Now showing items 2367-2386 of 2628

    • The Success of Digital Platforms: A Comparative Case Analysis of the Industry’s Knowledge, Strategies and Challenges in Creating, Maintaining and Developing Digital Platforms 

      Bleness, Henrietta Eide; Lundell-Nygjelten, Mats (Master thesis, 2019)
      Behovet for å gjennomføre transaksjoner med andre mennesker har alltid vært en essensiell del av menneskets historie. Fra tidenes morgen har mennesker møttes ved markedsplasser for å handle varer, eller funnet sin partner ...
    • The Tension between Anonymity and Privacy 

      Vinterbo, Staal (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2018)
      Privacy in the context of information and data is often defined in terms of anonymity, particularly in regulations such as the GDPR. Operationally, it is appealing to define privacy in terms of computable data properties ...
    • The Uncertainty of Decisions in Measurement Based Admission Control 

      Nevin, Anne (Doktoravhandlinger ved NTNU, 1503-8181; 2010:218, Doctoral thesis, 2010)
      Most real-time voice and video applications are delay/loss sensitive but relaxed  in the sense that they can tolerate some packet loss/delay. Using this information, network utilization can be greatly improved by ...
    • The use of the Network Layer Packet Redundancy Scheme in the OpMiGua hybrid network 

      Skavdal, Arnt Erling (Master thesis, 2007)
      The OpMiGua hybrid network has been proposed as viable migration approach from circuit switched all-optical networks to 3rd generation packet based optical networks. A special feature in the OpMiGua network compared with ...
    • The Way Towards a Robust, Cost-Effective, and Future Proof National Mobile Network Infrastructure 

      Eriksen, Morten; Bergendal, Petter (Master thesis, 2015)
      The increased use of mobile devices and the introduction of smartphones have changed the way people communicate. Over the last decade, mobile networks have become a critical infrastructure. Private individuals, governments ...
    • The Wireless Tram: Providing Wireless Trondheim/Wi-Fi coverage using mobile WiMAX as backhaul 

      Karlsen, Rein Sigve (Master thesis, 2008)
      In spring 2008, a pre-mobile WiMAX network is installed in Trondheim. Its purpose is to cover the tram line and provide wireless backhaul to a Wi-Fi hotspot inside the tram, thus providing Internet access to travelling ...
    • THEIA, the User Interaction Archiver 

      Celius, Brage; Schaefer, Jannis; Solberg, Eirik Vestreng (Bachelor thesis, 2015)
      In this thesis, we explore the logging of user interaction on Android devices targeted at the consumer market. We show that logging touch interaction is not possible without modifications of the Android operating system, ...
    • Thermal imaging of ear biometrics for authentication purposes 

      Watne, Knut Steinar (Master thesis, 2008)
      Authentication is a much used measure in order to keep impostors from getting access to things or places that they are not supposed to get access to. Passwords/phrases, tokens, keys and the like have been used since ...
    • Threat Analysis for Smart Homes 

      Kavallieratos, Georgios; Chowdhury, Nabin; Katsikas, Sokratis; Gkioulos, Vasileios; Wolthusen, Stephen (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2019)
      The development and deployment of highly dynamic, cyber+connected operational environments, such as smart homes, smart cities, and smart transportation systems, is increasing. The security analysis of such dynamic environments ...
    • Threat Analysis in Dynamic Environments: The Case of the Smart Home 

      Kavallieratos, Georgios; Gkioulos, Vasileios; Katsikas, Sokratis (Chapter, 2019)
      The rapid advancement of information and communication technologies has fostered the development and deployment of complex interrelated systems, many of which also present highly dynamic operational characteristics. These ...
    • Threat mitigation and national security: A mixed methods study of perceptions on cyber security information sharing among Norwegian organizations 

      Amundsen, Mikkel; Sunde, Fanny Chaba (Master thesis, 2022)
      Norske virksomheter blir i økende grad utsatt for målrettede cyberangrep som forsterker behovet for en helhetlig tilnærming til nasjonal sikkerhet. I dagens cyberlandskap har nasjonal sikkerhet i stor grad blitt ...
    • Threat mitigation and national security: A mixed methods study of perceptions on cyber security information sharing among Norwegian organizations 

      Amundsen, Mikkel; Sunde, Fanny Chaba (Master thesis, 2022)
      Norske virksomheter blir i økende grad utsatt for målrettede cyberangrep som forsterker behovet for en helhetlig tilnærming til nasjonal sikkerhet. I dagens cyberlandskap har nasjonal sikkerhet i stor grad blitt ...
    • Threat Modeling in Satellite Communications for Maritime Operations 

      Frøseth, Even Kvam (Master thesis, 2024)
      Den nye romalderen og fremveksten av høy båndbredde Low Earth Orbit (LEO) satellittkonstellasjoner har forårsaket en raks endring i trussel landskapet for cybertrusler i industrier som er avhengige av satellittkommunikasjon. ...
    • Threat Modeling of a Smart Grid Secondary Substation 

      Holik, Filip; Flå, Lars; JAATUN, Martin Gilje; Yildirim Yayilgan, Sule; Foros, Jørn (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2022)
      A full smart grid implementation requires the digitization of all parts of the smart grid infrastructure, including secondary electrical substations. Unfortunately, this introduces new security threats, which were not ...
    • Threat Modelling of Cyber-Physical Systems Using an Applied Pi-Calculus 

      Nweke, Livinus Obiora; Weldehawaryat, Goitom Kahsay; Wolthusen, Stephen Dirk Bjørn (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2021)
      Cyber–Physical Systems (CPS) are distributed systems in which the state of the physical system is generally not observable in non-trivial cases, and where state transitions of this physical system can also occur without ...
    • TICK-stack 

      Lund-Lange, Adrian; Moen, Vetle Tangen (Bachelor thesis, 2019)
      Basefarm AS vil bruke monitoreringssystemet TICK i høyere grad enn det de allerede gjør, og ønsker derfor en vurdering av TICK-stakken i sin helhet. Prosjektgruppen har fått i oppgave å utrede ytelse og sikkerhet ved ...
    • Time synchronization across multiple devices in network nodes 

      Khosla, Raghav (Master thesis, 2017)
      Effective time synchronization has become a critical issue nowadays, especially where loads of confidential data needs to be transferred via a medium from one point to another. Rapid advancements in technology have paved ...
    • Time-variable scene quality perception tests 

      Berge, Håvard (Master thesis, 2009)
      Plan and carry out perception tests of time-varying scene composition, spatial and temporal resolution of scene objects, respectively, as defined in DMP. Base the time-variation on short time intervals of only tenths of ...
    • Timeframe-based contiguous file carving in video surveillance systems 

      Magnussen-Vik, Jostein (Master thesis, 2023)
      I straffesaker er ofte overvåkingsfilm en viktig del av bevisbildet. Det er viktig å få innhentet opptakene så tidlig som mulig på grunn av krav om sletting og lagringsplass på overvåkingssystemene. På grunn av personvernregler ...
    • Timestamp prefix carving for filesystem metadata extraction 

      Porter, Kyle; Nordvik, Rune; Toolan, Fergus; Axelsson, Stefan (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2021)
      While file carving is a popular and effective method for extracting file content from unallocated space in a forensic image, it can be time consuming to carve for the wide variety of possible file signatures. Furthermore, ...