Now showing items 9688-9707 of 23499

    • Gas Cleaning with Granular Bed Filter 

      Ødegård, Johnny (Master thesis, 2009)
    • Gas Cleaning with Granular Bed Filter 

      Ødegård, Johnny (Master thesis, 2009)
      A literature study is first presented then the practical experiments are described. The theoretical chapter provides an overview of filtration mechanisms and available gas cleaning technologies, with an emphasis on hot gas ...
    • Gas cleaning with Granular Filters 

      Natvig, Ingunn Roald (Master thesis, 2007)
      The panel bed filter (PBF) is a granular filter patented by A. M. Squires in the late sixties. PBFs consist of louvers with stationary, granular beds. Dust is deposited in the top layers and on the bed surface when gas ...
    • Gas Compression Tool Validation 

      Strøm, Katrine Lie (Master thesis, 2011)
      A decline in field developments on the Norwegian Continental Shelf over the last years has led to an increase in tie-ins of smaller- and more stranded fields to the existing production facilities. This results in more ...
    • Gas Compressor Laboratory Upgrades 

      Rakvåg, Adrian (Master thesis, 2022)
      The compressor laboratory at NTNU Valgrinda created in 2018, need some upgrades to properly function as a anti-surge compressor laboratory. The laboratory is being used by control students to learn how to tune controllers ...
    • Gas Evolution in Li-ion Rechargeable Batteries: A Review on Operando Sensing Technologies, Gassing Mechanisms, and Emerging Trends 

      Zheng, Tianye; Muneeswara, Madithedu; Bao, Haihong; Huang, Jiaqiang; Zhang, Leiting; Hall, David Scott; Boles, Steven Tyler; Jin, Wei (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2024)
      Gas evolution is fundamentally problematic in rechargeable batteries, and may lead to swelling, smoking, and device-level failure. In laboratories, monitoring gas evolution can help understand dynamic chemical events inside ...
    • Gas explosions in process pipes 

      Kristoffersen, Kjetil (Doktoravhandlinger ved NTNU, 1503-8181; 2004:79, Doctoral thesis, 2004)
      In this thesis, gas explosions inside pipes are considered. Laboratory experiments and numerical simulations are the basis of the thesis. The target of the work was to develop numerical models that could predict accidental ...
    • Gas flow through shallow sediments - A case study using passive and active seismic field data 

      Landrø, Martin; Wehner, Daniel; Vedvik, Noralf; Ringrose, Philip; Løhre, Nora Løw; Berteussen, Karl-Andreas (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2019)
      Offshore Quaternary sediment sequences are generally weak and unconsolidated, and fluid flow through these rock formations is hard to predict or model. Surface flow observations, such as gas seeps, often appear random and ...
    • Gas Influx Handling for Dual Gradient Drilling 

      Handal, Arne (Doktoravhandlinger ved NTNU, 1503-8181; 2011:338, Doctoral thesis, 2011)
      New drilling technology is primarily developed when limitations of existing technology makes it difficult or impossible to reach new targets. Drilling in deep waters and in depleted reservoirs is less profitable or too ...
    • Gas switching reforming (GSR) for power generation with CO2 capture: Process efficiency improvement studies 

      Nazir, Shareq Mohd; Cloete, Jan Hendrik; Cloete, Schalk Willem Petrus; Amini, Shahriar (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2019)
      This paper presents the process improvement studies of a combined cycle power plant integrated with a novel gas switching reforming (GSR) process for hydrogen production with integrated CO2 capture. The overall process is ...
    • Gas Switching Reforming (GSR) for syngas production with integrated CO2 capture using iron-based oxygen carriers 

      Zaabout, Abdelghafour; Dahl, Paul Inge; Ugwu, Ambrose; Tolchard, Julian R; Cloete, Schalk Willem Petrus; Amini, Shahriar (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2019)
      The process behavior of a Gas Switching Reforming (GSR) reactor was studied using three different iron-based oxygen carrier materials: Iron-oxide on Alumina, Iron-Nickel oxide on Alumina and Iron-Ceria on Alumina. It was ...
    • Gas switching reforming for flexible power and hydrogen production to balance variable renewables 

      Szima, Szabolcs; Nazir, Shareq Mohd; Cloete, Schalk Willem Petrus; Amini, Shahriar; Fogarasi, Szabolcs; Cormos, Ana-Maria; Cormos, Calin-Cristian (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2019)
      Variablerenewableenergy(VRE)isexpectedtoplayamajorroleinthedecarbonizationoftheelectricitysector.However, decarbonization via VRE requires a fleet of flexible dispatchable plants with low CO2emissions tosupplycleanpowerduringtimes ...
    • Gas Switching Reforming for syngas production with iron-based oxygen carrier-the performance under pressurized conditions 

      Ugwu, Ambrose; Zaabout, Abdelghafour; Tolchard, Julian R; Dahl, Paul Inge; Amini, Shahriar (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2019)
      A four-stage Gas Switching Reforming for syngas production with integrated CO2 capture using an iron-based oxygen carrier was investigated in this study. The oxygen carrier was first reduced using dry methane, where high ...
    • Gas switching technology: Economic attractiveness for chemical looping applications and scale up experience to 50 kWth 

      Ugwu, Ambrose; Arnaiz del Pozo, Carlos; Zaabout, Abdelghafour; Nazir, Shareq Mohd; Kalendar, Nimet Uzun; Cloete, Schalk Willem Petrus; Szima, Szabolcs; Fogarasi, Szabolcs; Donat, Felix; van Diest, Geert; Cloete, Jan Hendrik; Jiménez Álvaro, Ángel; Albertsen, Knuth; Cormos, Ana-Maria; Cormos, Calin-Cristian; Amini, Shahriar (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2022)
      Gas switching technology (GST) was introduced to facilitate operation and scale-up of pressurized chemical looping-based technologies thus bringing the expected benefits of reducing costs and energy penalty of CO2 capture. ...
    • Gas Turbine Deterioration and Recovery 

      Samnøy, Lena (Master thesis, 2016)
      Gas turbines used in the platform industry are subjected to challenging operating conditions in the harsh offshore environment. Compressor fouling is reported to be the main reason for gas turbine performance loss and can ...
    • Gas turbine exhaust gas heat recovery by organic Rankine cycles (ORC) for offshore combined heat and power applications - Energy and exergy analysis 

      Nami, Hossein; Ertesvåg, Ivar Ståle; Otero, Roberto Agromayor; Riboldi, Luca; Nord, Lars O. (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2018)
      Effective heat and power supply to offshore installations leads to environmental benefits, but the efficiency is often limited by requirements and constraints connected to the offshore environment. An exergetic analysis ...
    • Gas Turbine Intake Filters 

      Vasset, Peder Andreas (Master thesis, 2009)
    • Gas Turbine Intake Filters 

      Vasset, Peder Andreas (Master thesis, 2009)
      Energy offshore is mainly generated by gas turbines. Degradation of gas turbines is a source of considerable expenses for the oil and gas producing companies, and contributes to increased emissions to the atmosphere. ...
    • Gas Turbine Operation - Drift av Gassturbiner 

      Aamodt, Edvard (Master thesis, 2018)
      Important power and mechanical drive demands offshore are met by utilizing gas turbines. The safe and reliable operation of these fine-tuned thermo machines are of key importance to maintain platform operation. Problems ...
    • Gas Turbine Optimum Operation 

      Flesland, Synnøve Mangerud (Master thesis, 2010)
      Many offshore installations are dependent on power generated by gas turbines and a critical issue is that these experience performance deterioration over time. Performance deterioration causes reduced plant efficiency and ...