Now showing items 1981-2000 of 2626

    • Sacrificing Efficiency for Quality of Experience: YouTube’s Redundant Traffic Behavior 

      Sieber, Christian; Heegaard, Poul Einar; Hoßfeld, Tobias; Kellerer, Wolfgang (Chapter, 2016)
      Internet traffic reports show that YouTube is one of the major sources of data traffic world-wide. Furthermore, the data traffic shifts from mostly fixed landlines to cellular data connections where bandwidth is sparse and ...
    • SAEOn: An Ontological Metamodel for Quantitative Security Assurance Evaluation 

      Wen, Shao-Fang; Katt, Basel (Chapter, 2023)
      Security assurance is a critical aspect in determining the trustworthiness of information and communication technology systems. Security assurance evaluation (SAE) is the process responsible for gathering assurance shreds ...
    • SafeLib: a practical library for outsourcing stateful network functions securely 

      Marku, Enio; Biczok, Gergely; Boyd, Colin Alexander (Chapter, 2021)
      A recent trend is to outsource virtual network functions (VNFs) to a third-party service provider, such as a public cloud. Since the cloud is usually not trusted, redirecting enterprise traffic to such an entity introduces ...
    • SafeSec Tropos: Joint security and safety requirements elicitation 

      Kavallieratos, Georgios; Katsikas, Sokratis; Gkioulos, Vasileios (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2020)
      The growing convergence of information technology with operational technology and the accordant proliferation of interconnected cyber-physical systems (CPSs) has given rise to several security and safety challenges. One ...
    • Saliency-based Image Object Indexing and Retrieval 

      Lam, Yat Hong; Yildirim, Sule (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2018)
      We suggest a novel approach to combine visual saliency model and object recognition to provide a more semantic description of an image based on human attention priority. The idea is to index and retrieve semantically more ...
    • Sampling rate comparison in accelerometer based human activity recognition 

      Castelló Garcia, Daniel (Master thesis, 2019)
      Human activity recognition aims to identify patterns in data generated through human activity. This activity commonly describes movement and can be gathered through a plethora of sensors. Given their low price and ...
    • Sandboxing Predators Using Open-Domain Conversational Models 

      Havstein, Kristian (Master thesis, 2023)
      Denne masteroppgaven undersøker om store språkmodeller kan benyttes for å forhindre samtaler som leder til overgrep på nettsteder med chattefunksjonalitet. Et datasett som inneholder overgrepssamtaler brukes til å finjustere ...
    • Satisfying the Cost Constraints in a Network System Operating by the Consensus Protocol with Different Task Priorities 

      Amelina, Natalia; Granichin, Oleg; Granichina, Olga; Ivanskiy, Yury; Jiang, Yuming (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2018)
      A multi-agent network system of different computing nodes processing tasks of different priority levels is considered. Agents balance their loads for each priority level by achieving consensus of their load values. Agents ...
    • Sårbarhetsanalyse av utvalgte deler av norske biometriske pass 

      Pettersen, Jon Fredrik (Master thesis, 2006)
      NORSK: Etter mange terrorhendelser de siste årene, har det blitt større fokus på å sikre seg mot identitetstyveri. I dag er forfalskning og misbruk av pass et alvorlig problem. Ved bruk av biometriske pass ønsker en å ...
    • Sårbarhetsanalyse basert på CVSS 

      Nilsen, Ivar (Master thesis, 2006)
      Målet med denne oppgaven har vært å utvikle programvare som benytter seg av de ideene som ble lansert i prosjektoppgaven Sårbarhetsvurdering skrevet ved NTNU høsten 2005. Programvaren som har blitt utviklet er tenkt tatt ...

      Ma, Huaiyuan (Doctoral thesis at NTNU;2015:53, Doctoral thesis, 2015)
      Inter-domain routing scalability has always been one of the most challenging issues for the Internet. Recently, it has raised strong concerns again. One reason is the growth of the Internet itself. In particular, the ...
    • Scalability of Blockchains by Sharding; Extending SimBlock and Case Studies 

      Sandnes, Miriam Helene (Master thesis, 2021)
      Blokkjede-teknologi har blitt et verdifullt verktøy for mange industrier og har også motivert flere forskningsområder. Attraksjonen ved denne teknologien er desentralisering, uforandrelighet og at informasjon som ligger ...
    • Scalable Self-Adaptation Control system for simulated transport robots 

      Oplenskedal, Magnus Karste (Master thesis, 2016)
      This master project aimed to explore, research, develop and evaluate the design and creation of control software for simulated autonomous transport robots. A proof of concept were to be created using the Reactive Blocks ...
    • SCDet: A Robust Approach for the Detection of Skin Lesions 

      Shahbaz, Sikandar; Rabbia, Mahum; Adham E., Ragab; Yildirim-Yayilgan, Sule; Shaikh, Sarang (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2023)
      Red, blue, white, pink, or black spots with irregular borders and small lesions on the skin are known as skin cancer that is categorized into two types: benign and malignant. Skin cancer can lead to death in advanced stages, ...
    • Score Fusion Strategies in Single-Iris Dual-Probe Recognition Systems 

      Drozdowski, Pawel; Wiegand, Nikolai; Rathgeb, Christian; Busch, Christoph (Chapter, 2018)
      Multiple samples can be utilised at the comparison stage of a biometric system in order to increase its biometric performance via information fusion or decision heuristics. It has been shown, that in a single-instance ...
    • SCORE: Exploiting Global Broadcasts to Create Offline Personal Channels for On-Demand Access 

      Nencioni, Gianfranco; Sastry, Nishanth; Tyson, Gareth; Badrinarayanan, Vijay; Karamshuk, Dmytro; Chandaria, Jigna; Crowcroft, Jon (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2015)
      The last 5 years have seen a dramatic shift in media distribution. For decades, TV and radio were solely provisioned using push-based broadcast technologies, forcing people to adhere to fixed schedules. The introduction ...
    • Sculptures in concurrency 

      Fahrenberg, Uli; Johansen, Christian; Trotter, Christopher A.; Ziemiański, Krzysztof (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2021)
      We give a formalization of Pratt's intuitive sculpting process for higher-dimensional automata (HDA). Intuitively, an HDA is a sculpture if it can be embedded in (i.e., sculpted from) a single higher dimensional cell ...
    • SDN - a crucial security component towards 5G 

      Førland, Mathias Kjølleberg (Master thesis, 2019)
      Den femte generasjonen (5G) av mobilkommunikasjonssystemer forventes å bli kommersielt lansert i 2020 og forutses som en banebrytende teknologi som blant annet muliggjør brukstilfeller for kritisk infrastruktur som autonome ...
    • SDN in Heterogeneous Mobile Tactical Networks 

      Fagervoll, Håvard Magne (Master thesis, 2017)
      Military operations are increasingly dependent on networks and transferring of data. A heterogeneous mobile tactical network, is a complex network with dynamic characteristics used during military operations. In the field, ...
    • SDN used for policy enforcement in a federated military network. 

      Sørensen, Erik (Master thesis, 2014)
      This thesis looks at how Software-Defined Networking can be used to provide policy enforcement in a federated military network. SDN is a concept in computer networking where the control plane is decoupled from network ...