• Detection of Topological Spin Textures via Nonlinear Magnetic Responses 

      Stepanova, Mariia; Masell, Jan; Lysne, Erik Nikolai; Schoenherr, Peggy; Köhler, Laura; Paulsen, Michael; Qaiumzadeh Javinani, Alireza; Kanazawa, Naoya; Rosch, Achim; Tokura, Yoshinori; Brataas, Arne; Garst, Markus; Meier, Dennis Gerhard (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2021)
      Topologically nontrivial spin textures, such as skyrmions and dislocations, display emergent electrodynamics and can be moved by spin currents over macroscopic distances. These unique properties and their nanoscale size ...
    • Dislocation-Driven Relaxation Processes at the Conical to Helical Phase Transition in FeGe 

      Schoenherr, Peggy; Stepanova, Mariia; Lysne, Erik Nikolai; Kanazawa, Naoya; Tokura, Yoshinori; Bergman, Anders; Meier, Dennis Gerhard (Journal article, 2021)
      The formation of topological spin textures at the nanoscale has a significant impact on the long-range order and dynamical response of magnetic materials. We study the relaxation mechanisms at the conical-to-helical phase ...
    • Domain-Pattern Transfer across an Artificial Magnetoelectric Interface 

      De Luca, Gabriele; Schoenherr, Peggy; Mendil, Johannes; Meier, Dennis; Fiebig, Manfred; Trassin, Morgan (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2018)
      Magnetoelectric interfaces provide efficient pathways for manipulating the magnetic order with low-power-consuming electric fields. A prime example of this is the voltage-controlled domain-pattern transfer from a multiferroic ...
    • Electrostatic potential mapping at ferroelectric domain walls by low-temperature photoemission electron microscopy 

      Schaab, Jakob; Shapovalov, Konstantin; Schoenherr, Peggy; Hackl, Johanna; Khan, Muhammad Imtiaz; Hentschel, Mario; Yan, Zewu; Bourret, Edith; Schneider, Claus M.; Nemsak, Slavomír; Stengel, Massimiliano; Cano, Andrés; Meier, Dennis (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2019)
      Low-temperature X-ray photoemission electron microscopy (X-PEEM) is used to measure the electric potential at domain walls in improper ferroelectric Er0.99Ca0.01MnO3. By combining X-PEEM with scanning probe microscopy and ...
    • Local control of improper ferroelectric domains in YMnO 3 

      Kuerten, Lukas; Krohns, Stephan; Schoenherr, Peggy; Holeczek, Katharina; Pomjakushina, Ekaterina; Lottermoser, Thomas; Trassin, Morgan; Meier, Dennis Gerhard; Fiebig, Manfred (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2020)
      Improper ferroelectrics are described by two order parameters: a primary one, driving a transition to long-range distortive, magnetic, or otherwise nonelectric order, and the electric polarization, which is induced by the ...
    • Local dynamics of topological magnetic defects in the itinerant helimagnet FeGe 

      Dussaux, Antoine; Schoenherr, Peggy; Koumpouras, Konstantinos; Chico, Jonathan; Chang, Kevin; Lorenzelli, Luca; Kanazawa, Naoya; Tokura, Yoshinori; Garst, Markus; Bergman, Anders; Degen, Christian L.; Meier, Dennis (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2016)
      Chiral magnetic interactions induce complex spin textures including helical and conical spin spirals, as well as particle-like objects such as magnetic skyrmions and merons. These spin textures are the basis for innovative ...
    • Local electric-field control of multiferroic spin-spiral domains in TbMnO3 

      Schoenherr, Peggy; Manz, Sebastian; Kuerten, Lukas; Shapovalov, Konstantin; Iyama, Ayato; Kimura, Tsuyoshi; Fiebig, Manfred; Meier, Dennis Gerhard (Journal article, 2020)
      Spin-spiral multiferroics exhibit a magnetoelectric coupling effects, leading to the formation of hybrid domains with inseparably entangled ferroelectric and antiferromagnetic order parameters. Due to this strong magnetoelectric ...
    • Magnetoelectric force microscopy on antiferromagnetic 180 degree domains in Cr2O3 

      Schoenherr, Peggy; Giraldo, L. M.; Lilienblum, Martin; Trassin, Morgan; Meier, Dennis; Fiebig, Manfred (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2017)
      Magnetoelectric force microscopy (MeFM) is characterized as methodical tool for the investigation of antiferromagnetic domain states, in particular of the 180 ∘ variety. As reference compound for this investigation we use ...
    • Observation of uncompensated bound charges at improper ferroelectric domain walls 

      Schoenherr, Peggy; Shapovalov, Konstantin; Schaab, Jakob; Yan, Zewu; Bourret, Edith; Hentschel, Mario; Stengel, Massimiliano; Fiebig, Manfred; Cano, Andrés; Meier, Dennis (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2019)
      Low-temperature electrostatic force microscopy (EFM) is used to probe unconventional domain walls in the improper ferroelectric semiconductor Er0.99Ca0.01MnO3 down to cryogenic temperatures. The low-temperature EFM maps ...
    • Topological domain walls in helimagnets 

      Schoenherr, Peggy; Müller, Jan; Köhler, Laura; Rosch, Achim; Kanazawa, Naoya; Tokura, Yoshinori; Garst, Markus; Meier, Dennis (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2018)
      Domain walls naturally arise whenever a symmetry is spontaneously broken. They interconnect regions with different realizations of the broken symmetry, promoting structure formation from cosmological length scales to the ...