• Thinking about John Thinking about Cognitive Scientists Thinking about Religion 

      Levy, Gabriel John (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2023)
    • Tiden og døden 

      Wyller, Truls (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2018)
      Tidsidealisme vil her si at tid og forandring knyttes til forekomsten av en eller annen type levende bevissthet. Artikkelen drøfter konsekvensene av denne typen idealisme for en tilstand uten liv, altså av død. Utgangspunktet ...
    • Time, Death, and Duration 

      Wyller, Truls (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2019)
      I argue that the question 'Is there a life after death?' should be put aside as meaningless; the reason for this has nothing to do with materialism or physicalism, however. On the contrary, it is a consequence of temporal ...
    • Tingliggjøring og anerkjennelse 

      Raadal-Simonsen, Fredrik (Bachelor thesis, 2021)
    • To speak or not to speak?: moral silence in business 

      Hsiao, Lin-Lin (Master thesis, 2009)
    • Towards an Embodied Hermeneutics: Gadamer, Merleau-Ponty, and Nondirective Meditation 

      Solli, Mattias (Doctoral theses at NTNU;2017:39, Doctoral thesis, 2017)
      Summary of the thesis What does it imply to know oneself? The project discusses this classical philosophical question in light of philosophical hermeneutics ((Hans-Georg Gadamer), phenomenology (Maurice Merleau-Ponty), ...
    • Training Technologies. Science, Humans and Dogs in the Age of Positive Dog Training 

      Gabrielsen, Ane Møller (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2017)
      The practices of dog training influence the lives of numerous dogs and dog owners, but have not received much academic attention in terms of empirical studies. Both humans and dogs are shaped through these practices, but ...
    • A trilemma for naturalized metaphysics 

      Jaksland, Rasmus (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2022)
      Radical naturalized metaphysics wants to argue (1) that metaphysics without sufficient epistemic warrant should not be pursued, (2) that the traditional methods of metaphysics cannot provide epistemic warrant, (3) that ...
    • Trust in Crisis. Conspiracy Mentality, Lack of Trust and Religiosity Predicted Conspiracy Beliefs about COVID-19 in a Norwegian Sample. 

      Dyrendal, Asbjørn; Hestad, Knut (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2021)
      Crises are associated with a search for meaning and security. In recent years, they have also been associated with increased attention to conspiracy theories. Such theories about COVID-19 have been many. We have looked at ...
    • Ubehaget i den Andre: En undersøkelse av transkjønn som fenomen med utgangspunkt i lacansk psykoanalyse 

      Kadim, Thomas Arli (Master thesis, 2022)
      Hva er det som gjør at noen personer har en opplevelse av at kropp og kjønnsidentitet ikke stemmer overens? Hvor kan dette ubehaget sies å stamme fra? Dette spørsmålet blir undersøkt filosofisk med utgangspunkt i de ...
    • Understanding the autonomy of autonomous technology 

      Akø, Kjetil Holtmon (Master thesis, 2016)
      Nylig har autonom teknologi fått medieoppslag og det er visse bekymringer knyttet til denne teknologien. Denne oppgaven søker å svare på spørsmålet om hvordan man skal forstå autonomien til autonome teknologier. For å svare ...
    • Ut mot det fete, nådeløse egoet 

      Winther, Hannah (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2022)
    • “Uten kunnskap har vi tapt” 

      Gisvold, Iris Wiik (Master thesis, 2012)
      Dette er en kvalitativ studie med intervju som metode. Studien har tatt for seg det interkulturelle motet i offentlig sektor, hvor informantene har vart NAV-ansatte i Sor-Trondelag. Studien er blitt designet for a kunne ...
    • Value and Growth -- Rethinking basic concepts in Lockean liberalism 

      Bailey, Jennifer L.; Thorseth, May (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2017)
      This article argues that protection of the environment requires reconsidering basic liberal ideas relating to value and growth. It selects a central thinker in the liberal tradition, John Locke, as ...
    • Variation in Natural Kind Concepts 

      Cohnitz, Daniel; Haukioja, Jussi (Chapter, 2020)
      Since Kripke's and Putnam's work in the 1970's, most philosophers have assumed that our natural kind concepts are externally individuated. However, both psychologists and philosophers have questioned this assumption, partly ...
    • Våre plikter overfor dyr som våre medskapninger 

      Vindstad, Hanne (Master thesis, 2017)
      Peter Singers` and Tom Regans` accounts on animal ethics focus mainly on the similarities between humans and animals. Both accounts are based upon rational arguments and objectivity, and pay little or no attention to the ...
    • Velferdsstaten som husholdning i lys av Hannah Arendt 

      Fjellestad, Vegard (Bachelor thesis, 2020)
    • Venstresidas babylonske fangenskap 

      Wyller, Truls Egil (Journal article, 2004)
    • Vestens "Frie" Media 

      Cold, Are (Bachelor thesis, 2024)
      I dette skrivet vil jeg ta for meg et institusjonelt moralsk problem i Vestens media verden, spesifikt Norge, hvor jeg tar for meg hva som skal til for å bli regnet som «fri presse» ut ifra sjekklisten hos «Reportere uten ...
    • Vet at vet, men ikke hvordan/hvorfra? 

      Anvik, Martin (Bachelor thesis, 2024)
      Kildeamnesi er et fenomen der en har glemt hvor ens infromnasjon kommer fra. Ved å vurdere sanne kunnskapstilskrivelser, der en ikke husker kilden/berettigelsen til informasjonen en tilskriver seg kunnskap om, som valide ...