Blar i NTNU Open på forfatter "Vatn, Jørn"
Achieving Balanced Workload Distribution Amongst Cross-Trained Teams
Olaitan, Oladipupo; Alfnes, Erlend; Vatn, Jørn; Strandhagen, Jan Ola (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2018)This research is focused on improving the flow of items through the cross-trained teams of a leather furniture manufacturing company, which manufactures a high mix of products. Presently, a Push control strategy is applied ... -
Algorithms for Service Selection in Cloud Manufacturing Platforms
Buffet, Manon (Master thesis, 2019) -
Analysis of Vibration Data and Investigation of Models to Support Maintenance Decision of Rotating Components
Tajiani, Bahareh (Doctoral theses at NTNU;2024:5, Doctoral thesis, 2024)This PhD project focuses on analysis of vibration data and investigation of mathematical models to support maintenance decision of rotating components and more specifically roller bearings. The PhD work generally consists ... -
Assessing the value of anomaly detection as part of condition based maintenance
Haugsand, Tord (Master thesis, 2021)Dette prosjektet undersøker korte og forenklede måter på hvordan man både kan takle verdien av strømmen aktiviteter for digitalt vedlikehold, samt generere et beslutningsgrunnlag for hvordan du skal fortsette med samme ... -
Bayesianske metodar relevant for jernbanevedlikehald
Nilsen, Jens Morten (Master thesis, 2008)Jernbaneverket ønskjer å utnytte ressursane dei har til vedlikehald best mogleg. Systematisering og lagring av data om svikt og tilstand på dei utallege komponentane som utgjer det norske jernbanenettet i databasen BaneData ... -
BIM and Digital Twins - Application in maintenance and operation
Vatn, Jørn (Research report, 2022) -
Bruk av Risk_OMT-rammeverket for å analysere jernbanesikkerhet
Eriksen, Aslak Agersborg (Master thesis, 2014)Okt fokus på samspillet mellom menneskelige, tekniske og organisasjonelle (MTO) faktorer og deres påvirkning på risikobildet, har medført at metoder for å anlysere og kvantifisere risiko med MTO-aspektene er etterspurt. ... -
Choice of Demand Mode for Subsea Safety Systems
He, Xiuyu (Master thesis, 2013)In the real industry project where new technology and systems have blossomed and been codified, many problems and challenges regarding the application of international safety systems standard IEC 61508 in terms of low ... -
Combined models for optimization of routing and maintenance scheduling for offshore wind farms
Lien, Lisa Chanel (Master thesis, 2022)I løpet av de siste tiårene har havvindparker utviklet seg betydelig og flere nye parker er under planlegging. Denne veksten er hovedsakelig forårsaket av at elektrisitetsproduksjonen offshore er høyere enn på land fordi ... -
Comparing Offshore Support Vessel Production Times between Different Offshoring Strategies Practiced at Norwegian Shipyards
Semini, Marco; Brett, Per Olaf; Strandhagen, Jan Ola; Vatn, Jørn (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2022)To save costs and build competitiveness, Norwegian shipyards usually offshore some of the processes required to produce a ship, especially steel-related tasks, i.e., they have them carried out in a country with lower factor ... -
Condition monitoring and HI construction of bearings using vibration signals analysis.
Prajapati, Kishan (Master thesis, 2021)A bearing is one of the important components in rotatory machines and has been widely used in various industries. It plays a critical role in the rotating machines. The functionality and performance of the bearings directly ... -
Data-driven design for fault prognosis: Application to industrial components, subsystems, and systems
Alfarizi, Muhammad Gibran (Doctoral theses at NTNU;2023:419, Doctoral thesis, 2023)Technical processes in diverse industries, like manufacturing, chemicals, and power generation, involve intricate operations that aim to achieve specific outcomes. These operations often entail complex interactions among ... -
DECRIS - Risk and Decision Systems for Critical Infrastructures. Metode og verktøy for en samlet risikovurdering av kritiske infrastrukturer
Line, Maria Bartnes; Bertelsen, Dag Eiliv; Fridheim, Håvard; Hokstad, Per Richard; Kjølle, Gerd Hovin; Røstum, Jon; Utne, Ingrid Bouwer; Vatn, Gunhild Åm; Vatn, Jørn (SINTEF Rapport;, Research report, 2009)Prosjektet DECRIS er finansiert av Norges forskningsråd under SAMRISK-programmet. Det er et samarbeidsprosjekt mellom SINTEF, FFI og NTNU. Prosjektet har utviklet og tilpasset metoder for risikovurdering for kritisk ... -
Determination of Safety/Environmental Integrity Level for Subsea Safety Instrumented Systems
Zhou, Jun (Master thesis, 2013)The master thesis describes, compares current methods in the literature, and proposes new methods for determination of safety/environmental integrity level of safety instrumented systems (SISs). These systems are used ... -
Development of Indicators for Maintenance Management within Integrated Planning
Rødseth, Harald (Doctoral theses at NTNU;2017:277, Doctoral thesis, 2017)The increased level of complexity in production and global competition demands a reliable plant capacity. To achieve this, it is of vital importance to integrate maintenance with production planning. This PhD research ... -
Development of Operational and Organizational Barrier Indicators for a Man Overboard Scenario
Thøgersen, Marius (Master thesis, 2015)For years, minimizing accident risk by managing operational and organizational barriers have been a top priority for the Petroleum Safety Authority Norway. This holds true for 2015 as well, and this report is aligned ... -
Digital Twin Integration in Production and Maintenance Planning An Application for a Natural Gas Production Pipeline Network
Lu, Ting-Jiang (Master thesis, 2021)This thesis investigates a theoretical framework for the synchronization of production and maintenance activity planning by implementing Industry 4.0 technology digital twin in the continuous production system of the oil ... -
Early Fault Detection of Wind Turbine Generator and Rotor Bearings
Thiruthiyappan, Tharanath (Master thesis, 2023)Den bærekraftige energiomstillingen er avhengig av bruk av fornybare energikilder og vindturbiner spiller en sentral rolle. Feil diagnose og prognose for større feil i vindturbiner til havs og på land, som forårsaker lang ... -
En fremstilling av risikobildet tilpasset trafikkutøvers behov for risikokontroll
Holte, Sigurd (Master thesis, 2019)Gjennom høstens prosjektoppgave ble avdekket at et viktig moment for å redusere risiko i en jernbanesektor under endring, var å utføre risikoanalyser. Gjennom deregulering og konkurranseutsetting opplever den norske jern ... -
Essays on socio-technical vulnerabilities and strategies of control in Integrated Operations
Størseth, Fred; Andersen, Siri; Besnard, Denis; Grøtan, Tor Olav; Hollnagel, Erik; Hovden, Jan; Mostue, Bodil Aamnes; Vatn, Jørn (Sintef rapport;A14732, Research report, 2010)The report consists of 11 essays written by authors representing different disciplines and schools in risk research. The collection of essays elaborates various threats and vulnerabilities in Integrated Operations (IO) ...