Browsing Institutt for datateknologi og informatikk by Author "Aalberg, Trond"
Now showing items 21-40 of 133
Classifying OCR Errors for Use in Retrieval Methods for Norwegian Text
Fosse, Eirik (Master thesis, 2018)Analysing Norwegian documents processed with Optical Character Recognition. Using information gathered about errors, a retrieval system is tested to improve information retrieval despite OCR errors in the text. Corpus ... -
Combining Audio Fingerprints
Larsen, Vegard Andreas (Master thesis, 2008)Large music collections are now more common than ever before. Yet, search technology for music is still in its infancy. Audio fingerprinting is one method that allows searching for music. In this thesis several audio ... -
Combining Elo Rating and Collaborative Filtering to improve Learner Ability Estimation in an e-learning Context
Dahl, Ole Halvor; Fykse, Olav (Master thesis, 2018)This master thesis details a proof-of-concept software system for estimating student abilities. The system combines Elo rating and collaborative filtering in order to present students with tasks that best reflect their ... -
Creating Learning Environments Within the Constraints of Higher Education - a Case Study of a First-Year Computing Program
Lorås, Madeleine; Aalberg, Trond (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2021)Designing a good learning environment is key to improve the student experience and ensure learning. However, it is becoming increasingly challenging to create such environments due the growing number of students and the ... -
Design and use of XML formats for the FRBR model
Gjerde, Anders (Master thesis, 2008)This thesis aims to investigate how XML can be used to design a bibliographical format for storage of records better in terms of hierarchical structure and readability. It first presents introductory theory regarding the ... -
Designing a self-tracking application for students: How to create self-reflection and awareness of student's workload.
Nicolaysen, Joel K. (Master thesis, 2022)Det er kjent at studenter som legger mer innsats i studiene har en tendens til å lære mer i sitt fagfelt og opparbeide seg mer kunnskap. Likevel finnes det studenter som ikke oppnår den kunnskapen de ønsker, mest sannsynlig ... -
Development and exploration of an adaptive learning system in medication calculation in nursing
Andresen, Kristoffer Ravik (Master thesis, 2018)Medication administration is an important task and responsibility of registered nurses. Unfortunately, medication errors are an internationally significant reason for injury and death in patients. The most common type of ... -
Development of a Demand Driven Dom Parser
Kråkenes, Ole-Jakob; Gausnes, Ole Martin; Alvestad, Gaute Odin (Master thesis, 2006)XML is a tremendous popular markup language in internet applications as well as a storage format. XML document access is often done through an API, and perhaps the most important of these is the W3C DOM. The recommendation ... -
Development of a Demand Driven Dom Parser
Alvestad, Gaute Odin; Gausnes, Ole Martin; Kråkenes, Ole-Jakob (Master thesis, 2006)XML is a tremendous popular markup language in internet applications as well as a storage format. XML document access is often done through an API, and perhaps the most important of these is the W3C DOM. The recommendation ... -
Discussion forums in education: A feature and usage oriented approach for choosing the right software
Dreyer, Marius Sørensen (Master thesis, 2021)Diskusjonsforum blir mye brukt i utdanning for kommunikasjon mellom student og lærer. De er et godt verktøy for dette, og er et positivt tilskudd til klasserommet, men det er lite forskning på hvordan man skal designe dem ... -
Dokumentklasser i formater for moderne tekstbehandlere
Gartmann, Sigurd (Master thesis, 2005)Høstprosjektet jeg skreiv før jul konkluderte med at det var viktig å se på hva som kunne gjøres videre med dokumentformater som åpne standarder. Oppgaven viste også at lukkede formater gjorde konvertering og dermed ... -
A Dynamic Bonus System to Increase Player Participation in Pervasive Learning Games.
Pløhn, Trygve; Iversen, Kjærand; Aalberg, Trond (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2020)A pervasive game blends gaming with the real world and makes the experience pervasive according to the players’ everyday life. Pervasive games typically last for days or weeks and have successfully been used within advertising ... -
Dynamic Pervasive Storytelling in Long Lasting Learning Games
Pløhn, Trygve; Louchart, Sandy; Aalberg, Trond (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2015)Pervasive gaming is a reality‑based gaming genre originating from alternative theatrical forms in which the performance becomes a part of the players⠒ everyday life. In recent years much research has been done on pervasive ... -
Effektiv presentasjon av store trestrukturer i webapplikasjoner
Andersen, Erling Johan (Master thesis, 2006)Webapplikasjoner kan i mange sammenhenger ha bruk for å presentere store sett med hierarkiske data for brukere. Tradisjonelt har det blitt benyttet tjenerbaserte løsninger for dette, som bruker statisk HTML for formatering. ... -
Emnekart basert på standarder
Brodshaug, Marit (Master thesis, 2005)Emnekart er et hjelpemiddel for å navigere blant ressurser, men har i utgangspunktet ingen bestemt struktur for hvordan informasjon bør struktureres. Oppgaven tar derfor for seg ulike formater, som er benyttet for strukturering ... -
Emnekart basert på standarder
Brodshaug, Marit (Master thesis, 2005)Emnekart er et hjelpemiddel for å navigere blant ressurser, men har i utgangspunktet ingen bestemt struktur for hvordan informasjon bør struktureres. Oppgaven tar derfor for seg ulike formater, som er benyttet for strukturering ... -
En tjenesteorientert evaluering av XRI.
Røe, Audun (Master thesis, 2006)I løpet av de seneste årene har omfanget av digital informasjon økt kraftig. Internett er blitt stadig mer utbredt, og behovet for globalt unik og persistent identifikasjon i forvaltningen av digitale ressurser er samtidig ... -
Et system som bruker semantisk nett data for søk i og forslag til anime
Nikolaisen, Erlend Solbakken (Master thesis, 2023)Internett er fullt av informasjon og databaser. Søkemotorer har blitt utviklet slik at brukere kan søke etter informasjonen de er interessert i. Men for en bruker som kanskje leter etter regissøren av en film de liker og ... -
Evaluating Machine Learning Methods for City Bike Demand Prediction in Oslo
Finseth, Patrick; Drevland, Lasse (Master thesis, 2018)A bike-sharing system is a service in which a fleet of bicycles is made available to the public on a short-term basis through self-served docking stations. These stations are limited in capacity and are often depleted or ... -
Evaluating the use of Learning Algorithms in Categorization of Text
Sørensen, Alf Simen Nygaard (Master thesis, 2012)We have tested this by developing a small prototype that used thecorpora of labeled documents with some different learning algorithmsto see if the results would be satisfactory. We conclude that while thesystem would indeed ...