Now showing items 2824-2843 of 4035

    • Paradigme skapt av erfaringshirakiet i bygg- og anleggsbransjen dominerer organisasjonslæringen i totalentrepenørselskaper 

      Andersen, Edvard; Bryhn, Cornelia W. (Master thesis, 2020)
      Denne studien viser at institusjonalisering av kunnskap og organisasjonslæring er et lite tilstedeværende eller misforstått konsept i totalentreprenørselskaper i bygg- og anleggsbransjen. Det viser seg at totalentreprenørselskaper ...
    • Parameterization and Multiobjective Optimization 

      Nilsen, Espen (Master thesis, 2013)
      This thesis has dealt with the overall process regarding optimization of a controlarm, with a focus on providing a practical guide. The rst chapter explains howto approach these kinds of issues and outlines a strategy for ...
    • Parameterization and Multiobjective Optimization 

      Skaar, Carl Hougsrud (Master thesis, 2013)
      One of the core ideas in this thesis is to determine how single- and multiobjective design optimization can be applied and implemented to improve products. The background for this thesis is an EC research project named ...
    • Parametric Analysis of the Structural Integrity of a Protective Wall Installed Onboard a Hydrogen Tube Trailer 

      Fahad, Shah. (Master thesis, 2021)
      Hydrogen er en lovende kandidat for å erstatte konvensjonelle drivstoff og oppnå målet for klimagassutslipp. Dette har resultert i en større interesse for utviklingen av hydrogen som energibærer. Til tross for fremskritt ...
    • A Parametric Model of Umbilical Cable with Siemens NX considering its Reliability 

      Zhang, Liang; Berisha, Brikene; Lobov, Andrei (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2021)
      Umbilical cable is one of the key control equipment, for example, in the subsea oil and gas production system. That can be seen as a customized product related to specific parameters of use cases, e.g. installation site. ...
    • Parametric Ship Hull Design in NX 

      Skogsfjord, Magnus Bakke; Rognseth, Christoffer (Master thesis, 2014)
      When Wärtsilä Ship Design (WSD) initiates a new ship design project, the work is commenced by constructing initial CAD-data with software products such as AutoCad and NAPA. This data is exported to several other software ...
    • Parametric study of adhesive joints with non-flat sinusoid interfaces 

      Razavi, Seyed Mohammad Javad; Berto, Filippo; Peron, Mirco; Torgersen, Jan (Journal article, 2018)
      The role of sinusoid interface shape on the stress distribution and load bearing capacity of the adhesively bonded single lap joints has been investigated numerically and experimentally. The experimental results showed ...
    • Parametrisk design av planetgirsystem for vindturbiner 

      Röß, Jakob; Rosales, Daniel (Bachelor thesis, 2022)
      Fornybare energikilder har opplevd en stor økning de siste årene. Den Europeiske Unionen har som mål å være verdensledende innen fornybar energiproduksjon. Som et resultat vokser vindenergiproduksjonen til høyere og høyere ...
    • Partnering in offshore drilling projects 

      Børve, Sjur; Ahola, Tuomas; Andersen, Bjørn Sørskot; Aarseth, Wenche (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2017)
      Purpose – The purpose of this paper is to evaluate to which extent partnering practices observed in earlier research focussing on the construction industry are applied in offshore development drilling projects. ...
    • The passenger’s influence on dwell times at station platforms: a literature review 

      Kuipers, Ruben A.; Palmqvist, Carl-William; Olsson, Nils; Winslott Hiselius, Lena (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2021)
      Dwell time delays, although small in nature, can accumulate to a large delay over the entire journey of a train. It is, however, difficult to precisely know the amount of time which is required at stations due to the ...
    • Passivation and Reactivation of Aluminium Sacrificial Anodes 

      Heggseth, Anders Opheim (Master thesis, 2019)
      Ein ny inspeksjonsmetode ved navn FIGS® har i dei seinare år blitt utvikla. Denne metoden nyttar seg av felt-gradient målingar og vurderar tilstanden på korrosjonsbeskyttelsesystemet til forskjellige undervasstrukturar og ...
    • Passivitetsbasert slug-regulering 

      Kristiansen, Geir Tvetene (Master thesis, 2014)
      Denne oppgaven beskriver arbeidet som er utført i forbindelse med masteroppgaven ved Institutt for produksjons- og kvalitetsteknikk ved NTNU, våren 2014. Oppgaven presenterer en dynamisk modell for flerfase rørstrømning ...
    • Path Planning of Autonomous Swarm Tugboats 

      Cox, Rebecca Lillian (Master thesis, 2017)
      This research is part of a study of autonomous tugboats. The study is a cooperation between two students, but the projects are separate. The common goal for the study is to develop a working prototype of an autonomous ...
    • Patternless direct moulding of sand castings 

      Kålås, Øystein Heden (Master thesis, 2010)
    • Pauser i tidligfase i norske byggeprosjekter - Årsaker og konsekvesner 

      Iversen, Roy Andreas (Master thesis, 2017)
      Gjennom analyse av tidsdata gjennom forskningsprosjektet SpeedUp er det observert at det oppstår pauser i tidligfasen i større norske byggeprosjekter. Målet med denne studien er å se på årsakene som forårsaker disse pausene ...
    • Pd-Functionalized ZnO:Eu Columnar Films for Room-Temperature Hydrogen Gas Sensing: A Combined Experimental and Computational Approach 

      Lupan, Christian; Khaledialidusti, Rasoul; Kumar Mishra, Abhishek (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2020)
      Reducing the operating temperature to room temperature is a serious obstacle on long-life sensitivity with long-term stability performances of gas sensors based on semiconducting oxides, and this should be overcome by new ...
    • Perception by Palpation: Development and Testing of a Haptic Ferrogranular Jamming Surface 

      Rørvik, Sigurd Bjarne (Master thesis, 2021)
      Denne masteroppgaven beskriver konseptutviklingsprosessen av et haptisk brukergrensesnitt ment for trening på palpasjon. Utviklingsprosessen involverer utforskning, design, bygging og testing av konseptet. Inspirasjonen ...
    • Perception by Palpation: Development and Testing of a Haptic Ferrogranular Jamming Surface 

      Rørvik, Sigurd Bjarne; Auflem, Marius; Dybvik, Henrikke; Steinert, Ralf Martin (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2021)
      Tactile hands-only training is particularly important for medical palpation. Generally, equipment for palpation training is expensive, static, or provides too few study cases to practice on. We have therefore developed a ...
    • Performance analysis for subsea blind shear ram preventers subject to testing strategies 

      Wu, Shengnan; Zhang, Laibin; Barros, Anne; Zheng, Wenpei; Liu, Yiliu (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2018)
      In a subsea blowout preventer system, a subsea blind shear ram preventer (BSRP) plays as a crucial safety barrier by cutting off the drill pipe and sealing the wellhead to prevent serious accidents. Testing and repairs of ...
    • Performance analysis of redundant safety-instrumented systems subject to degradation and external demands 

      Zhang, Aibo; Barros, Anne; Liu, Yiliu (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2019)
      Safety-instrumented systems (SISs) play a vital role in preventing hazardous events in the offshore facilities. Many of existing performance analysis of SISs are based on the constant failure rate assumption, which is ...