• Privacy by Design 

      Okoye, John Nwachukwu (Master thesis, 2017)
      Currently, a popular topic in the ever growing world of information technology is the protection of users personal data from unauthorised and illicit storage, disclosure or usage in any type of system. This is a big issue ...
    • Privacy challenges in AMS/Smart Grid 

      Gran, Aud (Master thesis, 2013)
      The traditional power grid has served well in its existing period by transmitting and distributing electricity from centralized generators to consumers. Characteristics of this grid has been a oneway flow of energy and ...
    • Privacy for the Smart Grid: Evaluating and enhancing Vehicle-to-Grid and Smart Metering approaches 

      Stegelmann, Mark (Doctoral Theses at NTNU, 1503-8181; 2013:144, Doctoral thesis, 2013)
      The Smart Grid is the envisioned next generation power grid. Key to a Smart Grid are its components with bidirectional communication capabilities such as Smart Meters and electric vehicles. Smart Meters enable a fine-grained ...
    • Privacy handling in context dissemination 

      Egeland, Silje Bentzen (Master thesis, 2006)
      Pervasive environments are characterized by ubiquitous, mobile and embedded computing devices and wireless networking. The vision is an environment where the technology resides in the background ready to be used when it ...
    • Privacy handling in context dissemination 

      Egeland, Silje Bentzen (Master thesis, 2006)
      Pervasive environments are characterized by ubiquitous, mobile and embedded computing devices and wireless networking. The vision is an environment where the technology resides in the background ready to be used when it ...
    • Privacy in the Norwegian Automatic Contact Tracing App Smittestopp 

      Nes, Hanne Æsøy (Master thesis, 2021)
      I løpet av den pågående COVID-19-pandemien har automatiske smittesporingssystem blitt brukt for å spore mulige smittede individer mer effektivt. Disse systemene har også ført til nye bekymringer, spesielt knyttet til ...
    • Privacy Leakage in Fitness Equipment Communication 

      Svenskerud, Benedicte Væting (Master thesis, 2018)
      The technology is constantly evolving with use of personal data as a central component of new applications and services. At the same time, physical activity has become an important part of the modern society. This has led ...
    • Privacy Management and Preservation in the Era of Targeted Advertising 

      Gundersen, Irina (Master thesis, 2022)
      Livet til internettbrukere blir daglig påvirket av datainnsamling og målrettet reklame, men dette er fortsatt noe de fleste har lite kunnskap og kontroll over. Sett påvirkningskraften målrettet reklame kan ha over ...
    • Privacy Policies for Location-Aware Social Network Services 

      Hjulstad, Ingrid (Master thesis, 2011)
      The combination of location-awareness and social networks has introduced systems containing an increased amount of protection-worthy personal information, creating the need for improved privacy control from a user point ...
    • Privacy preserving data sharing with partially-trusted cloud services 

      Afiouni, Ahmad (Master thesis, 2023)
      I dag har personlig informasjon blitt en ressurs som det kan tjenes penger på, og datadeling har nesten blitt en nødvendighet innen felt som vitenskapelig forskning, e-helse, e-handel og digital virksomhet. Selv om det er ...
    • Privacy Preserving Passive DNS 

      Papadopoulos, Pavlos; Pitropakis, Nikolaos; Buchanan, William; Lo, Owen; Katsikas, Sokratis (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2020)
      The Domain Name System (DNS) was created to resolve the IP addresses of web servers to easily remembered names. When it was initially created, security was not a major concern; nowadays, this lack of inherent security and ...
    • Privacy services for mobile devices 

      Bø, Solvår; Pedersen, Stian Rene (Master thesis, 2011)
      Recent studies have shown that privacy on mobile devices is not properly ensured. Due to a heavy increase of smartphones in the market, in addition to a variety of third-party applications, a demand for improved solutions ...
    • Privacy vs. Security: Soft Biometrics in Distorted Keystroke Dynamics Data 

      Plesner, Cornelia Vedeld (Master thesis, 2023)
      Det digitale landskapet utvikles raskt, noe som gjør bevaring av personvern og sikkerhet til en kompleks oppgave. Å utnytte Keystroke Dynamics for å forbedre autentisering og identifikasjon av individer har et stort potensial ...
    • Privacy, trust and incentives in e-commerce on a Social Credit System (SCS) 

      Zhao, Willy (Master thesis, 2019)
      Et sosialt kredittsystem definerer et kinesisk initiativ for å bedre integriteten i regjering, næringsliv og samfunn. Det baserer seg på et omfattende juridisk og regulatorisk system som består av kredittinformasjon- ...
    • Privacy-Preserving Continuous Authentication 

      Baig, Ahmed Fraz (Doctoral theses at NTNU;2024:83, Doctoral thesis, 2024)
      Digital security uses traditional authentication mechanisms to verify the identity of an entity or a user who seeks access to a system, service, or application. Such authentication mechanisms verify user identity only at ...
    • Privacy-preserving continuous authentication using behavioral biometrics 

      Baig, Ahmed Fraz; Eskeland, Sigurd; Yang, Bian (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2023)
      Continuous authentication modalities collect and utilize users’ sensitive data to authenticate them continuously. Such data contain information about user activities, behaviors, and other demographic information, which ...
    • A Privacy-Preserving Healthcare Framework Using Hyperledger Fabric 

      Stamatellis, Charalampos; Papadopoulos, Pavlos; Pitropakis, Nikolaos; Katsikas, Sokratis; Buchanan, William (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2020)
      Electronic health record (EHR) management systems require the adoption of effective technologies when health information is being exchanged. Current management approaches often face risks that may expose medical record ...
    • Privacy-Preserving Indexing of Iris-Codes with Cancelable Bloom Filter-based Search Structures 

      Drozdowski, Pawel; Garg, Surabhi; Rathgeb, Christian; Gomez-Barrero, Marta; Chang, Donghoon; Busch, Christoph (Chapter, 2018)
      Protecting the privacy of the enrolled subjects is an important requirement expected from biometric systems. In recent years, numerous template protection schemes have been proposed, but so far none of them have been shown ...
    • Private and Accountable Storage in Distributed and Dynamic Environments 

      Torseth, Espen (Master thesis, 2004)
      NORSK: En av de store utfordringene i dagens teknologier for dstribuert prosessering er hvordan skal policy knyttet til data bevares når data flyttes omkring i distribuerte miljø. De fleste nåværende teknologier ser ut ...
    • Private Blockchain system for international currency exchange and hedging 

      Andersen, Kristoffer Alvern (Master thesis, 2018)
      This master thesis designs a system that utilizes Blockchain technology in international currency exchange transactions, thereby act as a currency exchange interface among private parties and companies, to enable faster ...