Now showing items 1696-1715 of 2578

    • Performance evaluation of nsclick simulator for Mobile Ad Hoc Networks 

      Thi Minh Do, Viet; Xie, Lang; Kure, Øivind (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2011)
      In order to evaluate the behavior and performance of protocols for Mobile Ad Hoc Networks (MANETs) both simulation and test bed are often used. The simulation is used in first stages and the test bed is used in final stages ...
    • Performance Evaluation of V2V and V2I Messages in C-ITS 

      Tubbene, Halvard (Master thesis, 2015)
      The Cooperative Intelligent Transport System (C-ITS), a system where vehicles cooperate in order to improve traffic safety and efficiency, have recently received a lot of attention. There are several standardization ...
    • Performance evaluation of WiFi Direct for data dissemination in mobile social networks 

      Mao, Zhifei; Ma, Jing; Jiang, Yuming; Yao, Bin (Journal article, 2017)
      WiFi Direct is a recent device-to-device communication technology standardized by the WiFi Alliance. Its increasing availability on popular mobile systems (e.g. Android) presents a unique opportunity for developers to ...
    • Performance Guarantees in Quantum Key Distribution Networks 

      Jiang, Yuming; Sun, Fengyou (Chapter, 2017)
      This paper aims to present a mathematical tool useful for quantum key distribution network configuration. In particular, the paper studies the throughput of secret key distribution in a quantum key distribution network ...
    • Performance measurements in packet-switched networks : application to IP networks 

      Viken, Brynjar Åge (Doktoravhandlinger ved NTNU, 1503-8181; 2002:142, Doctoral thesis, 2003)
      The Internet is becoming an important infrastructure. Measurements of network traffic are vital for many areas; including network management, traffic engineering, service differentiation, accounting and billing, the design ...
    • Performance Modeling of Diversity Coded Path Protection in OBS/OPS Networks 

      Li, Shuo; Wong, Eric W M; Øverby, Harald; Zukerman, Moshe (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2019)
      In bufferless optical burst/packet switched (OBS/OPS) networks, data (bursts or packets) may be lost due to contention or equipment failure. Diversity coding-based path protection schemes can be used to protect data from ...
    • Performance modelling of optical packet switched networks with the Engset traffic model 

      Øverby, Harald (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2005)
      Stochastic processes have been widely employed in order to assess the network layer performance of Optical Packet Switched (OPS) networks. In this paper we consider how the Engset traffic model may be applied to evaluate ...
    • Performance of Dispersion-Reduced Wavelength Assignment in Wavelength-Routed Optical Networks 

      Chatterjee, Bijoy Chand; Sarma, Nityananda; Mitra, Abhijit; Srivastava, Anand; Stol, Norvald; Oki, Eiji (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2018)
      This paper analyses the performance of the dispersion-reduced wavelength assignment (DRWA) scheme in wavelength-routed optical networks. The signal quality degradation due to the dispersion effect in longer lightpaths is ...
    • Performance of hidden services in Tor 

      Solberg, Petter; Bezem, Bram (Master thesis, 2013)
      In this thesis we will provide an overview of the Tor hidden service protocol. We will demonstrate the steps of setting up Tor hidden services and a private Tor network for testing purposes. The performance of the hidden ...
    • Performance study of the 3LIHON output scheduling part 

      Leli, Gaia (Master thesis, 2012)
      In the last years hybrid optical networking is a topic of increasing interest for graceful migration to future high capacity integrated service networks.A new hybrid network architecture is proposed to harmonize different ...
    • Performing Gateway Load Balancing in MANETs 

      Pham, Vinh (Doktoravhandlinger ved NTNU, 1503-8181; 2012:23, Doctoral thesis, 2012)
      During the last decades, the advances in Information Technology have formed the basis for increased interest and research activity in the field of ad hoc wireless multihop networks or simply ad hoc networks. This emerging ...
    • Permanent Storage Development for the J2EE Public Service at CERN 

      Holmestad, Ola (Master thesis, 2007)
      This Master thesis develops two solutions enabling permanent file storage for the J2EE Public Service at CERN by the use of Slide, a Java implementation of the IETF WebDAV protocol for distributed authoring and versioning. ...
    • Personal Data Processing and Privacy in the Norwegian Power Grid 

      Mork, Bendik Wermundsen (Master thesis, 2021)
      Det norske strømnettet utvikler seg i retningen av et smart strømnett (smart grid) gjennom introduksjonen av smarte strømmålere og andre smarte digitale enheter. Mer enn 97% av norske hjem har fått installert smarte ...
    • Personal Task Design Preferences of Crowdworkers 

      Hirth, Matthias; Borchert, Kathrin; De Moor, Katrien; Borst, Vanessa; Hossfeld, Tobias (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2020)
      The following topics are dealt with: quality of experience; virtual reality; video streaming; data compression; video coding; learning (artificial intelligence); video signal processing; computer games; human factors; Internet.
    • Personality Traits and Security Motivation 

      Vestad, Arnstein (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2022)
      Security awareness training has long been considered a critical element in organizational cybersecurity preparedness and a mandatory activity in many laws and regulations as well as cybersecurity management standards such ...
    • Personvern i kundeforhold - Hvordan tilrettelegge for informerte samtykker 

      Karlsen, Ida Cathrine (Master thesis, 2019)
      Den 25. mai 2018 ble personvernforordningen innført i medlemslandene av EU. Personvernforordningen trådte senere i kraft i Norge 20. juli 2018, på bakgrunn av at Norge er medlem av EØS. I sammenheng med innføringen av den ...
    • Personvern og datalekkasje 

      Bae, Eirik; Gardåsen, Kjetil; Ueland, David (Bachelor thesis, 2012)
      NORSK: Bacheloroppgaven omhandler personvern ved bruk av Android og applikasjoner på plattformen. Kartleggingen av personvernet på Android ble gjennomført ved å utføre analyser av utvalgte applikasjoner med et egenlagd ...
    • Personvernhensyn ved innsamling av dynamiske data: Studie av anvendelsesområder for AutoPASS 

      Olaisen, Marte Hellum (Master thesis, 2007)
      Bruk av IKT i transportsektoren gir muligheten til å øke trafikksikkerheten, minke miljøbelastningen og effektivisere trafikkavviklingen. AutoPASS heter det norske systemet for elektronisk betaling av bompenger, og AutoPASS ...
    • Personvernspørsmål ved innføringen av biometri i norske pass 

      Knashaug, Kenneth (Master thesis, 2006)
      NORSK: Denne masteroppgavens rapport retter søkelyset mot beskyttelsen av personvernet ved bruk av biometriske pass. Ved å se på nettopp dette, søker vi å kartlegge hvilket kunnskapsnivå brukerne har innen personvern, ...
    • Pervasive Smart Contracts for Blockchains in IoT Systems 

      Taherkordi, Amirhosein; Herrmann, Peter (Chapter, 2018)
      The blockchain technology has gained tremendous attention thanks to its decentralized structure, immutability, and enhanced security and privacy guarantees. Blockchain has the potential to address security and privacy ...