Now showing items 2409-2428 of 23131

    • Basement High - Related Cretaceous Submarine Fans Growth in Southwestern Barents Sea 

      Akbar, Yona (Master thesis, 2018)
      Deep marine sandstone deposit is one of favorable hydrocarbon reservoir in Norwe- gian Basin. However, it remains not being fully understood due to its variation in term of sedimentation process, distribution, and reservoir ...
    • Basin Analysis of the Pegasus Basin, New Zealand - A Frontier Basin Uniquely Bounded by Two Opposing Subduction Systems 

      Sæterdal, Hanne S (Master thesis, 2017)
      Pegasus Basin is bounded in northwest by the active convergent Australian margin, and in the south by the bathymetric ridge of Chatham Rise, which represents the Mesozoic convergent plate boundary along the Gondwana ...
    • Basin Architecture and Lithospheric Structure of the Barents Sea Region from Geophysical Modelling 

      Marello, Laura (Doktoravhandlinger ved NTNU, 1503-8181; 2012:176, Doctoral thesis, 2012)
      This thesis provided a new understanding of the lithospheric structural setting and anomalies observed in the greater Barents Sea. The Barents Sea has been focus of attention for geological and economical reason since the ...
    • Basis for estimation of heat and mass balance and CO2 emissions in LNG plants 

      Fernández, Eduardo (Master thesis, 2015)
      The present work has been performed to provide initial estimations of the production rate, energy demand and CO2 emissions in early phase LNG plant projects. The model created has been developed to be implemented in Microsoft ...
    • Batteri som energilager i bolig og smarte styringssystem 

      Hermansen, Lars Andreas; Jåvold, Iver August Nymann; Hvaara, Fredrik Håheim (Bachelor thesis, 2023)
      De siste to årene har Norge og Europa sett en sterk økning i strømpris. Usikre forhold i Europa kombinert med mer fornybare energikilder har gjort energiforsyningssikkerheten mer uforutsigbar. For å kunne motstille seg ...
    • Batteri som potensiell løsning til kostbar nettutbygging 

      Spjøtvold, Jostein; Berg, Roar; Tekseth, Espen Søbstad (Bachelor thesis, 2023)
      Hovedmålet med oppgaven er å analysere om batterier kan være et alternativ til utbygging i lavspentnettet. Dette er vurdert over en 50-års periode, og ser på tekniske, økonomiske og miljømessige tiltak. For å svare på ...
    • Batteries for marine applications 

      Troncoso Abelleira, Maria Teresa (Master thesis, 2013)
      The significant reduction in environmental emissions stated by the new IMO legislation, which specifies an amount of sulphur in fuels below 5% for 2020 and a NOx limit with an 80% reduction respect to the actual IMO limit ...
    • Batterihybridiseringen i Island Offshore 

      Ulstein, Ingebringt Hofset; Andresen, Stine Eikli (Bachelor thesis, 2020)
      I denne oppgaven skal vi se nærmere på det grønne skifte i næringen, spesielt hybridiseringen av fartøy. Hensikten med oppgaven er å få innsikt i hvordan et typisk rederi forholder seg til det grønne skifte, i dagen ...
    • Batterisikkerhet på hurtigbåter 

      Frenssen, Risto; Jacobsen, Sander Selsvik; Wangsfjord, Trym (Bachelor thesis, 2023)
      Teknologien rundt elektriske hurtigbåter skyter fart rundt om i hele verden med Norge i spissen. Norge er et av de ledende landene, med flest fartøy som har batteriinstallasjoner om bord. Samferdsel skal bli mer grønn og ...
    • Battery hybrid propulsion systems for AHTS vessels 

      Ognedal, Thomas Skogland (Bachelor thesis, 2021)
      The main purpose of this thesis is to investigate how AHTS owners can gain a competitive advantage by installing battery hybrid propulsion systems into their vessels. Through the three main angles: (i) vessel compatibility, ...
    • Battery Management System for a low-cost ROV 

