• Logistics Planning Module for Microsoft AX: Demand Planning 

      Lekanov, Alexey (Master thesis, 2012)
      One could hardly find a person who would disagree that the information technology is essential part of any business today. In the same way it is known how a proper demand planning process can assist an organization in ...
    • Logistics Planning Module for Microsoft Dynamics AX: Supply Chain Order Management 

      Møller, Alexander (Master thesis, 2011)
      This thesis presents a solution for supply chain order management to complement traditional ERP planning functionality. Challenges and possibilities of today’s planning solutions are presented, and ERP system functionality ...

      Ådnanes, Vegard; Minde, Glenn Andre Gjerde; Svensli, Robert Olsvik (Bachelor thesis, 2017)
      Hensikten med denne oppgaven var å få mer kjennskap til logistikk og flyt ved et byggeprosjekt, i dette tilfellet utbygging av et kjøpesenter. Vi har fokusert på byggeplassorganisering og der igjen temaene: kommunikasjon, ...
    • Logistikkløsning for offshore oppdrettsanlegg 

      Vollen, Odd Harald (Master thesis, 2012)
      Denne rapporten viser noen logistikkløsninger for offshore oppdrettsanlegg, og sammenligne de med dagens praksis. Bakgrunnen for oppgaven er de siste 20 årenes kontinuerlige stigning i volum av oppdrettslaks, en utvikling ...
    • Logistikkplanlegging og dimensjonering av Høghalen i Molde Logistics planning and dimensioning of Høghalen in Molde 

      Silva Freitas Margarida, Jose Luis; Gaik, Adam; Slaski, Krystian (Bachelor thesis, 2022)
      Denne rapporten handler om Høghallen-prosjektet i Molde. I dette prosjektet vil vi dimensjonere de bærende konstruksjonsdelene av bygget og demonstrere logistikken i de ulike fasene i prosjektet ved hjelp av teori og Synchro ...
    • Logistikkplanleggingsmodul for Microsoft Dynamics AX: Lagerplanlegging 

      Johansen, Øyvind Ketil (Master thesis, 2011)
      Bedrifter i dagens industri presses stadig til å levere raskere og bedre produkter til en lavere pris gjennom effektiv koordinering av produksjon og distribusjon. Riktig styring av lagernivå vil i denne sammenheng kunne ...
    • Long offset time-lapse seismic and monitoring of unconventional reservoirs 

      Zadeh, Hossein Mehdi (Doktoravhandlinger ved NTNU, 1503-8181; 2011:92, Doctoral thesis, 2011)
      Time-lapse seismic is highly accepted as a reservoir management tool. However, it has severe challenges related to monitoring of stiff rock reservoirs due to relatively small seismic property changes for such reservoirs. ...
    • Long Short-Term Memory for Detection of Inflow and Infiltration Water in Sewer Systems 

      Søvik, Sander Roald (Master thesis, 2021)
      Sikker håndtering av avløpsvann er kritisk for å hindre smitte i samfunnet og forurensning av naturen. Avløpsvannet transporters enten i egne rør eller sammen med overvann i kombinerte løsninger. I Norge består cirka 68% ...
    • Long Span Network Arch Bridges in Timber 

      Haddal, Dag Erik; Eilertsen, Morten (Master thesis, 2016)
      For years, the reduction in greenhouse gas emissions have been a global goal, and in the recent years this has led to an increased focus on emissions from the construction industry as well. With timber being an ...
    • Long Term Analysis of Semi Submersible Offset 

      Sandbakken, Sindre Schafroth (Master thesis, 2016)
      The objective of this master's thesis is to perform a long term analysis of a non-linear response problem using the Peak Over Threshold (POT) method. Offset of a semi submersible was selected as suitable response problem ...
    • Long term material properties of pressure vessels made of composite material 

      Hugaas, Eivind (Doctoral theses at NTNU;2022:56, Doctoral thesis, 2022)
      Pressure vessels are currently the limiting factor in the hydrogen distribution chain. The pressure vessels are preferably made out of composite materials to achieve practical weight to strength ratios and avoid hydrogen ...
    • Long Term Properties of Composites and Polymers 

      Arun, Adithya (Master thesis, 2023)
      Kompositt- og polymermaterialer brukes i offshore og maritim industri, men data angående deres ytelse etter langvarig eksponering for miljøet er begrenset. Dette er hovedsakelig på grunn av mangel på testede data vedrørende ...
    • Long Term Properties of Glass Fiber Epoxy Laminates in Dry and Humid Environment 

      Hagen, William Eik (Master thesis, 2022)
      A study of the stress rupture time of glass fiber epoxy composite laminates in humid environments was investigated. Test specimens were made in order to compare the failure time of a saturated and non-saturated specimen ...
    • Long Term Scheduling of Major Renewals: Systematic Approach and Financial Applications 

      Folgerø-Holm, Jon Andreas (Master thesis, 2014)
      Much of the oil and gas installations in the North Sea originate from the booming 80s and 90s, and operators are facing considerable challenges in the managementof their ageing assets. Harsh environments combined with ...
    • Long Wire Electromagnetic Measurements (Turam EM) 

      Lile, Ole Bernt (Chapter, 2020)
      In Scandinavia, EM measurements have traditionally been popular in sulfide ore exploration. The EM methods using a stationary cable loop or a long wire on the ground surface were called Turam. The wire was grounded by ...
    • Long-Span Brettstapel Roof Structures: A Parametric Design Approach 

      Kampenes, Camilla By (Master thesis, 2021)
      Bakgrunn: Tre har økt i popularitet som et konstruksjonsmateriale de siste årene, på grunn av et økt fokus på klimaendringer og materialets status som miljøvennlig. I en tid hvor digitalisering gjennomsyrer byggebransjen ...
    • Long-term Analysis of Gear Loads in Fixed Offshore Wind Turbines Considering Ultimate Operational Loadings 

      Rasekhi Nejad, Amir; Gao, Zhen; Moan, Torgeir (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2013)
      The long-term extreme value analysis of gear transmitted load due to the main shaft torque is presented. Two methods, the multibody simulations (MBS) and a simplified method, are demonstrated for the gear transmitted load ...
    • Long-Term Berth Capacity Planning Framework Development 

      Yan, Zhaoci (Master thesis, 2019)
      Havtransport bidrar sterkt til omfanget og velstanden i dagens globale handel. Havn er en viktig logistikkinfrastruktur i sjøtransport og har en direkte tilknytning til et lands økonomiske ytelse. Det europeiske havnesystemet ...
    • Long-term creep prediction with a modified power law model 

      Xie, Xiyang; Fjær, Erling; Pradhan, Srutarshi (Chapter, 2017)
      Creep in weak rock is a common phenomenon observed in the laboratory. Based on short-term creep, prediction of long-term creep can be a challenge especially at elevated stress levels, since only a small stress increase may ...