Now showing items 2449-2468 of 2577

    • The use of k-best paths algorithms in clock control sequence reconstruction 

      Herland, Turid (Master thesis, 2006)
      NORSK: Nøkkelstraumgeneratorar som er baserte på klokkekontrollerte lineært tilbakekopla skiftregister blir ofte brukte i fytchiffer-system. Kryptoanalyse av slike generatorar kan delast inn i to etappar: Den første ...
    • The use of Levenshtein distance in computer forensics 

      Mangnes, Bjarne (Master thesis, 2005)
      NORSK: Vi benytter oss av datateknologi i stadig størrre grad, og denne teknologien er i ferd med å bli en viktig del av vår hverdag. Bruk av denne teknologien åpner opp mange nye muligheter, men kan også misbrukes til ...
    • Use of Messaging Layer Security in a Military UAV Swarm 

      Marstrander, Emil (Master thesis, 2023)
      Forskning på flyvende dronesvermer har fått betydelig interesse de siste årene. En militær dronesverm kan utføre risikofylte oppdrag med lavere risiko for personellet, men introduserer en økt risiko for at fienden ...
    • Use of Serious Games to Incorporate Security Awareness Programs with Skills Training 

      White, William (Master thesis, 2020)
      The purpose of this study is to determine the possibility of addressing the shortcoming of Security Awareness training in providing Skills training. The study will also determine if it is possible to create a Serious Game ...
    • User Authentication in Multi-mode Mobile Phones 

      Kulseth, Torild (Master thesis, 2007)
      IMS-WLAN interworking is a step towards extending IMS functionality into other access technologies, but this architecture is very comprehensive and is unlikely to be employed everywhere. The result is a need for alternative ...
    • User Engagement in Game-based Student Response Systems: A Case Study on Kahoot! 

      Skøien, Julie Alice (Master thesis, 2018)
      Among all the new applications and services coming, are technological tools one can benefit from, in fields such as educational environments. The increased use of technology in schools has opened up for new ways of learning, ...
    • User Engagement with Snapchat: Exploring the Influence of Technical Factors 

      Næss, Sara Eriksen (Master thesis, 2018)
      The use of digital services has become part of peoples' everyday lives. Research on how people use and engage with these services has become increasingly important. User engagement is a concept that has gained prominence ...
    • User Experience and Technical Solutions for Location Based Push Commercials 

      Fagerjord, Jørund Børge (Master thesis, 2014)
      This project focuses on the creation of an Android app for location based push commercials, which henceforth will be called an offers app. The idea of the app is the following: Users are allowed to chose which ac- tors ...
    • User Friendly Access Solutions for Mobile WiMAX 

      Tukkensæter, Brage Rønning (Master thesis, 2009)
      Today, WiMAX networks are deployed several places worldwide. To get access to these networks, users have to buy equipment specialized for one operator with a subscription. User equipment has earlier been stationary or ...
    • User Interface Design for Privacy Enhancing Technology 

      Ripmann, Nina (Master thesis, 2012)
      A significant amount of information is available of us online due to the increased use of the Internet and online services. It appears to be a tendency among users to not read privacy policies when creating user accounts ...
    • User interface evaluation of a ski injuries management system 

      Dalipi, Fisnik; Ferati, Mexhid; Yildirim, Sule (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2017)
      Although many technological devices and solutions to enhance the skiing experience are now available for skiers, skiing sometimes could turn to be potentially dangerous. The speed of movement, environment unpredictability, ...
    • User Modeling Validation Over the Security Awareness of Digital Natives 

      Gkioulos, Vasileios; Wangen, Gaute; Katsikas, Sokratis (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2017)
      Young generations make extensive use of mobile devices, such as smart-phones, tablets and laptops, for a variety of daily tasks with potentially critical impact, while the number of security breaches via portable devices ...
    • User Understanding and Perspectives on End-to-End Encrypted Instant Messaging Apps 

      Rikardsen, Charlotte S.; Hale, Britta; Mjølsnes, Stig Frode (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2018)
      Instant messaging applications are increasingly claiming to offer end-to-end encryption. Yet actual, user perspectives on the necessity, appropriateness, and desirability of such “secure apps” are poorly understood. This ...
    • User-Perceived Quality of Service in Video on Demand Services 

      Flo, Arnfinn (Master thesis, 2006)
      Video on Demand (VoD) is an Internet service with a growing appeal to the mass market, and is of increasing importance to Internet service providers' revenue. This master's thesis presents a subjective assessment on the ...
    • Users on the Move: On Relationships Between QoE Ratings, Data Volumes and Intentions to Churn 

      Fiedler, Markus; De Moor, Katrien; Ravuri, Hemanth; Tanneedi, Prithvi; Chandiri, Mounika (Chapter, 2017)
      For a long time, the risk of customer churn, i.e. to leave an operator, has been used as argument in favor of Quality or Experience (QoE) research. However, the understanding of how churn behavior and QoE are related is ...
    • User’s trust in Biometric Authentication Systems – Do not take the end-users for granted 

      Gravnås, Henning (Master thesis, 2005)
      NORSK: I de senere årene har mediefokuset vært rettet mot sikkerhet. Et av kravene innenfor sikkerhet, er økt behov for korrekt autentisering av en person. Det er mulig å autentisere seg ved å fremlegge bevis på noe du ...
    • Using 5G QoS Mechanisms to Achieve QoE-Aware Resource Allocation 

      Bosk, Marcin; Gajic, Marija; Schwarzmann, Susanna; Lange, Stanislav; Trivisonno, Riccardo; Marquezan, Clarissa; Zinner, Thomas Erich (Chapter, 2021)
      Network operators generally aim at providing a good level of satisfaction to their customers. Diverse application demands require the usage of beyond best-effort resource allocation mechanisms, particularly in resource-constrained ...
    • Using a machine learning approach for URL analysis 

      Marjara, Avleen Singh (Master thesis, 2023)
      Den raske veksten av Internett-baserte aktiviteter har ført til en betydelig økning i cybertrusler, med villedende og ondsinnede URL-er som fungerer som et nøkkelverktøy for å spre skadelig programvare, utføre phishing-angrep ...
    • Using a socio-technical systems approach to design and support systems thinking in cyber security education 

      Zoto, Erjon; Kowalski, Stewart James; Lopez Rojas, Edgar Alonso; Kianpour, Mazaher (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2018)
      Information security (IS) has been categorized as protecting the confidentiality, integrity, availability, authentication and accountability of information. There is a gap between what companies and institutions plan to ...
    • Using Author Profiling to Determine the Age Group of an Author 

      Holbæk, Eirik (Master thesis, 2019)
      Denne masteroppgaven utforsker hvordan fastslå aldersgruppen til en forfatter. I hovedsak om forfatteren er et barn, som vil si under 18 år, eller voksen, 25 år og oppover. Videre er målet å undersøke hvilke tekstlige trekk ...