Now showing items 2529-2548 of 2577

    • Vision-based robotic system for picking and inspection of small automotive components 

      Semeniuta, Oleksandr; Dransfeld, Sebastian; Falkman, Petter (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2016)
      The use of vision systems for industrial robot guidance and quality control becomes much harder when the manufactured products and their components are small and possess reflective surface. To assure an effective automated ...
    • Visualization of large scale Netflow data 

      Eeg-Larsen, Nicolai H (Master thesis, 2016)
      Networks are forwarding more and more data every year, thus its harder to reveal malicious traffic among all of it. Current systems might not be capable of keeping up with the rapid pace of the growth, and might not be ...
    • Visualization of Network Traffic to Detect Malicious Network Activity 

      Jin, Zhihua (Master thesis, 2008)
      Today, enormous logging data monitoring the traffics of the Internet is generated everyday. However, the network administrators still have very limited insight into the logging data, mainly due to the lack of efficient ...
    • Visualizing Spatial and Temporal Dynamics of a Class of IRC-Based Botnets 

      Hegna, Andreas (Master thesis, 2010)
      Botnets are a serious threat to the security of personal computers, businesses and even countries. They can launch attacks on remote systems and infrastructure, perform espionage and once installed they essentially hand ...
    • VNF Orchestration and Power-disjoint Traffic Flow Routing for Optimal Communication Robustness in Smart Grid with Cyber-Physical Interdependence 

      Kong, Peng-Yong; Jiang, Yuming (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2022)
      We explore the use of software-defined networking (SDN) technology in building a communication network for smart grid. With cyber-physical interdependence, such communication network may suffer from cross-network cascading ...
    • VoIP Security 

      Fontanini, Piero (Master thesis, 2008)
      VOIP or Voice Over Internet Protocol is a common term for phone service over IP based networks. There are much information about VoIP and some of how VoIP can be secured. There is however no standard for VoIP and no ...
    • Vote Selling Resistant Voting 

      Boyd, Colin Alexander; Haines, Thomas Edmund; Rønne, Peter (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2020)
      Creating a secure (purely) remote voting scheme which prevents active vote selling is an open problem. Observing that vote selling has a primarily economic motivation, we propose a novel approach to the problem which ...
    • Vulnerability Discovery Modelling With Vulnerability Severity 

      Ankur, Shukla; Katt, Basel; Nweke, Livinus Obiora (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2019)
      Web browsers are primary targets of attacks because of their extensive uses and the fact that they interact with sensitive data. Vulnerabilities present in a web browser can pose serious risk to millions of users. Thus, ...
    • Vurdering av informasjonssikkerheten ved innføring av AMS innen kraftdistribusjon 

      Strøm, Petter Andreas (Master thesis, 2012)
      Etter krav fra Norges vassdrags- og energidirektorat (NVE) er alle norske nettselskaper innen kraftbransjen pålagt å installere Avanserte Måle- og Styringssystemer (AMS) for alle sine målepunkter innen 1.januar 2017. AMS ...
    • Vurdering av kommunikasjonsalternativer for informasjonsutveksling med AMS mellom smarte hus og et smart kraftnett 

      Haugen, Christian (Master thesis, 2010)
      Europa står samlet bak beslutningen om å øke andelen fornybare energikilder med 20%, redusere energiforbruket med 20% og redusere utslippene av drivhusgasser med 20% innen 2020. Enda mer ambisiøse planer er under planlegging ...
    • Vurdering av økonomisk risiko ved cyberangrep 

      Normandbo, Kristian (Master thesis, 2017)
      I denne rapporten utforsker vi mulighetene for å bruke beslutningstrær som et verktøy for å vurdere sikkerhetsinvesteringer. Arbeidet er basert på Nasjonal sikkerhetsmyndighet (NSM) sin håndbok i risikovurderinger som ...
    • Weaponized AI for cyber attacks 

      Yamin, Muhammad Mudassar; Ullah, Mohib; Ullah, Habib; Katt, Basel (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2021)
      Artificial intelligence (AI)-based technologies are actively used for purposes of cyber defense. With the passage of time and with decreasing complexity in implementing AI-based solutions, the usage of AI-based technologies ...
    • Web applications - New mobile service paradigm 

      Ngu, Phuc Huy (Master thesis, 2012)
      The explosion of mobile applications both in number and variety raises the need of shedding light on their architecture, composition and quality. Indeed, it is crucial to understand which mobile application paradigm fits ...
    • Web Applications Security: A security model for client-side web applications 

      Prabhakara, Deepak (Master thesis, 2009)
      The Web has evolved to support sophisticated web applications. These web applications are exposed to a number of attacks and vulnerabilities. The existing security model is unable to cope with these increasing attacks and ...
    • Web Authentication using Public Key Cryptography 

      Heltne, August (Master thesis, 2023)
      Autentisering er et stadig viktigere område ettersom flere tjenester krever kontoer for å benytte deres digitale løsninger. Dermed blir egenskapene til autentiseringløsninger som brukervennlighet og sikkerhet også viktigere. ...
    • Web performance pitfalls 

      Enghardt, Theresa; Zinner, Thomas Erich; Feldmann, Anja (Chapter, 2019)
      Web performance is widely studied in terms of load times, numbers of objects, object sizes, and total page sizes. However, for all these metrics, there are various definitions, data sources, and measurement tools. These ...
    • Web Vulnerability Measures for SMEs 

      Yeng, Prosper; Yang, Bian; Solvoll, Terje; Nimbe, Peter; Weyori, Benjamin Asubam (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2019)
      An investigation was conducted into web vulnerabilities in commonly used web application templates and frameworks (WAFs) systems such as Joomla, WordPress, Moodle and C #.Net framework. A web vulnerability scoring scheme ...
    • Web3 and Blockchain for Modernizing the Reseller Market 

      Frøland, Håkon Isaksen; Palm, Edward; Kralevska, Katina; Gligoroski, Danilo (Chapter, 2023)
      This paper presents a proof-of-concept (PoC) that leverages Web3 technology, specifically blockchain and Non-Fungible Tokens (NFTs), to create a secure, transparent, and fair reseller market without the need for a trusted ...
    • Web3 Security in Reseller Markets with Proof of Concept Implementations 

      Palm, Edward; Frøland, Håkon Isaksen (Master thesis, 2023)
      I tradisjonelle bruktmarkeder er det utfordringer relatert til håndtering av kvitteringer, skjevfordelt informasjonstilgang, mangel på tillit og tvilsomt opphav. Denne avhandlingen presenterer et konseptbevis (POC) som ...
    • Web3 Security in Reseller Markets with Proof of Concept Implementations 

      Frøland, Håkon Isaksen; Palm, Edward (Master thesis, 2023)
      I tradisjonelle bruktmarkeder er det utfordringer relatert til håndtering av kvitteringer, skjevfordelt informasjonstilgang, mangel på tillit og tvilsomt opphav. Denne avhandlingen presenterer et konseptbevis (POC) som ...