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dc.contributor.authorSmedstad, Ingar
dc.description.abstractNORSK: Denne studien omhandler hendelsesrapportering innen informasjonssikkerhet i en organisasjon innen olje- og gassindustrien i Norge. Studien er en kvalitativ intervjuundersøkelse. Hovedhensikten med studien er å belyse hvordan organisasjonen rapporterer i forhold til en nylig utviklet systemdynamisk modell for hendelsesrapportering. Resultatene indikerer at organisasjonen har et forbedringspotensial i forhold til enkelte områder i modellen. Disse områdene handler om kommunikasjon rundt hendelsesrapportering, spesielt tilbakemelding til de som rapporterer, informasjon om retningslinjer for rapportering samt kompetanseheving i forhold til å rapportere.en
dc.description.abstractENGELSK: This master thesis focuses on incident reporting for information security within an organisation in the Norwegian oil and gas industry. The study is based on qualitative interviews. The main purpose of this study is to discover how the organisation’s incident reporting routines compares to a recently developed system dynamic model for incident reporting. The results indicate that the organisation has potential to do improvements regarding certain areas concerning communication about incident reporting. It also indicates that the organisation could profit from giving special attention to feedback toward reporting staff, information about guidelines within incident reporting in information security and also focus on educating the staff with regards to incident reporting.en
dc.format.extent611192 bytes
dc.titleHendelsesrapportering i en organisasjon i norsk olje- og gassindustrien
dc.typeMaster thesisen
dc.subject.nsiVDP::Mathematics and natural science: 400::Information and communication science: 420::Communication and distributed systems: 423en

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