Now showing items 4010-4029 of 4249

    • Undersøkelse av varmetap ved Grong barneskole 

      Kristiansen, Audun Bull (Master thesis, 2010)
      I Undersøkelse av varmetap ved Grong barneskole er fasadene termografert utvendig og innvendig for å avdekke kuldebroer og infiltrasjon. Termograferingen ble foretatt uten å trykksette bygget. Årsaken til at termografering ...
    • Undersøkelse av ventilasjonsprinsipper for museer 

      Omli-Moe, Tonje Margrethe (Master thesis, 2019)
      Museer er institusjoner som skal ta vare på samlinger av gjenstander med historisk eller vitenskapelig verdi, samt kunstverk. Denne kunnskapen skal videreføres gjennom utstillinger tilgjengelig for offentligheten, og sikre ...
    • Unequal carbon tax impacts on 38 million German households: assessing spatial and socio-economic hotspots 

      Többen, Johannes; Pichler, Peter-Paul; jaccard, ingram; kratena, kurt; Moran, Daniel; Zheng, Heran; Weisz, Helga (Journal article, 2023)
      Carbon pricing is a core climate policy in many countries. However, the distribution of impacts is highly unequal across income brackets, but also across household types and regions. The complex interplay between household ...
    • The unequal contribution to global energy consumption along the supply chain 

      Meng, Jing; Hu, Xiangping; Chen, Peipei; Coffman, D'Maris; Han, Mengyao (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2020)
      Reducing fossil fuel consumption is a top priority option for climate change mitigation, which requires collaborations of partners along the supply chain, such as energy suppliers, energy consumers and final consumers of ...
    • The unequal distribution of household carbon footprints in Europe and its link to sustainability 

      Ivanova, Diana; Wood, Richard (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2020)
      The distribution of household carbon footprints is largely unequal within and across countries. Here, we explore household-level consumption data to illustrate the distribution of carbon footprints and consumption within ...
    • A Unified Geometry Parametrization Method for Turbomachinery Blades 

      Otero, Roberto Agromayor; Nord, Lars Olof; Pini, Matteo (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2021)
      Turbomachinery design is increasingly carried out by means of automated workflows based on high-fidelity physical models and optimization algorithms. The parametrization of the blade geometry is an essential aspect of such ...
    • Uniform-momentum zones in a turbulent boundary layer subjected to freestream turbulence 

      Hearst, Robert Jason; de Silva, Charitha; Dogan, Eda; Ganapathisubramani, Bharathram (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2021)
      The instantaneous structure of a turbulent boundary layer that has developed beneath freestream turbulence (FST) was investigated with planar particle image velocimetry. Measurements were performed in the streamwise–wall-normal ...
    • Unlocking cell chemistry evolution with operando fibre optic infrared spectroscopy in commercial Na(Li)-ion batteries 

      Gervillié-Mouravieff, C; Boussard-Plédel, C; Huang, Jiaqiang; Leau, C; Albero Blanquer, Laura; Ben Yahia, M; Doublet, M-L; Boles, Steven; Zhang, XH; Adam, JL; Tarascon, Jean-Marie (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2022)
      Improvements to battery performance, reliability and lifetime are essential to meet the expansive demands for energy storage. As part of this, continuous monitoring of the dynamic chemistry inside cells offers an exciting ...
    • Unlocking Room Temperature Formation of Li-Rich Phases in Aluminum Anodes for Li-ion Batteries 

      Zheng, Tianye; Zhang, Jia; Guo, Xiaoyang; Jin, Wei; Boles, Steven Tyler (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2024)
      Aluminum (Al) has been an attractive anode candidate for lithium-ion batteries (LIBs) since the 1970s. While the formation of β-LiAl is considered the origin of the Li storage capability in Al anodes, multiple Li-Al phases ...
    • Unraveling the Impact of Land Cover Changes on Climate Using Machine Learning and Explainable Artificial Intelligence 

