Now showing items 23456-23475 of 23500

    • YAML Based Input File Format For Finite Element Analysis 

      Hvalstad-Nilsen, Oskar (Master thesis, 2019)
      Elementmetoden kan brukes til å utføre datasimuleringer (FEA) av fysiske fenomener og er mye brukt innen konstruksjon og maskinteknikk. Siden FEA innebærer arbeidskrevende beregninger utføres det best av en datamaskin, ...
    • Yaw misalignment in powertrain degradation modeling for wind farm control in curtailed conditions 

      Khazaeli Moghadam, Farid; Gao, Zhen; Chabaud, Valentin Bruno; Chapaloglou, Spyridon (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2024)
      A framework characterizing the degradation of wind turbines for use in multiple-input damage-aware farm control is suggested. The focus is on the fatigue damage of the powertrain (drivetrain + generator) system, but the ...
    • Yaw-effekter på vindturbiner 

      Holten, Tom Håkon (Master thesis, 2010)
      En vindturbin med skjev innstrømning er behandlet ved hjelp av bladelementmetoden. Det har vist seg av metoden kan, ved hjelp av noen modifiseringer, også kan benyttes for å regne på vindturbiner med skjev innstrømning. ...
    • Yield improvements in anaerobic digestion of lignocellulosic feedstocks 

      Hashemi, Sayedbehnam; Sarker, Shiplu; Lamb, Jacob Joseph; Lien, Kristian Myklebust (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2020)
      The new EU bioenergy sustainability criteria demonstrate that bioenergy sustainability can be a challenge (Schlegel and Kaphengst, 2007). In 1990s, the energy crops were the main source for biogas production in Europa; ...
    • You learn as long as you drill; research synthesis from the Longyearbyen CO2 Laboratory, Svalbard, Norway. 

      Olaussen, Snorre; Senger, Kim; Braathen, Alvar; Grundvåg, Sten-Andreas; Mørk, Atle (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2019)
      From 2007 to 2015, eight wells were drilled and fully cored to test the feasibility of storing CO2 emitted from the coal-fueled power plant in Longyearbyen, Svalbard. The drilling campaign identified three water-bearing ...
    • Ytelsesindikatorer for taktprosjekter 

      Haugen, Celine Greger (Master thesis, 2020)
      Det er en generell oppfatning blant forskere at praktiseringen av takt varierer innenfor hvert enkelt prosjekt. Dette er i tråd med Lean-tankegangen; veien mot en slank produksjon krever kontinuerlig forbedring. Målet med ...
    • Yttrium Aluminum Garnet Powder Feedstock for Atmospheric Plasma Spray 

      Valaker, Emil Andre; Mubarok, Fahmi; Espallargas, Nuria (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2020)
      High demands for higher turbine efficiency bring attention to newer and more advanced insulating materials for the high temperature components in the turbine. Yttrium aluminum garnet (YAG) has shown good insulating properties ...
    • ZEB - En energibærende lekter 

      Skjong, Jakob Giske; Holmslet, Siri; Wenstad, Herman (Bachelor thesis, 2020)
    • ZEB Laboratory - Research Possibilities 

      Time, Berit; Nocente, Alessandro; Mathisen, Hans Martin; Førland-Larsen, Arne; Myhr, Anders Ramberg; Jacobsen, Terje; Gustavsen, Arild (SINTEF Notat;, Research report, 2019)
      The ZEB Laboratory is an experimental facility located in NTNU Gløshaugen campus in Trondheim. The building is designed as 4 storeys high and 1800 m2 area office space and should achieve the ZEB-COM ambition level over 60 ...
    • The ZEB Laboratory: the development of a research tool for future climate adapted zero emission buildings 

      Nocente, Alessandro; Time, Berit; Mathisen, Hans Martin; Kvande, Tore; Gustavsen, Arild (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2021)
      The building sector is responsible for approximately 40 % of the energy consumption and carbon emissions worldwide. Buildings of the future will have to comply not only with stricter energy regulations, but they will also ...
    • Zero Emission Neighbourhoods in Smart Cities 

      Wiik, Marianne Rose Kjendseth; Fjellheim, Kristin; Vandervaeren, Camille; Lien, Synne Krekling; Meland, Solveig; Nordström, Tobias; Cheng, Caroline Y; Brattebø, Helge; Thiis, Thomas Kringlebotn (ZEN Report, Research report, 2022)
    • ZERO EMISSION NEIGHBOURHOODS IN SMART CITIES Definition, key performance indicators and assessment criteria: Version 3.0 