      Gulsvik, Knut Amund Knutsen (Master thesis, 2017)
      A combination of advanced State-of-charge (SoC), State-of-Health (SoH) and State-of-Power (SoP) estimation techniques have been combined into a novel scheme to ensure safe and efficient operation of a battery pack. A ...
    • Battery Nickel Bottlenecks 

      Young, Eric (Master thesis, 2021)
      The energy transition is anticipated to create a large increase in the demand for battery grade nickel (Ni) for lithium-ion batteries (LIBs) due to the widespread adoption of electric vehicles (EVs). It is unknown whether ...
    • Battery technology and recycling alone will not save the electric mobility transition from future cobalt shortages 

      Zeng, Anqi; Chen, Wu; Dalgas Rasmussen, Kasper; Zhu, Xuehong; Lundhaug, Maren Cathrine; Mueller, Daniel Beat; Tan, Juan; Keiding, Jakob K.; Liu, LiTao; Dai, Tao; Wang, Anjian; Liu, Gang (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2022)
      In recent years, increasing attention has been given to the potential supply risks of critical battery materials, such as cobalt, for electric mobility transitions. While battery technology and recycling advancement are ...
    • Battery Value Chains 

      Helland, Helene Lid; Sjåstad, Mette Helen (Bachelor thesis, 2021)
      Etterspørselen av elbiler er høyere enn noensinne. Ytelsen, kostnadene og sikkerheten til elektriske kjøretøyer avhenger sterkt av kjøretøyets energilagringssystem. Avanserte batterier som litiumionbatterier er et godt ...
    • A Bayesian Approach to Risk-Based Autonomy, with Applications to Contact-Based Drone Inspections 

      Rothmund, Sverre Velten; Thieme, Christoph Alexander; Utne, Ingrid Bouwer; Johansen, Tor Arne (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2023)
      Enabling higher levels of autonomy while ensuring safety requires an increased ability to identify and handle internal faults and unforeseen changes in the environment. This article presents an approach to improve this ...
    • A Bayesian Approach to Supervisory Risk Control of AUVs Applied to Under-Ice Operations 

      Bremnes, Jens Einar; Thieme, Christoph Alexander; Sørensen, Asgeir Johan; Utne, Ingrid Bouwer; Norgren, Petter (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2020)
      Autonomous underwater vehicles (AUVs) are efficient sensor-carrying platforms for mapping and monitoring undersea ice. However, under-ice operations impose demanding requirements to the system, as it must deal with uncertain ...
    • Bayesian Damage Prediction on Berm Breakwaters in the Arctic 

      Pontiki, Maria (Master thesis, 2018)
      A model for the computation of failure probabilities on partly reshaping mass-armored berm breakwaters in Arctic is presented. The model consists a reliable tool for the design of port structures in the rapidly changing ...
    • Bayesian Estimation of Non-Stationary Ship Response Spectra 

      Møgster, Christian (Master thesis, 2015)
      The main topic of this master thesis is to obtain spectral information of non-stationary ship responses, with the motive of facilitating improvement of sea state estimation methods, that are using the wave buoy analogy. ...
    • Bayesian Fault Detection and Localization Through Wireless Sensor Networks in Industrial Plants 

      Tabella, Gianluca; Ciuonzo, Domenico; Paltrinieri, Nicola; Salvo Rossi, Pierluigi (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2024)
      This work proposes a data fusion approach for quickest fault detection and localization within industrial plants via wireless sensor networks. Two approaches are proposed, each exploiting different network architectures. ...
    • A Bayesian network risk model for predicting ship besetting in ice during convoy operations along the Northern Sea Route 

      Xu, Sheng; Kim, Ekaterina; Haugen, Stein; Zhang, Mingyang (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2022)
      To facilitate shipping in ice and to meet the increasing requirements of icebreaker services, convoy operations are the most effective alternative. However, convoy operations are among the most dangerous operations as they ...