• Human Motivation as the Basis of Information Security Risk Analysis 

      Szekeres, Adam (Doctoral theses at NTNU;2020:373, Doctoral thesis, 2020)
      The electric grid represents a critical infrastructure which has an essential rolein supporting societies. Therefore, it is important to identify, analyse and mitigate undesirable events that may disrupt the reliable ...
    • Human-Human Communication in Cyber Threat Situations: A Systematic Review 

      Ask, Torvald Fossåen; Lugo, Ricardo Gregorio; Knox, Benjamin James; Sütterlin, Stefan (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2021)
      In cyber threat situations, decision-making processes within organizations and between the affected organization and external entities are high-stake. They require human communication entailing technical complexity, time ...
    • Human-Robot Collaboration: Safety by Design 

      Degeorges, Théo; Sziebig, Gabor (Journal article, 2021)
      High payload industrial robots, unlike collaborative robots are not designed to work together with humans. Collaboration can only happen in situations, where the human and robot is separated with a distance, which allows ...
    • Humanoid Robots as Learning Assistants? Useability Perspectives of Grade 6 Students 

      Tilden, Solveig; Parish, Karen; Mishra, Deepti; Lugo, Ricardo Gregorio; Andersen, Per Normann (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2024)
      Despite the increasing number of robots in educational settings, they are relatively new, with ambiguous research findings regarding a robot’s influence on students’ learning, psychosocial aspects, and gender differences. ...
    • Hunting malicious scripts using machine learning 

      Brevig, Torstein (Master thesis, 2020)
      Siden datamaskiner er i bruk overalt i samfunnet, har ondsinnet programvare (skadevare) vokst til en stor trussel. For eksempel har bruken av ransomware økt de siste årene. En måte å spre slik skadevare på er ved bruk av ...
    • Hunting malicious scripts using machine learning 

      Lien, Tormod Haus (Master thesis, 2021)
      Datasystemer har blitt mer og mer avgjørende for samfunnet vårt, noe som betyr at disse systemene har blitt mer verdifulle enn noen gang før, og er derfor utsatt for interaksjoner fra personer med ondsinnede hensikter. Det ...
    • Hvor mye sikkerhetslogging er passe mye? 

      Kartoev, Jusuf; Farah, Omar (Bachelor thesis, 2024)
      Dette prosjektet utforsker utfordringene Gjøvik kommune står overfor med hensyn til sikkerhetslogging, med fokus på juridiske krav, balansen mellom personvern og sikkerhet, og kostnadseffektive teknologiske løsninger. ...
    • Hybrid analysis for Android malware family classification in a time-aware setting 

      Fauskrud, Joakim (Master thesis, 2019)
      Flere millioner ondsinnede Android applikasjoner (skadevare) detekteres hvert år. Disse applikasjonene skjuler seg i Android-markedsplasser ved utgi seg for å være godsinnede applikasjoner. Når en bruker installerer ...
    • Hybrid biometric template protection: Resolving the agony of choice between bloom filters and homomorphic encryption 

      Bassit, Amina; Hahn, Florian; Veldhuis, Raymond Nicolaas Johan; Peter, Andreas (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2022)
      Bloom filters (BFs) and homomorphic encryption (HE) are prominent techniques used to design biometric template protection (BTP) schemes that aim to protect sensitive biometric information during storage and biometric ...
    • Hybrid biometric template protection: Resolving the agony of choice between bloom filters and homomorphic encryption 

      Bassit, Amina; Hahn, Florian; Veldhuis, Raymond Nicolaas Johan; Peter, Andreas (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2022)
      Bloom filters (BFs) and homomorphic encryption (HE) are prominent techniques used to design biometric template protection (BTP) schemes that aim to protect sensitive biometric information during storage and biometric ...
    • Hybrid Context-aware Message Flooding for Dead Spot Mitigation in V2I Communication 

      Puka, Ergys; Herrmann, Peter; Taherkordi, Amirhosein (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2020)
      An often overlooked practical problem in Intelligent Transportation Systems (ITS) is the presence of areas without cellular network connectivity, so-called dead spots, which aggravates the communication between vehicles ...
    • Hybrid Group Key Exchange with Application to Constrained Networks 

      Boyd, Colin Alexander; Fondevik, Elsie Margrethe Staff Mestl; Gjøsteen, Kristian; Millerjord, Lise (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2023)
      We expand the security model for group key exchange of Poettering et al. (CT-RSA 2021) to allow for more fine-tuned reveal of both state and keying material. The expanded model is used to analyse the security of hybrid ...
    • Hybrid IoT Cyber Range 

      Balto, Karl Edvard (Master thesis, 2022)
      Bruken av IoT enheter har økt kraftig de siste årene, utviklingen av nye enheter går fort, prisene presses og dermed må også kostnadene reduseres. IoT enheter får flere og flere oppgaver der det blir mer kritisk at enhetene ...
    • Hybrid IoT Cyber Range 

      Edvard Balto, Karl; Yamin, Muhammad Mudassar; Shalaginov, Andrii; Katt, Basel (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2023)
      The use of IoT devices has increased rapidly in recent times. While the development of new devices is moving quickly, and as prices are being forced down, the costs of developing such devices also needs to be reduced. IoT ...
    • Hybrid Peer-to-Peer Solution for MMORPGs 

      Aasen, Frode Voll; Johannessen, Tom-Christian Bjørlo (Master thesis, 2009)
      This thesis provides an introduction to the MMORPG genre, and the challenges of engineering a networking system supporting these games, as well as the state of the art titles that exist on the market today. Further it ...
    • Hybridising Classical and Post-Quantum Cryptography in WireGuard 

      Engen, Sander Strand (Master thesis, 2023)
      På grunn av usikkerheten rundt sikkerhetsegenskapene til post-kvante kryptosystemer bør tidlig adopsjon av post-kvante kryptografi bli utført ved å bruke hybride systemer, hvor et post-kvante kryptosystem blir implementert ...
    • Hyperbolic geometry for colour metrics 

      Farup, Ivar (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2014)
      It is well established from both colour difference and colour order perpectives that the colour space cannot be Euclidean. In spite of this, most colour spaces still in use today are Euclidean, and the best Euclidean colour ...
    • Hyperledger Fabric Platform for Healthcare Trust Relations - Proof of Concept 

      Nedaković, Aleksandar; Hasselgren, Anton Karl Oskar; Kralevska, Katina; Gligoroski, Danilo (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2023)
      In recent years, blockchain technologies have expanded from the finance field to other areas that rely on trust-based solutions. The healthcare industry represents one such area, as digital transformation disrupts relationships ...
    • Høringssvar ang. forslag til endringer i valgforskriften 

      Mjølsnes, Stig Frode; Amundsen, Vilde Elise (Research report, 2018)
      Dette høringssvaret har sitt utgangspunkt i et masteroppgavearbeid av Vilde Amundsen under utførelse dette høstsemesteret ved Institutt for informasjonssikkerhet og kommunikasjonsteknologi ved NTNU, i samarbeid med ekstern ...
    • I still know who you are! Soft Biometric Keystroke Dynamics performance with distorted timing data 

      Moe, Tobias (Master thesis, 2021)
      Bruken av keystroke dynamics some en autentiserings metode er et godt undersøkt felt. I keystroke dynamics så bruker vi skrive måten, i tillegg til brukernavn og password, når vi autentiserer. En av problem stillingene som ...