      Wiik, Marianne Rose Kjendseth; Fjellheim, Kristin; Vandervaeren, Camille Margaux L.; Lien, Synne Krekling; Meland, Solveig; Nordström, Tobias; Baer, Daniela; Cheng, Caroline Y; Truloff, Shannon; Brattebø, Helge; Gustavsen, Arild (ZEN Report;, Research report, 2022)
      This document outlines the definition, key performance indicators (KPI) and assessment criteria for the Research Centre on Zero Emission Neighbourhoods in Smart Cities (ZEN Research Centre). This third version of the ZEN ...
    • Zero Emission Neighbourhoods in Smart Cities: Definition, Key Performance Indicators and Assessment Criteria: Version 1.0 

      Wiik, Marianne Rose Kjendseth; Fufa, Selamawit Mamo; Krogstie, John; Ahlers, Dirk; Wyckmans, Annemie; Driscoll, Patrick Arthur; Brattebø, Helge; Gustavsen, Arild (ZEN Report;, Research report, 2018)
      This document outlines the definition, key performance indicators (KPI) and assessment criteria for the Research Centre on Zero Emission Neighbourhoods in Smart Cities (ZEN research centre). This first version of the ZEN ...
    • Zero Failure Management at Maximum Productivity in Safety Critical Control Room 

      Karahasanovic, Amela; Andersen, Bjørn; Hansson, Lisbeth; Langlo, Jan Alexander; Swengaard, Hans Erik; Zeh, Theodor; Grantz, Volker; Rubenser, Robert (Lecture, 2011)
      Predicted growth in air traffic and demand for increased safety, predictability, and efficiency impose additional demands on Air Traffic Management (ATM) systems. Different technologies are currently under development to ...
    • Zero Stress Aging of Glass and Carbon Fibers in Water and Oil—Strength Reduction Explained by Dissolution Kinetics 

      Echtermeyer, Andreas; Krauklis, Andrey; Gagani, Abedin; Sæter, Erik (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2019)
      Understanding the strength degradation of glass and carbon fibers due to exposure to liquids over time is important for structural applications. A model has been developed for glass fibers that links the strength reduction ...
    • Zero-cost partial decarbonization of natural gas via molten salt pyrolysis 

      Cloete, Schalk Willem Petrus; Melone, Florine; Arnaiz del Pozo, Carlos; Dhoke, Chaitanya; Farmen, Øistein; Zaabout, Abdelghafour (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2023)
      Partial decarbonization of natural gas has the potential to kickstart the hydrogen economy. Up to 20% hydrogen volume can be safely accommodated in existing natural gas networks, removing the problem of insufficient ...
    • Zero-Emission Autonomous Ferries for Urban Water Transport: Cheaper, Cleaner Alternative to Bridges and Manned Vessels 

      Reddy, Namireddy Praveen; Zadeh, Mehdi Karbalaye; Thieme, Christoph Alexander; Skjetne, Roger; Sørensen, Asgeir Johan; Aanondsen, Svein Aanond; Breivik, Morten; Eide, Egil (Journal article, 2019)
      Because water is an integral part of day-to-day life for humans, civilizations have generally flourished either in coastal areas or near river basins. Today, about 40% of the world?s population lives near a coast and many ...
    • Zero-emission ready 

      Søgaard, Thomas Henning Furnes (Master thesis, 2020)
      Levetiden til et skip strekker seg fra 20 til 30 år. De siste 20 til 30 årene har teknologi blitt mer sofistikert, nye lover og regler er introdusert, vi har vært igjennom en finanskrise og akkurat nå er vi midt i en ...
    • Zero-Energy Living Lab 

      Carlucci, Salvatore; Causone, Francesco; Pagliano, Lorenzo; Pietrobon, Marco (Chapter, 2017)
      In order to reduce the existing gap between design and as-built building performance, experimental data are required, both for single components and for whole building characterization. Real scale buildings, designed and ...
    • Zircon U-Pb geochronology and whole-rock geochemistry of migmatitic gneisses reveal the late Paleoproterozoic through Devonian history of the Western Gneiss Region 

      Bjerkan, Gina (Master thesis, 2020)
      Studieområdet ligger på den nord-vestlige kysten av Norge, i det eksponerte grunnfjellsvinduet kjent som den vestre gneisregionen, (VGR). VGR er et område på omtrent 50 000 km2 med eksponerte gneiser av tidligproterozoisk ...