On Fuzzy Front End Prototyping and Testing of Complex Sensor Problems
Norsk sammendrag
Denne oppgaven er addresert til forskere og produktutviklere. Den har som hensikt å gi innsikt i løsing av komplekse sensorproblemer i the fuzzy front end av produktutvikling. Sensorer bygger bro mellom fysiske fenomener og prosessering i cyberfysiske systemer og involverer tverrfaglig praksis ved implementering. Som sådan er innovasjonsprosjekter som utforsker bruken av sensorer i the fuzzy front end ofte komplekse. Forskere og produktutviklere må beslutte om problemet krever implementering av sensorer, hva som må måles, hvordan det skal måles, og hvordan de skal teste de potensielle sensorkonseptene.
Basert på ti prosjekter og ti tilhørende vitenskapelige publikasjoner, presenterer denne oppgaven innsikt fra observasjoner innen relevante problemstillinger fra sensorteknologi og praksisser innen prototyping og protype testing: Egenskapene og utfordringene til komplekse sensorproblemer i the fuzzy front end utforskes, mulighets skapende prototypeatferd i løsingen av komplekse sensorproblemer, samt verktøy som muliggjør utforskende prototyping av komplekse sensorproblemer i the fuzzy front end. Basert på innsiktene, presenterers oppgavens resultater som åtte hypoteser som kan tjene som utgangspunkt for videre forskning. English abstract
This thesis is addressed to researchers and product developers and provides insights on the solving of complex sensor problems in the fuzzy front end of product development. Sensors bridge physical phenomena and computational processing in cyber-physical systems and entail multidisciplinary practices in their application. As such, projects seeking novel and disruptive innovations in the fuzzy front end through sensors are often complex. Researchers and developers need to gauge whether the problem calls for the implementation of sensors, what to sense, how to sense it, and how to test the proposed sensor concepts.
Based on ten projects and ten accompanying scientific publications, this thesis presents insights from practical examples for relevant topics within sensor technologies, prototyping practices, and prototype testing practices. Insights are generated on the characteristics and challenges of complex sensor problems in the fuzzy front end, enabling prototyping behaviors for solving complex sensor problems and tools for enabling explorative prototyping of complex sensor problems in the fuzzy front end. Based on the insights, the thesis presents the results as eight hypotheses that may serve as a starting point for further research.
Has parts
Paper 1: Vestad, Håvard Nitter; Steinert, Ralf Martin. Piezoresistive Chopped Carbon Fiber Rubber Silicone Sensors for Shedding Frequency Detection in Alternating Vortex Streets. I: 2019 IEEE SENSORS Proceedings. IEEE 2019 ISBN 978-1-7281-1634-1. s. - © 2019 IEEE. Personal use of this material is permitted. Permission from IEEE must be obtained for all other uses, in any current or future media, including reprinting/republishing this material for advertising or promotional purposes, creating new collective works, for resale or redistribution to servers or lists, or reuse of any copyrighted component of this work in other works.Paper 2: Vestad, Håvard; Steinert, Martin. Creating your Own Tools: Prototyping Environments for Prototype Testing. Procedia CIRP 2019 ;Volum 84. s. 707-712
Paper 3: Vestad, Håvard Nitter; Kriesi, Carlo; Steinert, Ralf Martin. Integrating Carbon Fiber Based Piezoresistive Composites for Flow Characterization in In-vitro Cell Research Equipment. Procedia CIRP 2020 ;Volum 91. s. 864-868
Paper 4: Vestad, Håvard; Kriesi, Carlo; Slåttsveen, Kristoffer; Steinert, Martin. Observations on the effects of skill transfer through experience sharing and in-person communication. Proceedings of the International Conference on Engineering Design 2019 ;Volum 2019-August. s. 199-208
Paper 5: Vestad, Håvard; Steinert, Martin. A low-cost vibration isolation chamber – Making high precision experiments accessible. HardwareX, Volume 11, 2022.
Paper 6: Solberg, Fredrik Samdal; Kohtala, Sampsa Matias Ilmari; Vestad, Håvard Nitter; Steinert, Ralf Martin. A Combined Photoplethysmography and Force Sensor Prototype for Improved Pulse Waveform Analysis. I: 2019 IEEE SENSORS Proceedings. IEEE 2019 ISBN 978-1-7281-1634-1. s. - © 2019 IEEE. Personal use of this material is permitted. Permission from IEEE must be obtained for all other uses, in any current or future media, including reprinting/republishing this material for advertising or promotional purposes, creating new collective works, for resale or redistribution to servers or lists, or reuse of any copyrighted component of this work in other works.
Paper 7: Hann, Richard; Borup, Kasper Trolle; Zolich, Artur Piotr; Sørensen, Kim Lynge; Vestad, Håvard Nitter; Steinert, Martin; Johansen, Tor Arne. Experimental Investigations of an Icing Protection System for UAVs. SAE technical paper series 2019 ;Volum 2019-June.(June) s. - Not included due to copyright restrictions.
Paper 8: Steffensen, Torjus Lines; Kohtala, Sampsa Matias Ilmari; Vestad, Håvard Nitter; Steinert, Ralf Martin. TrollBOT: A Spontaneous Networking Tool Facilitating Rapid Prototyping of Wirelessly Communicating Products. Procedia CIRP 2020 ;Volum 91. s. 634-638
Paper 9: Steffensen, Torjus Lines; Auflem, Marius; Vestad, Håvard; Steinert, Martin. Embedded Soft Inductive Sensors to Measure Arterial Expansion of Tubular Diameters in Vascular Phantoms. IEEE Sensors Journal 2022 © 2022 IEEE. Personal use of this material is permitted. Permission from IEEE must be obtained for all other uses, in any current or future media, including reprinting/republishing this material for advertising or promotional purposes, creating new collective works, for resale or redistribution to servers or lists, or reuse of any copyrighted component of this work in other works.