• Unified framework for omnichannel communication services 

      Larina, Vladislava (Master thesis, 2021)
      Omnichannel represents the latest stage in evolution of communication services and places strong focus on customer-centricity and unification aspects in development of such services. Omnichannel also constitutes a prerequisite ...
    • Unified IT&OT Modeling for Cybersecurity Analysis of Cyber-Physical Systems 

      Akbarzadeh, Aida; Katsikas, Sokratis K. (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2022)
      Cyber-Physical Systems (CPSs) engineering profoundly relies on modeling methods to represent the system and study the operation and cybersecurity of CPSs. The operation of a CPS is the result of the collaboration between ...
    • Unikernel Performance in High-Density Environments 

      Bakken, Fredrik (Master thesis, 2022)
      Skyen vokser raskt med titusenvis av nye applikasjoner og tjenester som distribueres hvert eneste år. Nye applikasjoner blir opprettet og distribuert i skyen, mens eksisterende applikasjoner pakkes inn i kontainerløsninger ...
    • Unit-Selection Based Facial Video Manipulation Detection 

      Nielsen, Thomas; Khodabakhsh, Ali; Busch, Christoph (Chapter, 2020)
      Advancements in video synthesis technology have caused major concerns over the authenticity of audio-visual content. A video manipulation method that is often overlooked is inter-frame forgery, in which segments (or units) ...
    • Universal Identity 

      Gukild, Glenn De Arruda Camara (Master thesis, 2014)
      An identity is defined as "a set of attributes relating to an entity". One entity is distinguishable from another entity on the basis of its attributes within a context. "Black hair", "glasses" and "male" are attributes ...
    • Unmanned Aerial Vehicles as Data Mules: An Experimental Assessment 

      Palma, David; Zolich, Artur Piotr; Jiang, Yuming; Johansen, Tor Arne (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2017)
      Communication in remote locations, specially in high-latitude regions, such as the Arctic, is challenged by the lack of infrastructures and by the limited availability of resources. However, these regions have high scientific ...
    • Unmasking the cheating student 

      Fazlagic, Aziz (Master thesis, 2023)
      Til tross for utviklingen av mange plagiatdeteksjonsverktøy i løpet av de siste tiårene, er disse tradisjonelle verktøyene fortsatt utilstrekkelige når det gjelder å oppdage kontraktsjuks, hvor studenter kjøper originale ...
    • Unmasking the Cheating Student 

      Veggeland, Lars Otterstad (Master thesis, 2023)
      Juks i akademia er sannsynligvis like gammelt som akademia selv, og hyppigheten ser ikke ut til å avta til tross for økt bevisstgjøring rundt akademisk integritet. Fremveksten av datamaskiner og internett har påvirket ...
    • Unsupervised Anomaly Detection 

      Barhaugen, Kevin Abadi (Master thesis, 2023)
      Denne forskningen tar sikte på å undersøke om uovervåket unormal deteksjon kan brukes til å oppdage unormaliteter i samtaler brukt i et svært partisk datasett. Et nettchatbasert datasett fra selskapet Børns Vilkår ble ...
    • Unsupervised Denoising for Super-Resolution (UDSR) of Real-World Images 

      Prajapati, Kalpesh; Chudasama, Vishal; Patel, Heena; Sarvaiya, Anjali; Upla, Kishor; Raja, Kiran; Ramachandra, Raghavendra; Busch, Christoph (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2022)
      Single Image Super-Resolution (SISR) using Convolutional Neural Networks (CNNs) for many applications in supervised manner has resulted in significant improvement in state-of-the-art performance. Such supervised models ...
    • UoCAD: An Unsupervised Online Contextual Anomaly Detection Approach for Multivariate Time Series from Smart Homes 

      Toor, Aafan Ahmad; Lin, Jia-Chun; Gran, Ernst Gunnar; Lee, Ming-Chang (Chapter, 2024)
      In the context of time series data, a contextual anomaly is considered an event or action that causes a deviation in the data values from the norm. This deviation may appear normal if we do not consider the timestamp ...
    • URL Crawling & classification system 

      Vaagland, Emil Lindgjerdet (Master thesis, 2012)
      Today, malware is often found on legitimate web sites that have been hacked. The aim of this thesis was to create a system to crawl potential malicious web sites and rate them as malicious or not. Through research into ...
    • Us against the World: Detection of Radical Language in Online Platforms 

      Theisen, Esther; Bours, Patrick; Agarwal, Nancy (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2021)
    • Usability and security in a messaging prototype for mobile phones 

      Aas, Lars Mikkel (Master thesis, 2007)
      NORSK: SMS meldinger i dagens GSM nettverk er ikke a betrakte som sikre. Denne masteroppgaven vil undersøke spørsmål knyttet til brukeropplevelser av en prototype for sikre meldinger på mobiltelefoner. Vi har gjennomført ...
    • Usability, Security, and Privacy Recommendations for Mobile Parental Control 

      Gnanasekaran, Vahiny; de Moor, Katrien Rachel W (Chapter, 2023)
      Current mobile parental control aids parents in monitoring their children’s digital usage. Although many children are below 13 when receiving their first smartphone and social media accounts, only a few parents adopt such ...
    • Use of Authentication Mechanisms and Biometrics in Norwegian Industry 

      Noghondar, Elham Rajabian (Master thesis, 2010)
      This thesis will estimate use of authentication mechanism and biometric systems used in Norwegian industry. We will investigate how different factors influence the usage and application of authentication/identification ...
    • Use of cyber attack and defense agents in cyber ranges: A case study 

      Yamin, Muhammad Mudassar; Katt, Basel (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2022)
      With the ever-changing cybersecurity landscape, the need for a continuous training for new cybersecurity skill sets is a requirement. Such continuous training programs can be delivered on platforms like cyber ranges. Cyber ...
    • The use of d-truncated Gröbner bases in cryptanalysis of symmetric ciphers 

      Amundsen, Jens-Are (Master thesis, 2010)
      ENGELSK: Solving systems of multivariate polynomial equations is hard, even NP-hard in the general case. The method of Göbner bases can be used to solve such systems, and thus has a running time complexity at least that ...
    • The Use of Frequent Episodes in Intrusion Detection 

      Kokorina, Liubov (Master thesis, 2009)
      In today’s intrusion detection systems (IDSs), a trade-off between efficiency and accuracy must be achieved. Because of that, the decision on structures for representing patterns of normal and intrusive behavior are of ...
    • Use of Gamification in Security Awareness and Training Programs 

      Gjertsen, Eyvind Garder B (Master thesis, 2016)
      The security reports are unambiguous: the human factor constitutes a real vulnerability in the information security domain. It is crucial that employees of companies and governments understand the risks and threats connected ...