      Kolevatova, Anastasiia; Riegler, Michael; Cherubini, Francesco; Hu, Xiangping; Hammer, Hugo Lewi (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2021)
      A general issue in climate science is the handling of big data and running complex and computationally heavy simulations. In this paper, we explore the potential of using machine learning (ML) to spare computational time ...
    • Unraveling the role of biofuels in road transport under rapid electrification 

      Cavalett, Otávio; Cherubini, Francesco (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2022)
      Biofuels have been the predominant option for climate change mitigation in road transport for decades, but the recent expansion of electric vehicles may bring into question their key role. In this work we model the energy ...
    • Unstable two phase flow in long vertical pipes 

      Ravnås, Morten (Master thesis, 2018)
      Flow instabilities can cause operational problems when transporting multiphase mixtures of oil and gas in offshore risers and pipelines. Several types of flow instabilities have been studied and are well documented. This ...
    • Unsteady flow in wicket gate and runner with focus on static and dynamic load on runner 

      Antonsen, Øyvind (Doktoravhandlinger ved NTNU, 1503-8181; 2007:155, Doctoral thesis, 2007)
      This thesis presents a study on unsteady flow at the inlet of the runner in a Francis turbine. The main goal has been to find a connection between the design of the wicket gate and the dynamic load on the runner due to ...
    • Unveiling bulk and surface radiation forces in a dielectric liquid 

      Astrath, N. G. C.; Flizikowski, G. A. S.; Anghinoni, B.; Malacarne, L. C.; Baesso, M. L:; Pozar, T.; Partanen, M.; Brevik, Iver Håkon; Razansky, D.; Bialkowski, S. E. (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2022)
      Precise control over light-matter interactions is critical for many optical manipulation and material characterization methodologies, further playing a paramount role in a host of nanotechnology applications. Nonetheless, ...
    • Upgrading protected areas can improve or reverse the decline in conservation effectiveness: Evidence from the Tibetan Plateau, China 

      Hua, Ting; Zhao, Wenwu; Cherubini, Francesco; Hu, Xiangping; Pereira, Paulo (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2023)
      Protected areas (PAs) are considered essential for maintaining biodiversity. Several governments would like to strengthen the management levels of their PAs (as shorthand for a hierarchy in PA administrative governance) ...
    • Upscaling of wind turbine blades 

      Thorsen, Torstein (Doktoravhandlinger ved NTNU, 1503-8181; 2003:94, Doctoral thesis, 2003)
      The wind turbine industry is rapidly growing, and wind turbines are growing in size accordingly. For the wind turbines in the past and up to the present commercial size, aerodynamic forces have basically governed all blade ...
    • Urban alien plants in temperate oceanic regions of Europe originate from warmer native ranges 

      Géron, Charly; Lembrechts, Jonas J.; Borgelt, Jan; Lenoir, Jonathan; Hamdi, Rafiq; Mahy, Grégory; Nijs, Ivan; Monty, Arnaud (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2021)
      When colonizing new areas, alien plant species success can depend strongly on local environmental conditions. Microclimatic barriers might be the reason why some alien plant species thrive in urban areas, while others ...
    • Urban wind at the Gløshaugen campus 

      Røstum, Simen Havneraas (Master thesis, 2019)
      En modell av Gløshaugen campus skalert 1: 320 ble opprettet for å evaluere vindforholdene på Gløshaugen for å utvikle og validere en numerisk modell. For å undersøke vindforholdene ble det brukt røyk og korn for visualisering ...
    • Urban wind: CFD analysis of Gløshaugen campus based on measured data 

      Burkeland, Stian Næve (Master thesis, 2018)
      In this study, a CFD analysis of the wind condition at the Norwegian University of Science and Technology based on local measurements is conducted of inlet wind profiles. The simulation is performed on Abel computer cluster, ...
    • Use of ejectors to increase the energy efficiency of heat pump and refrigeration systems 

      Xiong, Jie (Master thesis, 2015)
      Ejektoren er i økende grad benyttet for ekspansjonsarbeidet utvinning av lawerdige varmen som å produsere ekstra kjøleeffekt . I denne rapporten er et kjøpesenter kapasitet R744 Enfaset ejektor syklus studert. Denne syklusen ...