Browsing NTNU Open by Author "Elverum, Christer Westum"
Now showing items 1-20 of 24
A new method for assessing anisotropy in fused deposition modeled parts using computed tomography data
Tronvoll, Sigmund Arntsønn; Vedvik, Nils Petter; Elverum, Christer Westum; Welo, Torgeir (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2019)Voids in fused deposition modeled (FDM) parts are assumed to be a key driver for their anisotropic behavior. However, these assumptions are based on investigations of voids using only 2D data (microscopy images). This paper ... -
Creating the brain of Staale - A navigation system for an autonomous Ackermann-steered litter robot
Eine, Stian Løcka; Norli, Kristoffer (Master thesis, 2022)Søppel i gater og offentlige parker har økt drastisk de siste tiårene. Med påvirkning på dyreliv, vannkvalitet og menneskers oppfattelse av lokale områder, påvirker forsøpling miljøet negativt, både lokalt og globalt. I ... -
Creating the brain of Staale - A navigation system for an autonomous Ackermann-steered litter robot
Norli, Kristoffer; Eine, Stian Løcka (Master thesis, 2022)Søppel i gater og offentlige parker har økt drastisk de siste tiårene. Med påvirkning på dyreliv, vannkvalitet og menneskers oppfattelse av lokale områder, påvirker forsøpling miljøet negativt, både lokalt og globalt. I ... -
Design Coherence: Exploring Conceptual Coherence in Product Design
Trinh, Yen Mai Thi (Doctoral theses at NTNU;2023:26, Doctoral thesis, 2023) -
Developing a Framework for Physical Product Development in Technical Student Organizations
Munch-Ellingsen, Truls (Master thesis, 2022)Bevis tyder på at det er mangel på fokus på produktutviklingsmetodikk i tekniske studentorganisasjoner ved Norges Teknisk-Naturvitenskapelige Universitet, noe som resulterer i ineffektive utviklingsprosesser som krever ... -
Development and Design of a New Lightweight Modular Flood Protection System
Bjørseth, Ine Lindbøl; Marthinussen, Kristine Nordahl (Master thesis, 2021)Flomsikringssystemer brukes for å forhindre skade på land og eiendom. Med en global økning i hendelser knyttet til flom, øker også behovet for beskyttelse. I denne oppgaven brukes Set-Based Design (SBD) til å utvikle ... -
Development and Design of a New Lightweight Modular Flood Protection System
Bjørseth, Ine Lindbøl; Marthinussen, Kristine Nordahl (Master thesis, 2021)Flomsikringssystemer brukes for å forhindre skade på land og eiendom. Med en global økning i hendelser knyttet til flom, øker også behovet for beskyttelse. I denne oppgaven brukes Set-Based Design (SBD) til å utvikle ... -
Development of an Open-Source High-Performance 3D Printer
Birkelid, Andreas Hagerup (Master thesis, 2021)Abstract will be available on 2024-07-23 -
Development of Equipment to Help Understand and Treat Whiplash Injuries
McAllister, Thomas Eidhamar (Master thesis, 2023)Dette masterprosjektet vil fokusere på utviklingen av utstyr for å hjelpe til med å forstå og behandle nakkeslengsskader. Arbeidet vil være basert på konsepter som ble utviklet i fordypningsprosjektet gjort i forberedlese ... -
Development of New Flood Protection Design
Fossheim, Emil (Master thesis, 2020)Denne oppgaven evaluerer konsepter for et forbedret design av flomvern-systemer utviklet av AquaFence AS. Hovedfokuset var å vurdere ulike løsninger for hovedpanelene som er brukt i systemet. Arbeidet ble utført ved grundig ... -
Dimensional accuracy of threads manufactured by fused deposition modeling
Tronvoll, Sigmund Arntsønn; Elverum, Christer Westum; Welo, Torgeir (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2018)For parts manufactured by fused deposition modeling (FDM), helical threads drawn in accordance with normal standards (e.g. ISO 68-1), tend to end up deformed when manufactured. These dimensional imperfections typically ... -
Eliciting unknown unknowns with prototypes: Introducing prototrials and prototrial-driven cultures
Jensen, Matilde Bisballe; Elverum, Christer Westum; Steinert, Martin (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2017)This paper maps and describes how prototypes are used to elicit requirements of unknown unknowns in industry. Eight engineering design companies serve as a dataset for a multi-case investigation. By semi-quantitatively ... -
High-performance polymer 3D printing – Open-source liquid cooled scalable printer design
Birkelid, Andreas Hagerup; Eikevåg, Sindre Wold; Elverum, Christer Westum; Steinert, Martin (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2022)To print high-performance polymers, a stable running printer that can reach high temperatures is needed. There is currently a lack of low-cost solutions that allow manipulation of process parameters and expansion of sensors ... -
Investigating pressure advance algorithms for filament-based melt extrusion additive manufacturing: theory, practice and simulations
Tronvoll, Sigmund Arntsønn; Popp, Sebastian; Elverum, Christer Westum; Welo, Torgeir (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2019)Purpose – This paper aims to present the mathematical foundation of so-called advance algorithms, developed to compensate for defects during acceleration and deacceleration of the print head in filament-based melt extrusion ... -
Investigation of low-pressure environment to alter layer temperature of high-performance polymer parts printed with Fused Filament Fabrication
Fylling, Emil Karlsen (Master thesis, 2023)Additiv fremstilling (AM) av høytytende polymer (HPP) ved bruk av Fused Filament Fabrication (FFF) har kommet langt, men sliter fortsatt med å produsere store komponenter med best mulige materialegenskaper. Den mest ... -
Novel in-situ residual strain measurements in additive manufacturing specimens by using the Optical Backscatter Reflectometry
Wang, Shaoquan; Lasn, Kaspar; Elverum, Christer Westum; Wan, Di; Echtermeyer, Andreas (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2020)Material extrusion (MEX) is a well established production method in additive manufacturing. However, internal residual strains are accumulated during the layer-by-layer fabrication process. They bring about shape distortions ... -
On Fuzzy Front End Prototyping and Testing of Complex Sensor Problems
Vestad, Håvard Nitter (Doctoral theses at NTNU;2022:99, Doctoral thesis, 2022)Norsk sammendrag Denne oppgaven er addresert til forskere og produktutviklere. Den har som hensikt å gi innsikt i løsing av komplekse sensorproblemer i the fuzzy front end av produktutvikling. Sensorer bygger bro mellom ... -
The osteogenic properties of additive manufactured Titanium-6Aluminium-4Vanadium with focus on 3D geometry and surface topography
Ødegaard, Kristin Sirnes (Doctoral theses at NTNU;2023:77, Doctoral thesis, 2023) -
Prototype Experiments: Strategies and Trade-offs
Tronvoll, Sigmund Arntsønn; Elverum, Christer Westum; Welo, Torgeir (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2017)Throughout the whole product development process, there is always a question on whether the proposed product is “up to its task”, and often it is up to the engineer or designer to answer these questions. In many cases, ... -
Revealing the influence of electron beam melted Ti-6Al-4V scaffolds on osteogenesis of human bone marrow-derived mesenchymal stromal cells
Ødegaard, Kristin Sirnes; Ouyang, Lingzi; Ma, Qianli; Buene, Glenn; Wan, Di; Elverum, Christer Westum; Torgersen, Jan; Standal, Therese; Westhrin, Marita (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2021)Porous Titanium-6Aluminum-4Vanadium scaffolds made by electron beam-based additive manufacturing (AM) have emerged as state-of-the-art implant devices. However, there is still limited knowledge on how they influence the ...