• A Domain with Non-plurisubharmonic Squeezing Function 

      Fornæss, John Erik; Shcherbina, Nikolay (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2018)
      We construct a strictly pseudoconvex domain with smooth boundary whose squeezing function is not plurisubharmonic.
    • A Parametric Version of Forstnerič’s Splitting Lemma 

      Simon, Lars (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2018)
      We construct solution operators to the \overline{\partial }-equation that depend continuously on the domain. This is applied to derive a parametric version of Forstnerič’s splitting lemma: If both the maps and the domains ...
    • Convexity Properties of Harmonic Functions on Parameterized Families of Hypersurfaces 

      Berge, Stine Marie (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2019)
      It is known that the L2L2-norms of a harmonic function over spheres satisfy some convexity inequality strongly linked to the Almgren’s frequency function. We examine the L2L2-norms of harmonic functions over a wide class ...
    • An Example on s-H-Convexity in C2C2 

      Simon, Lars; Stensønes, Berit (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2020)
      We construct a bounded domain Ω in C2 with boundary of class C1,1 such that Ω¯¯¯¯ has a Stein neighborhood basis, but is nots-H-convex for any real number s≥1.
    • Flat Bundles Over Some Compact Complex Manifolds 

      Deng, Fusheng; Fornæss, John Erik (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2019)
      We construct examples of flat fiber bundles over the Hopf surface such that the total spaces have no pseudoconvex neighborhood basis, admit a complete Kähler metric, or are hyperconvex but have no nonconstant holomorphic ...
    • Homogeneous Plurisubharmonic Polynomials in Higher Dimensions 

      Simon, Lars (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2021)
      We prove several results on homogeneous plurisubharmonic polynomials on Cn, n∈Z≥2. Said results are relevant to the problem of constructing local bumpings at boundary points of pseudoconvex domains of finite D’Angelo 1-type ...
    • The Nehari problem for the Paley--Wiener space of a disc 

      Brevig, Ole Fredrik; Perfekt, Karl-Mikael (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2023)
      There is a bounded Hankel operator on the Paley–Wiener space of a disc in R2 which does not arise from a bounded symbol.
    • Notes on the Short Ck’s 

      Fornæss, John Erik; Pal, Ratna (Journal article, 2022)
    • On Newton Diagrams of Plurisubharmonic Polynomials 

      Simon, Lars; Stensønes, Berit (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2018)
      Each extreme edge of the Newton diagram of a plurisubharmonic polynomial on C2 gives rise to a plurisubharmonic polynomial. It is tempting to believe that the union of the extreme edges or the convex hull of said union ...
    • On the Catlin Multitype of sums of squares domains 

      Aidoo, Nicholas (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2022)
      For a sum of squares domain of finite D’Angelo 1-type at the origin, we show that the polynomial model obtained from the computation of the Catlin multitype at the origin of such a domain is likewise a sum of squares domain. ...
    • On the Catlin Multitype of Sums of Squares Domains 

      Aidoo, Nicholas (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2022)
      For a sum of squares domain of finite D’Angelo 1-type at the origin, we show that the polynomial model obtained from the computation of the Catlin multitype at the origin of such a domain is likewise a sum of squares domain. ...
    • α -Modulation Spaces for Step Two Stratified Lie Groups 

      Berge, Eirik (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2022)
      We define and investigate α-modulation spaces Ms,α p,q(G) associated to a step two stratified Lie group G with rational structure constants. This is an extension of the Euclidean α-modulation spaces Ms,α p,q(Rn) that act ...