Browsing Institutt for energi og prosessteknikk by Author "Jahren, Sigrun"
Now showing items 1-13 of 13
A Comparative Life Cycle Assessment of SpillTech Waterborne Plastic Waste Removal Systems
Hirons, Michael S (Master thesis, 2022)I flere tiår har plast vært et uvurderlig materiale da verden kastet seg mot modernitet i en enestående hastighet. På grunn av end-of-life (EOL) miljøpåvirkninger av disse langlivede polymerene, har de blitt en gjennomgripende ... -
Analysing the sustainability performance and critical improvement factors of urban municipal waste systems - case study RfD
Schjoldager, Nora Omdal (Master thesis, 2017)The objective of this master's thesis is to analyse the environmental performance and critical improvement factors of urban waste systems. The thesis is a case study of the urban waste management system of RfD (Renovasjo ... -
Analysing the sustainability performance and critical improvement factors of urban municipal waste systems - case study RoAF
Callewaert, Pieter Guido (Master thesis, 2017)The shift towards a circular economy is a crucial factor to combat climate change and resource depletion. In this context, the European Union adopted the circular economy package resulting in different targets for the waste ... -
Analysing the sustainability performance and critical improvement factors of urban municipal waste systems - Case study Trondheim
Unander, Silje Madalena Oliveira (Master thesis, 2017)The management of the natural output of consumption, waste, has to become more sustainable. Ideally this would mean that it simply ceased to exist, but as unrealistic that may be, the current discourse in waste legislation ... -
Assessment of Operation of Biogas Production Plants in regards to Yield Factor, Energy Efficiency and Environmental Benefit
Revheim, Frida Huglen (Master thesis, 2019)Ei kontinuerleg aukande energietterspurnad og eit auka fokus på miljøvenlege energikjelder krev stadig utvikling og bruk av alternative energikjelder. Avfallsproduksjon er ein naturleg konsekvens av ein moderne livsstil. ... -
Beneficiation of Plastic Waste in Africa - A Case Study on Life Cycle Sustainability Assessment of the Use of Plastic Waste in Producing Building Mterials
Elisa, Modi Michael (Master thesis, 2022)Plastic Pollution is a global problem that needs urgent attention, especially in developing countries where waste management systems are underdeveloped or non-existent. Sustainable methods of (plastic) waste management are ... -
Bottom ash as a resource in a circular economy - A case study of metal packaging products for IVAR
Bjordal, Kristine (Master thesis, 2019)Today, the residual waste from households is sent to waste-to-energy plants, and one of the bi-products created is incineration bottom ash. This is an inhomogeneous material which undergoes minimal final treatment, and ... -
Climatic change assessment of electrodialytic treatment of sewage sludge ash
Saunte, Karl Otto (Master thesis, 2023)Sewage sludge is a major waste which needs to be disposed of in a hygienic way. One disposal method is to incinerate it, which produces an ash contain- ing 5-10% phosphorous. Phosphorous is a critical resource, which is ... -
Comparison of biogas production in France and Norway
Studlé, Yann (Master thesis, 2023)Formålet med masteroppgaven er å sammenligne franske og norske produksjonssystemer for biogass på flere områder. For å gjøre dette er det gjennomført en materialstrømsanalyse (MFA) basert på et lignende system for begge ... -
Environmental analysis of alternative food waste solutions in the urban waste system of BIR
Sørgard, Kaja Daviknes (Master thesis, 2018)The waste sector is appointed a key role in the transition towards a circular economy. The objective of the sector is shifting from solely handling the waste in an environmental and safe way, to encompass the preparation ... -
Livsløpsvurdering av insektproduksjon basert på norske ressurser
Liverød, Tonje (Master thesis, 2019)Den fortsatte veksten i den globale befolkningen setter et uholdbart press på verdes naturressurser, og det er ytterst nødvendig å iverksette tiltak for å sikre bærekraftig matproduksjon. Bærekraftig utvikling er avhengig ... -
Livssyklusanalyse av alternativene for matavfallspose i Norge, og kriterier ved valg
Enger, Silje Kleppestø (Master thesis, 2023)I 2017 ble det enighet i EU om et avfallsregelverk med målsettinger for materialgjenvinning. Et av disse målene var å oppnå en materialgjenvinningsgrad på 65\% innen 2035. Som et bidrag til dette regelverket ble det pålagt ... -
The Reduction Potential of Plastics and Microplastics in Bio-fertilizer
Fagerheim, André Beck (Master thesis, 2020)En økende mengde plast og mikroplast gjør sin inntreden i økosystemer til lands og til vanns. Dette fører til bekymringer for potensielle langtidsvirkninger for bæreevnen til økosystemene og folks helse. En kilde til plast ...