Browsing Institutt for elkraftteknikk by Title
Now showing items 281-300 of 2571
B2B Converter-Based Voltage Control for Isolated Induction Generator supplying Local Variable Loads
(Master thesis, 2019)Dagens samfunn er i stor grad avhengig av å anvende elektrisk kraft til å operere en stor mengde utstyr og teknologier. Selv om dagens nett generelt sett er stabile og sammenkoblede så kan et isolert nett være nyttig for ... -
Back-to-Back Based Voltage Control of an Isolated Grid Supplied by a Hydro Turbine Driven Induction Generator
(Master thesis, 2020)Dagens samfunn er heilt avhengig av elektrisitetsforsyning. Samankopla transmisjonsnett er lett tilgjengelege over heile verda. Likevel, i rurale områder utan nokon form for eksisterande nettinfrastruktur, kan eit isolert ... -
Balance costs for windpower
(Master thesis, 2009)Wind power scheduling is subject to high forecast uncertainty compared to the dominant Norwegian energy source, hydro power. The regulating market, also known as the balance market, is a market solution for optimal operation ... -
Balancing Costs for Wind Power
(Master thesis, 2007)Nordel is the organisation for the Nordel synchronous system, held by the Nordic Transmission System Operators. In their work to harmonise the Nordic electricity markets they have agreed upon harmonising the Nordic balance ... -
Balancing Energy Activation with Network Constraints
(Master thesis, 2017)ENTSO-E has established the framework for integration of European balancing markets in the EU regulation "Guideline on Energy Balancing" (GL-EB). Differences in balancing market design between European countries prevent ... -
Balancing future variable wind and solar power production in Central-West Europe with Norwegian hydropower
(Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2018)Norwegian hydropower has an excellent potential to balance power production in a future Central-West European power system with large shares of variable wind and solar resources. The assessment of the realistic potential ... -
Balancing Market Integration - Model-Based Analysis of Potential Cross-Border Reserve Exchange Between Norway and Germany
(Journal article, 2018)Integrating balancing markets across borders bears a cost-reducing potential but requires the availability of transmission capacity for the eventual activation of committed reserves. Using scarce transmission capacity for ... -
Balancing Market Integration in Northern Europe - A 2030 Case Study
(Master thesis, 2018)The future European power system is expected to incorporate a large share of renewable energy sources (RES). The intermittent nature of these sources will require a higher degree of flexible generation, thus increasing the ... -
Balancing Market Integration in Northern European System - A 2020 Case Study
(Master thesis, 2017)The Nordic power system is a complex and interconnected system in the sense that all the Nordic countries are closely tied together when it comes to electricity trading, both in the important day-ahead market, where the ... -
Balancing needs and measures in the future West Central European power system with large shares of wind and solar resources
(Chapter; Peer reviewed, 2017)The future European power system will include large shares of variable wind and solar resources. This paper analyses the variability for the eHighway 2050 scenarios (from the EU 7th Framework project) by modelling wind and ... -
Balancing of Offshore Wind Power in Mid-Norway: Implementation of a load frequency control scheme for handling secondary control challenges caused by wind power
(Master thesis, 2009)In order to comply with governmentally announced greenhouse gas emission reductions goals and to consolidate an independent and stable electric power and energy supply, Norway must increase its installed renewable energy ... -
Balancing of wind and solar power production in Northern Europe with Norwegian hydropower
(Doctoral theses at NTNU;2018:201, Doctoral thesis, 2018)The European Union (EU) aims to reduce the green-house-gas emissions from the power system to nearly zero in 2050. The future power system in Europe will include high share of variable wind and solar resources. Norway has ... -
Balancing the Breeze: Offshore Grid Connectivity and Demand Flexibility in Future Power systems
(Master thesis, 2024)Det europeiske kraftsystemet er i endring. Målet om å bli et nullutslippssystem har ført til endringer både i forbruk og produksjon. Elektrifiseringen av sektorer som tidligere har vært drivstoffbaserte øker elektrisitet ... -
Baseline Estimation for Flexibility Validation
(Master thesis, 2022)For å håndtere utfordringer fra ukontrollerbare energiressurser og implementering av distribuerte energiressurser, krever distribusjonssystemoperatører fleksible laster og energikilder som hjelper balanseringen av elektrisk ... -
Baseline Estimation for Flexibility Validation
(Master thesis, 2022)For å håndtere utfordringer fra ukontrollerbare energiressurser og implementering av distribuerte energiressurser, krever distribusjonssystemoperatører fleksible laster og energikilder som hjelper balanseringen av elektrisk ... -
Batteri som potensiell løsning til kostbar nettutbygging
(Bachelor thesis, 2023)Hovedmålet med oppgaven er å analysere om batterier kan være et alternativ til utbygging i lavspentnettet. Dette er vurdert over en 50-års periode, og ser på tekniske, økonomiske og miljømessige tiltak. For å svare på ... -
Battery Based Energy Storage Emulation in Low Voltage Grids
(Master thesis, 2019)Det elektriske nettet er i ferd med å moderniseres betydelig. En av de mest vesentlige trendene som kan modernisere kraftnettet er økt penetrasjon av distribuerte energiressurser. Distribuert generasjon forårsaker bidireksjonal ... -
Battery Degradation-Aware Congestion Management in Local Flexibility Markets
(Chapter, 2021)Recently, distribution system operators (DSO) are facing increasing congestion management challenges in their grids due to increasing electricity demand peaks. Batteries are widely assumed to be a promising technology to ... -
Battery energy storage integration via DC/AC converter in grid connected wind turbines
(Master thesis, 2018)The growing need of battery energy storage to support the increase in renewable production in the electricity mix has brought the attention to the modular multilevel converter (MMC) for medium voltage applications. Modular ... -
Battery energy storage system connected to a three-phase 50 Hz-grid
(Master thesis, 2017)Battery energy storage systems (BESS) employing secondary battery technology may offer the greatest potential for large-scale integration of renewable energy sources (RES), and is considered a key element for enabling smart ...