Browsing Institutt for geovitenskap og petroleum by Title
Now showing items 1660-1679 of 2643
Observations on and use of curves of current dimensionless potential versus recovery factor calculated from models of hydrocarbon production systems in Journal of Petroleum Science and Engineering
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2021)In this work, curves of current dimensionless potential versus recovery factor are computed with models of hydrocarbon production systems. Additionally, a method to estimate production profiles using curves of current ... -
Observed and Estimated Effects of Cuttings on Equivalent Circulating Density
(Master thesis, 2014)More extended reach wells, highly deviated and ultra deep are being drilled to meet the world s continuously increasing energy demand. Hole cleaning remains one of the greatest challenges throughout drilling operations, ... -
Obtaining the Source Wavefield from Multicomponent Data and its Application in Full Waveform Inversion
(Master thesis, 2015)In full waveform inversion (FWI) we need to know the seismic source signature. In practice this is generally unknown, and it must be estimated using statistical methods or inversion. However, these methods rely on assumptions ... -
Oedometer Tests for Assessing Possible Impact of Fluid-Shale Interactions on a Shale Barrier Formation
(Master thesis, 2017)The focus of the research for this thesis was shale as a barrier. A hole must be permanently plugged and abandoned (PP\&A) at the end of a its lifetime. Regulations require that the annulus is properly sealed off so that ... -
Offset dependence of overburden time-shifts from ultrasonic data
(Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2020)Depletion or injection into a reservoir implies stress changes and strains in the reservoir and its surroundings. This may lead to measurable time-shifts for seismic waves propagating in the subsurface. To better understand ... -
Offset-Dependent Overburden Time-Shifts from Ultrasonic Data
(Chapter, 2019)Depletion or injection into a reservoir implies stress and strain changes in the reservoir and its surroundings. This may lead to measurable time-shifts for seismic waves propagating in the subsurface. We have measured ... -
Offshore Gravimetric and Subsidence Monitoring
(Doktoravhandlinger ved NTNU, 1503-8181; 2008:183, Doctoral thesis, 2008) -
Oil agglomeration of metal-bearing shale in the presence of mixed cationic-anionic surfactants
(Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2018)This paper reports oil agglomeration of fine metal-bearing shale particles in the presence of cationic (dodecylamine hydrochloride) and anionic (sodium dodecyl sulfate) surfactants and their mixture. The experimental results ... -
Om dagbruddsveggen ved Elkem Tana
(Master thesis, 2014)Elkem Tana AS produserer i overkant av 1 million tonn kvartsitt fra dagbruddet i Austertana, og er dermed Norges største kvartsittprodusent. I forbindelse med den planlagte utvidelsen av bruddet har det vært nødvendig med ... -
Om tommelfingerregler og konusplassering i norske kraftverk
(Chapter, 2019)Et sentralt designprinsipp for uforede trykktunneler er at bergspenningene må overstige det innvendige vanntrykket i tunnelen. I motsatt fall kan man få hydraulisk jekking av tunnelen med store vannlekkasjer og tilhørende ... -
On Linking of Task Analysis in the HRA Procedure: The Case of HRA in Offshore Drilling Activities
(Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2018)Human reliability analysis (HRA) has become an increasingly important element in many industries for the purpose of risk management and major accident prevention; for example, recently to perform and maintain probabilistic ... -
On low frequencies emitted by air guns at very shallow depths - An experimental study
(Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2019)In marine seismic acquisition, the enhancement of frequency amplitudes below 5 Hz is of special interest because it improves imaging of the subsurface. The frequency content of the air gun, the most commonly used marine ... -
On occurrence of point singularities in orthorhombic media
(Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2019)Degeneracies of the slowness surfaces of shear (and compressional) waves in low‐symmetry anisotropic media (such as orthorhombic), known as point singularities, pose difficulties during modelling and inversion, but can be ... -
On Processing and Inversion of Marine Magnetotelluric Data
(Doctoral theses at NTNU;2017:311, Doctoral thesis, 2017) -
On Regional Distribution and Characterization of The Klippfisk Formation Limestone
(Master thesis, 2016)This study documents and discusses the detailed sedimentology of the Berriasian to Early Barremian Klippfisk Formation on the western Barents Sea, at Bjarmeland Platform, northern part of the Bjørnøya Basin, northeastern ... -
On technologies for shale barrier evaluation in the North Sea
(Chapter, 2018)Cement evaluation tools have been used in the oil industry for decades to examine the integrity of cement bonding to the well casing and openhole. It has been suggested that such tools also can be used to verify the presence ... -
On the Accuracy of Mapping the Lateral Extent of Hydrocarbon Reservoirs in Marine CSEM
(Master thesis, 2016)In marine CSEM it is known that the real areal extent of a hydrocarbon reservoir will not necessarily be mapped correctly during inversion. Generally, the inversion will cause the reservoir to be undersized, as a result ... -
On the biogenicity of Fe-oxyhydroxide filaments in silicified low-temperature hydrothermal deposits: Implications for the identification of Fe-oxidizing bacteria in the rock record
(Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2019)Microaerophilic Fe(II)‐oxidizing bacteria produce biomineralized twisted and branched stalks, which are promising biosignatures of microbial Fe oxidation in ancient jaspers and iron formations. Extracellular Fe stalks ... -
On the Effect of CO2 on Seismic and Ultrasonic Properties: A Novel Shale Experiment
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2021)Carbon capture and storage (CCS) by geological sequestration comprises a permeable formation (reservoir) for CO2 storage topped by an impermeable formation (caprock). Time-lapse (4D) seismic is used to map CO2 movement in ... -
On the Importance of Expert Knowledge in Well Placement Optimisation
(Master thesis, 2016)As of today, well placement optimisation in field development planning is most commonly based on the trial-and-error approach that requires the evaluation of numerous field development scenarios. This approach is not ...