øker, blir mange nødt til å skrive dem ned, velge passord som er lette å ...
    • Using SIM for strong end-to-end Application Authentication 

      Lunde, Lars; Wangensteen, Audun (Master thesis, 2006)
      Today the Internet is mostly used for services that require low or none security. The commercial and governmental applications have started to emerge but met problems since they require strong authentication, which is both ...
    • Combining graphics and video using graphics cards 

      Vangli, Marcus Andre (Master thesis, 2006)
      This report contains an introduction to graphics and video technology. Furthermore the game Avatars-Online, which is a massive multiplayer online game is presented. Avatars-Online introduces a new concept of handling ...
    • Sikkerhet i VoIP-portnere 

      Kristensveen, David (Master thesis, 2006)
      Session Initiation Protocol(SIP) er i ferd med å bli den ledende signaleringsprotokollen i forbindelse med IP-telefoni. SIP benyttes til å initiere, modifisere og terminere interaktive sesjoner. Arkitekturens to hovedkomponenter ...
    • Adaptive Middleware Support and Autonomous Fault Treatment: Architectural Design, Prototyping and Experimental Evaluation 

      Meling, Hein (Doktoravhandlinger ved NTNU, 1503-8181; 2006:92, Doctoral thesis, 2006)
      Networked computer systems are prevalent in most aspects of modern society, and we have become dependent on such computer systems to perform many critical tasks. Moreover, making such systems dependable is an important ...
    • Transparent Adaptable Network Access and Service Content Differentiation 

      Senneset, Thomas (Master thesis, 2006)
      Today s most advanced mobile devices support communication through a variety of network technologies; GSM (including GPRS and EDGE), UMTS, WLAN, Bluetooth, and IR. This master thesis characterizes different network ...
    • Analysis of key agreement protocols 

      Vesterås, Brita (Master thesis, 2006)
      NORSK: Masteroppgaven tar for seg noen av de siste foreslåtte protokollene for nøkkel-utveksling. Ettersom de er så nye, har de ikke gjennomgått en detaljert analyse, og kan derfor inneholde sikkerhetshull. Sikkerhet ...
    • Context-Aware Services in Aquaculture: FiFaMoS - Fish Farm Monitoring System 

      Grødal, Jon Arne; Paaske, Frank Gjervik (Master thesis, 2006)
      This thesis focuses on context-aware services that make decisions based on the situation (i.e. context) of the involved entities. Context may in general be based on user input, sensed or derived (e.g. combination of multiple ...
    • The Cost of meeting Bandwidth Demand 

      Staude, Anders Christian (Master thesis, 2006)
      Telenor is faced with complex decisions regarding their access network strategies. Competitors are given the right to use Telenor s copper access network through LLUB (Local Loop Un-Bundling) regulations. Competition is ...
    • Managing the development of secure electronic banking 

      Nilsen, Tom (Master thesis, 2006)
      NORSK: Dette MSc prosjektet er en oppgave fra en bank. Sikkerhet har alltid vært viktig for banker. Med Nettbank har det blitt ennå viktigere etter som Internet kan overstige filial og kontornettets viktighet som ...
    • Multimedia Distribution Networks and the Aeetes Project 

      Sørensen, Svein-Magnus Bergan (Master thesis, 2006)
      This thesis provides an introduction to the field of Multimedia Distribution Networks (MDN) and is written as the first part the Aeetes Project. It compares potential MDN architectures and technologies, and makes a proposal ...