• A Platform for Adaptive Audio Sensing in IoT 

      Mariani, Marco (Master thesis, 2017)
      The Internet of Things (IoT) is the technology which connects Things that surround us to the Internet. The interest in this technology has been increasing along with its fields of interest in recent years. This project focuses ...
    • Platform for secure data management 

      Raes, Marius; Slaaen, Anders; Eide, Martin; Opsahl, Jørgen (Bachelor thesis, 2022)
      IT avdelingen på NTNU er ansvarlige for IT tjenestene NTNU tilbyr til sine rundt 50.000 studenter. I dag har NTNU ingen god løs- ning for å sikkert dele og arbeide fortrolig og strengt fortrolig data. IT avdelingen på NTNU ...
    • Plattform for skadevareanalyse 

      Fortique, Nestor Gerardo; Siqveland, Daniel Krohn; Rønningen, Stian (Bachelor thesis, 2019)
      I en moderne verden er det viktig å være oppdatert og kunne lære mer om skadevare. NTNU SOC presenterte et ønske om å lage en plattform som kunne analysere skadevare og som kunne brukes i produksjons-, utviklings-, og ...
    • Plattform for skadevareanalyse 

      Fortique, Nestor Gerardo; Siqveland, Daniel Krohn; Rønningen, Stian (Bachelor thesis, 2019)
      I en moderne verden er det viktig å være oppdatert og kunne lære mer om skadevare. NTNU SOC presenterte et ønske om å lage en plattform som kunne analysere skadevare og som kunne brukes i produksjons-, utviklings-, og ...
    • Play2Prepare: A Board Game Supporting IT Security Preparedness Exercises for Industrial Control Organizations 

      Graffer, Ingrid; Bartnes, Maria; Bernsmed, Karin (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2015)
      Industrial control organizations need to perform IT security preparedness exercises more frequently than today. However, limited support material currently exists. This paper presents a board game, Play2Prepare, ...
    • PLED - Pentesting Lab Environment Database 

      Arnesen, Karoline Moe; Moen, Adrian Jacobsen; Olsen, Askil Amundøy (Bachelor thesis, 2019)
      PLED er en database med en tilhørende REST API som tilbyr virtuelle plattformer filer som er nødvendig å starte cyber sikkerhets scenarioer igjennom PEMA (Pentesting Exercise Management Application). PLED kan lagre et ...
    • Policy-based Call Control in Heterogeneous Video Conference Networks 

      Rakvåg, Andre (Master thesis, 2006)
      Personal video conferencing is a new and important part of the video conferencing market. Manufacturers of video conferencing equipment face new requirements when entering this market, including the need for increased ...
    • Portable, networked tools in emergency situations at oil and gas plants 

      Myren, Thomas (Master thesis, 2009)
      Introducing new information and communication technologies is a way to increase the revenue for oil and gas companies. The expected added value of enabling these integrated operations is NOK 250 billion just in the next ...
    • Posisjonsinnhenting og geografisk ruting: Demonstrator av nødmeldetjeneste for "Trådløse Trondheim" 

      Brøtan, Hallstein; Landsnes, Stian (Master thesis, 2007)
      Nødtelefoni er en allmenn tjeneste for tilkalling av hjelp fra sentraliserte nødsentraler i nødsituasjoner. En nødsentral er avhengig av brukerens lokasjon for å kunne tilby hjelp på en mest mulig effektiv måte. Nødsentralene ...
    • Positioning in Telenor's network and increasing value of Telenor's mobile internet portal 

      Reinertsen, Bjørnar (Master thesis, 2008)
      The main aim of this Master thesis was to find the potential in Telenor's network related to positioning and how the value of Telenor's mobile internet portal can be increased. Some history and the evolution of the cellular ...
    • Positioning the roles, interfaces and processes in the information security scene 

      Papadopoulos, Dimitrios (Master thesis, 2013)
      All information security professionals around the globe acknowledge that "everyone is responsible for information security" in a company. This trivial statement looks clever but hides core challenges, "Who is everyone? ...
    • Post Quantum Cryptography with random split of St-Gen codes 

      Shehata, Samy Saad Samy (Master thesis, 2017)
      Most current standardized cryptographic systems rely on the discrete logarithm problem and integer factorization problem for security. While these problems are considered hard using classical computers, quantum computers ...
    • Post-processing Automatic Speech Recognition Transcriptions: A Study for Investigative Interviews 

      Moe, Marit Kristine (Master thesis, 2023)
      Politiet er interessert i å effektivisere transkripsjonen av avhør. I dag transkriberes avhør manuelt eller kun et sammendrag blir skrevet. Håpet er å kunne forbedre leseligheten og kvaliteten av automatisk talegjenkjennings ...
    • Post-Quantum Key Exchange in Telegram's MTProto Protocol 

      Rognerud, Robert (Master thesis, 2021)
      Eksperter i feltet post-kvantekryptografi antar at kvantedatamaskiner vil knekke asymmetrisk kryptografi innen 30 år. Kvantedatamaskiner kan bruke allerede eksisterende algoritmer, som Shors algoritme, til å løse de ...
    • Post-Quantum Secure Biometric Systems 

      Bauspieß, Pia Victoria (Doctoral theses at NTNU;2024:226, Doctoral thesis, 2024)
      Biometrics, which is defined as the automated recognition of individuals based on their behavioural and biological characteristics, can be applied to increase the trust and usability of digital interactions. Due to their ...
    • Potential Cyber Threats, Vulnerabilities, and Protections of Unmanned Vehicles 

      Oruc, Aybars (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2022)
    • Potential Value Adding Services for Mazemap's Platform for Indoor Navigation. 

      Helsvig, Karl Ivar (Master thesis, 2018)
      MazeMap is looking at new potential services to add value to their existing platform for indoor navigation. They are looking at two new additional services, namely indoor navigation for blind and vision impaired and ...
    • Power Analytic Attacks on CRYSTALS-Kyber 

      Håkegård, Erlend (Master thesis, 2023)
      Denne avhandlingen undersøker effekten av effektanalytiske sidekanalangrep på den kvantesikre nøkkelkapslingsalgoritmen CRYSTALS-Kyber. Vi gjenskapte og forbedret et tidligere korrelasjonsangrep utført av Karlov et al. Vi ...
    • Power Unavailability Reduction in Distribution Grid Fault Management with Entropy Minimization 

      Garau, Michele; Helvik, Bjarne Emil (Chapter, 2021)
      Smart automation is acquiring a high importance in current distribution systems. The high number of buses, the radial topology, the small number of sensors and automated devices, require new approaches in managing fault ...
    • PowerScan: A Framework for Dynamic Analysis and Anti-Virus Based Identification of Malware 

      Langerud, Thomas; Lillesand, Jøran Vagnby (Master thesis, 2008)
      This thesis describes the design and implementation of a framework, PowerScan, which provides the ability to combine multiple tools in the analysis of a malware sample. The framework utilizes XML configuration in order to ...