Activity Identification for Gait Recognition Using Mobile Devices
The need to increase the security measures and make the users of different devices feel
safer has led the researchers focus on finding new security mechanisms with better performance.
A field where not much has been done so far is finding a solution is keeping the
data secured by ensuring that only the authorized user can access the data. Even though
gait recognition is an important element in this project and in the entire authentication
process the issue is that it is not the only element in a successful implementation of the
project. This is due to different routine activities people do daily. A solution to this issue
could be activity recognition that would reduce the disadvantages of gait recognition by
identifying the activities of a person continuously. Activity recognition would not only
make it possible to authenticate the user in different daily activities like: slow walking,
normal walking, fast walking even running, but it would also help in avoiding authentication
when the user is in passive state like: sitting, standing still, etc. This is one of the
key factors that motivated us in making our choice since it is an interesting challenge
and it would be benefiting in the data security area if not revolutionized it. This project
work has resulted in two publications papers. One paper has been accepted and attached
in the appendix. The other paper is submitted and under review.