Now showing items 1-20 of 109

    • A Framework for Fault Diagnosis in Managed Pressure Drilling Applied to Flow-Loop Data 

      Willersrud, Anders; Imsland, Lars Struen; Pavlov, Alexey; Kaasa, Glenn-Ole (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2013)
      Data from a medium-scale horizontal flow loop test facility is used to test fault diagnosis in managed pressure drilling. The faults are downhole incidents such as formation influx, fluid loss, drillstring washout, pack-off, ...
    • A Recurrent Neural Network-Based Model Predictive Controller 

      Kippersund, Yngve (Master thesis, 2023)
      Effektiv og nøyaktig prosessregulering ved utvinning av gass og olje er avgjørende for riggmannskapets sikkerhet, for å minimere klima- og miljøkonsekvenser av utvinningen og for å maksimere profitt av drift. Tradisjonelle ...
    • A study on an iceberg drift trajectory 

      Andersson, Leif Erik; Scibilia, Francesco; Imsland, Lars Struen (Chapter, 2017)
      Iceberg drift forecast is a challenging process. Large uncertainties in iceberg geometry and in the driving forces — current, wind and waves — make accurate forecasts difficult. This article illustrates from a data set ...
    • Ablating a Graph Neural Network for Branching in Mixed-Integer Linear Programming 

      Sandberg, Lars Lødemel (Master thesis, 2021)
      Denne oppgaven evaluerer ablasjoner av et grafkonvolusjonelt nevralt nettverk for maskinlæringsassistert forgrening foreslått av Gasse et al. (2019) for mer effektiv løsning av blandede heltallsproblemer (MILP). Effektive ...
    • Adaptation of Engineering Wake Models using Gaussian Process Regression and High-Fidelity Simulation Data 

      Andersson, Leif Erik; Doekemeijer, Bart; van der Hoek, Daan; van Wingerden, W.; Imsland, Lars Struen (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2020)
      This article investigates the optimization of yaw control inputs of a nine-turbine wind farm. The wind farm is simulated using the high-fidelity simulator SOWFA. The optimization is performed with a modifier adaptation ...
    • Adaptive approximation-based estimation of downhole pressure in managed pressure drilling 

      Imsland, Lars Struen; Kaasa, Glenn-Ole (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2012)
      Low-complexity multi-model algorithms for adaptive bottomhole pressure estimation in drilling is derived, and theoretical and practical conditions for convergence (persistency of excitation) discussed, assuming a) topside ...
    • Adaptive detection and prediction of performance degradation in off-shore turbomachinery 

      Zagorowska, Marta; Schulze Spüntrup, Frederik; Ditlefsen, Arne-Marius; Imsland, Lars Struen; Lunde, Erling; Thornhill, Nina F. (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2020)
      Performance-based maintenance of machinery relies on detection and prediction of performance degradation. Degradation indicators calculated from process measurements need to be approximated with degradation models that ...
    • Adaptive Linear Grey-Box Models for Model Predictive Controller of Residential Buildings 

      Yu, Xingji; Georges, Laurent; Imsland, Lars Struen (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2022)
      Model predictive control (MPC) is an advanced optimal control technique to minimize a control objective while satisfying a set of constraints and is well suited to activate the building energy flexibility. The MPC controller ...
    • Adaptive sampling for UAV sensor network in oil spill management 

      Grøtli, Esten Ingar; Haugen, Joakim; Johansen, Tor Arne; Imsland, Lars Struen (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2021)
      In this paper we propose a method for adaptive sampling using Unmanned Aerial Vehicles (UAVs) in oil spill management. The goal is to measure and estimate oil spill concentrations at the sea surface, while at the same time ...
    • An estimation-forecast set-up for iceberg drift prediction 

      Andersson, Leif Erik; Scibilia, Francesco; Imsland, Lars Struen (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2016)
      Iceberg drift forecasting is challenging. Large uncertainties in iceberg geometry and in iceberg driving forces – current, wind and waves – make accurate forecasts difficult. In this work, a new estimation-forecast scheme ...
    • An iceberg forecast approach based on a statistical ocean current model 

      Andersson, Leif Erik; Scibilia, Francesco; Imsland, Lars Struen (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2019)
      This article proposes a statistical model for short-term iceberg drift forecasts by transforming the problem of forecasting the iceberg velocity into a problem of forecasting the ocean current velocity. A Vector-autoregression ...
    • Analysis of Iceberg Drift Trajectories Using the Multivariate Empirical Mode Decomposition 

      Andersson, Leif Erik; Scibilia, Francesco; Copland, Luke; Aftab, Muhammad Faisal; Imsland, Lars Struen (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2018)
      In this study we show how to detect and extract the tidal and inertial oscillation from iceberg velocity data by using the multivariate empirical model decomposition. Due to the similar frequencies of both oscillations in ...
    • Analysis of Optimal Control Strategies for Efficient Operation of a Produced Water Reinjection Facility for Mature Fields 

      Fonseca Ivo, Otávio; Imsland, Lars Struen (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2021)
      Produced water management policies in oil and gas industry have been moving towards zero emission, no ocean discharge and waste-to-value conversion. Produced water reinjection plays a key role in achieving these goals for ...
    • Application of Data-Driven Economic NMPC on a Gas Lifted Well Network 

      Andersen, Joakim Rostrup; Imsland, Lars Struen (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2021)
      The Daily Production Optimization (DPO) problem is the task of maximizing production of hydrocarbons subject to operational constraints. Handling of uncertainty in model structure and parameters is of high importance to ...
    • Asset fleet management in the process industry - a conceptual model 

      Spuntrup, F Schulze; Imsland, Lars Struen (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2018)
      Fleet Management is widely known from vehicle fleet management. However, this term is not elaborated in more detail for the management of asset fleets in the process industries. Since the challenges and the potential ...
    • Autonomous Aerial Ice Observation for Ice Defense 

      Haugen, Joakim; Imsland, Lars Struen (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2014)
      One of the tasks in ice defense is to gather information about the surrounding ice environment using various sensor platforms. In this manuscript we identify two monitoring tasks known in literature, namely dynamic coverage ...
    • Bayesian neural networks for virtual flow metering: An empirical study 

      Grimstad, Bjarne Andre; Hotvedt, Mathilde; Sandnes, Anders Thoresen; Kolbjørnsen, Odd; Imsland, Lars Struen (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2021)
      Recent works have presented promising results from the application of machine learning (ML) to the modeling of flow rates in oil and gas wells. Encouraging results and advantageous properties of ML models, such as ...
    • Bilevel programming as a means of infinite weighting in regression problems 

      Andersen, Joakim Rostrup; Imsland, Lars Struen (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2022)
      Linear regression is concerned about fitting a model to a set of data. The weighted least squares method is a standard tool for performing linear regression. In this paper, we focus on the case when some of the samples are ...
    • Block factorization of step response model predictive control problems 

      Kufoalor, D. Kwame Minde; Frison, Gianluca; Imsland, Lars Struen; Johansen, Tor Arne; Jørgensen, JB (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2017)
      By introducing a stage-wise prediction formulation that enables the use of highly efficient quadratic programming (QP) solution methods, this paper expands the computational toolbox for solving step response MPC problems. ...
    • Campaign-based modeling for degradation evolution in batch processes using a multiway partial least squares approach 

      Wu, Ouyang; Bouaswaig, Ala; Imsland, Lars Struen; Schneider, Stefan; Roth, Matthias; Moreno Leira, Fernando (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2019)
      In the process industry, various types of degradation occur in processing plants, resulting in significant economic losses. Modeling of degradation is important because it provides quantitative insights for consideration ...