Now showing items 6356-6375 of 23468

    • Dynamic risk analysis for operational decision support 

      Haugen, Stein; Edwin, Nathaniel John; Vinnem, Jan Erik; Brautaset, Olav (Chapter, 2017)
      Safe design of complex technical systems with a potential for major accidents is often supported by Quantitative Risk Analyses (QRA). The QRA has developed over several decades and the offshore oil and gas industry in ...
    • Dynamic Risk Analysis for Operational Decision Support 

      Haugen, Stein; Edwin, Nathaniel John (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2017)
      Quantitative risk assessments for offshore oil and gas installations have been developed and used to support decision making about major hazards risk for more than 30 years. Initially, these studies were used to support ...
    • Dynamic risk analysis for Seveso sites 

      Paltrinieri, Nicola; Genserik, Reniers (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2017)
      The accident that occurred in Seveso in 1976 changed our approach to risk assessment forever. For instance, it led to drafting specific European directives to prevent major accident hazards. Their focus is on industrial ...
    • Dynamic Risk Analysis from the Perspective of Life Cycle Approach in Iec 61508 and Iec 61511 

      Lee, Shenae; Lundteigen, Mary Ann; Paltrinieri, Nicola (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2021)
      Dynamic risk analysis (DRA) aims to provide updated risk levels during operations of a hazardous facility. One of the main objectives of performing a DRA is to support day-to-day operational decisions, primarily for ...
    • Dynamic Risk Analysis of Operation of the Autonomous Underwater Vehicle (AUV) 

      Yang, Ruochen; Utne, Ingrid Bouwer; Liu, Yiliu; Paltrinieri, Nicola (Chapter, 2020)
      The autonomous underwater vehicle (AUV) plays an essential role in scientific research and offshore exploration. Numerous risk issues exist during operation, however, which makes the AUV mission risky. The operating ...
    • Dynamic risk assessment in healthcare based on Bayesian approach 

      Li, Mei; Liu, Zixian; Li, Xiaopeng; Liu, Yiliu (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2019)
      Risks related with healthcare are always dynamic, and they are affected by situations of patients, human errors in treatment and even the states of medical devices. This paper proposes a dynamic medical risk assessment ...
    • Dynamic risk assessment of marine systems 

      Rokseth, Børge; Utne, Ingrid Bouwer (Chapter, 2015)
      Challenges related to risk assessment of dynamic systems have become more numerous in the past decades due to rapid advances in technology. With these advances follows an increased use of automatic control systems which ...
    • Dynamic rock support in burst-prone rock masses 

      Li, Charlie Chunlin (Chapter, 2018)
      Rockburst occurs in hard and strong rock after excavation when the in situ rock stresses are high. The “driving force” for rockburst is the energy released from the rock mass. The released strain and seismic energy is ...
    • Dynamic segment criticality analysis: A precursor to scheduling of maintenance routines in water distribution networks 

      Tornyeviadzi, Hoese Michel; Mohammed, Hadi; Seidu, Razak (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2022)
      This study proposes a framework for dynamic segment criticality analysis and its implications on scheduling of some reactive maintenance routines in water distribution networks (WDNs). The framework harmonises multilayer ...
    • Dynamic Simulation and Control of an Active Roll Reduction System Using Free-Flooding Tanks With Vacuum Pumps 

      Xu, Jiafeng; Ren, Zhengru; Li, Yue; Skjetne, Roger; Halse, Karl Henning (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2018)
      Ship roll motion is critical for offshore operations due to its lack of damping mechanism. This paper demonstrates a dynamic simulation scheme of an active roll reduction system using free-flooding tanks controlled by ...
    • Dynamic Simulation and Control of an Active Roll Reduction System Using Free-Flooding Tanks With Vacuum Pumps 

      Xu, Jiafeng; Ren, Zhengru; Li, Yue; Skjetne, Roger; Halse, Karl Henning (Chapter; Peer reviewed, 2017)
      Ship roll motion is often the critical factor for offshore operations due to its lack of damping mechanism. This paper demonstrates a dynamic simulation scheme of an active roll reduction system using free-flooding tanks ...
    • Dynamic Simulation of a Hydraulic Cylinder for Heave Compensation of Deepwater Drilling Risers 

      Grimsmo, Nils Ingebrigt (Doctoral thesis at NTNU;2014:320, Doctoral thesis, 2014)
      This thesis presents global finite element simulations of a hydro-pneumatic riser tension cylinder used for tensioning and heave compensating of marine drilling risers. The global finite element models are made for use ...
    • Dynamic Simulation of a Mooring Catenary Based on the Lumped-Mass Approach: OpenModelica and Python Implementations 

      Viswanathan, Savin; Holden, Christian (Chapter, 2020)
      In this paper, the theoretical background behind the formulation and solution of a discretized lumped-mass mathematical-model of the physically continuous and inelastic mooring catenary is re-visited. The drag term of the ...
    • Dynamic Simulation of a Motor Rig Used for Educational Purposes 

      Dokke, Gina (Master thesis, 2023)
      Rotordynamikk spiller en viktig rolle i en rekke applikasjoner, og professor Terje Rølvåg ved NTNU utvikler et emne for studenter med fokus på dette emnet. Et spesielt aspekt som dekkes i kurset er svingninger og krefter ...
    • Dynamic Simulation of a Natural Gas Liquefaction Plant 

      Hammer, Morten (Doktoravhandlinger ved NTNU, 1503-8181; 2004:156, Doctoral thesis, 2004)
      This thesis describes a new general purpose dynamic process simulator applied to a natural gas liquefaction plant. More specifically, the Multi Fluid Cascade Process (MFCP). MFCP is the “Statoil Linde LNG Technology Alliance” ...
    • Dynamic simulation of deep water drilling risers with heave compensating system 

      Sten, Ronny (Doktoravhandlinger ved NTNU, 1503-8181; 2012:175, Doctoral thesis, 2012)
      This thesis discusses modelling aspects related to dynamic analysis of deep water drilling risers. These risers must have a heave compensator that maintains a near constant tension independent of platform motions. Traditional ...
    • Dynamic simulation of future integrated energy systems 

      Rohde, Daniel (Doctoral theses at NTNU;2019:213, Doctoral thesis, 2019)
      The building sector is responsible for a large part of the world's total energy use. More than half of building energy use is needed for space heating, domestic hot water heating, and space cooling. Thermal energy supply ...
    • Dynamic Simulation of Gas Expansion in Marine Risers 

      Velmurugan, Naveen (Master thesis, 2016)
      The main objective of the work is to study the dynamic behavior of gas expansion in marine risers. In case of well control situations in deep and ultra deep waters, gas influx shows no warnings if not little, making it ...
    • Dynamic Simulation of Module Installation on Deep Water 

      Pedersen, Joar (Master thesis, 2015)
      The Aasta Hansteen field is a gas field outside the coast of Northern Norway. Production is planned to start in 2017. The gas field is situated at 1300m water depth the deepest on the Norwegian continental shelf. During ...
    • Dynamic Ssimulation Of Dart Anchor Installation 

      Landhaug, Daniel L (Master thesis, 2015)
      Over the few last decades, numerous mooring concepts have been developed, one of these being the dart/ torpedo anchor. A torpedo anchor is shaped like an arrow and is equipped with tail fins to provide good directional and ...