• 3D Printing with Robot Manipulator 

      Johnsgaard, Alexander Waller (Master thesis, 2022)
      I det siste tiåret har additiv produksjon (AP) blitt et stadig mer fremtredende tema innen robotikk. Mens subtraktive produksjonsmetoder er avhengige av å fjerne materiale for å forme det endelige produktet, former AP ...
    • A System Architecture for Constraint-Based Robotic Assembly with CAD Information 

      Arbo, Mathias Hauan; Pane, Yudha P.; Aertbeliën, Erwin; Decré, Wilm (Journal article, 2018)
      A system architecture is presented to generate sensor-controlled robot tasks from knowledge encoded in a CAD model. This architecture consists of an application layer where the user annotates assembly tasks in the CAD ...
    • Comparison of KVP and RSI for Controlling KUKA Robots Over ROS 

      Arbo, Mathias Hauan; Eriksen, Ivar; Sanfilippo, Filippo; Gravdahl, Jan Tommy (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2020)
      In this work, an open-source ROS interface based on KUKAVARPROXY for control of KUKA robots is compared to the commercial closed-source Robot Sensor Interface available from KUKA. This comparison looks at the difference ...
    • Constraint Definition for Gripper Selection and Grasp Planning for Robotic Assembly Using Product Manufacturing Information from STEP AP242Ed2 Files 

      Mohammed, Shafi K.; Arbo, Mathias Hauan; Tingelstad, Lars (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2022)
      This article uses the Product Manufacturing Information (PMI) from STEP AP242 neutral files for gripper selection and grasp planning in a robotic assembly operation. The PMI, along with the part geometry and dimensions, ...
    • Control and Development of a Wearable Semi-Active Tremor Suppression Device 

      Khan, Shahrukh (Master thesis, 2019)
      Skjelvinger er en av de bevegelsesforstyrrelsene med høyest prevalens. De er definert som ufrivillig, rytmisk skjelving av kroppsdeler, som for eksempel i hender. De mest typiske formene for skjelvinger er essensiell tremor ...
    • Force Control and Constraint-based Task Specification in Robotic Assembly 

      Lunden, Espen (Master thesis, 2020)
      Små- til mellomstore bedrifter har utfordringer med å automatisere deres produksjon grunnet kostnader tilknyttet lite fleksible roboter. For at roboter skal bli en lønnsom investering, så må de kunne gjennomføre ulike ...
    • Leveraging Model Based Definition and STEP AP242 in Task Specification for Robotic Assembly 

      Mohammed, Shafi Khurieshi; Arbo, Mathias Hauan; Tingelstad, Lars (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2020)
      This article explores using aspects of STEP AP242 for constraint-based robot programming for assembly operations. Industry 4.0 envisions smart, connected factories where all the operations are connected by an unbroken ...
    • Machine-learning techniques for human-robot collaboration in manufacturing 

      Hagestuen, Endre Vee (Master thesis, 2024)
      Denne masteroppgaven tar for seg utfordringene med effektivt samarbeid mellom mennesker og roboter i produktproduksjon, med fokus på bruk av maskinlæringsteknikker og deres potensielle anvendelser. Den utforsker håndfølging ...
    • Mid-Level MPC and 6 DOF Output Path Following for Robotic Manipulators 

      Arbo, Mathias Hauan; Grøtli, Esten Ingar; Gravdahl, Jan Tommy (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2017)
      In this article we discuss some of the benefits of using an MPC as a mid-level controller between the path generator and the low-level joint controller of a robot system. The MPC handles rudimentary runtime constraints ...
    • On Estimating Forces and Torques in Manipulators 

      Myrvold, Marte Løkken (Master thesis, 2020)
      Denne avhandlingen skal studere ulike moderne estimeringsmetoder for å estimere kraft og dreiemoment i robotmanipulatorer, samt å diskutere hvilke plattformer som er tilgjengelig for bruk og videre eksperiment ved Institutt ...
    • On Model Predictive Path Following and Trajectory Tracking for Industrial Robots 

      Arbo, Mathias Hauan; Grøtli, Esten Ingar; Gravdahl, Jan Tommy (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2017)
      In this article the model predictive path following controller and the model predictive trajectory tracking con-troller are compared for a robotic manipulator. We consider both the Runge-Kutta and collocation based ...
    • On Robotic Assembly and Optimization-Based Control of Industrial Manipulators 

      Arbo, Mathias Hauan (Doctoral theses at NTNU;2019:112, Doctoral thesis, 2019)
      Robotic manipulators are essential tools of industry. They are ubiquituous in modern factories, and they are starting to become more commonplace everywhere else. The trend in robotic manipulators is to move towards allowing ...
    • On the globally exponentially convergent immersion and invariance speed observer for mechanical systems 

      Arbo, Mathias Hauan; Grøtli, Esten Ingar; Gravdahl, Jan Tommy (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2017)
      In this article we present a reformulation of the invariance and immersion speed observer of Astolfi et al. as applied to mechanical systems with bounded inertia matrices. This is done to explore the possibility of its ...
    • Output Maneuvering for Cartesian 3D Printer 

      Moltumyr, Andreas Hanssen; Arbo, Mathias Hauan; Gravdahl, Jan Tommy (Chapter, 2021)
      3D printing, also known as additive manufacturing, is a production technique that can create highly customized parts and is therefore ideal for product prototyping and customized orders. An important aspect of 3D printer ...
    • PhD working conditions at NTNU with a special focus on PhD candidates with kids 

      Busch, Alexander; Arbo, Mathias Hauan; Kasimba, Sam A.; Sripada, Kam (Research report, 2017)
      During 2016-2017, DION conducted an analysis of the PhD working conditions at NTNU, with special focus on PhDs with children. All NTNU PhD candidates were invited to respond to a survey regarding working conditions and ...
    • Robot Dynamics with URDF & CasADi 

      Johannessen, Lill Maria; Arbo, Mathias Hauan; Gravdahl, Jan Tommy (Chapter, 2019)
      Fast, accurate evaluation of the dynamics parameters is a key ingredient for accurate control, estimation, and simulation of robots. As these are time-consuming to compute by hand, a software library for generating the ...
    • Robot Dynamics with URDF & CasADi 

      Johannessen, Lill Maria Gjerde (Master thesis, 2019)
      Effektiv og nøyaktig evaluering av dynamiske parametere er en nøkkelingrediens for kontroll, estimering, og simulering av roboter. De kan være tidkrevende å kalkulere for hånd, og forskere innenfor robotikk kan derfor ha ...
    • Sensor Fusion with Out-of-Sequence Measurements - Localization in an Agricultural Robot Using Visual Odometry 

      Arbo, Mathias Hauan (Master thesis, 2015)
      Timing is an important aspect when working with visual odometry (VO). The time of processing and data-transfer of image-based measurements are significantly longer than IMU, wheel encoders, and GPS measurements. This ...
    • Setup and Interfacing of a KUKA Robotics Lab 

      Eriksen, Ivar (Master thesis, 2017)
      To evaluate the feasibility of controlling KUKA robots via KUKAVARPROXY, the performance of two libraries for communicating with KUKAVARPROXY is inves- tigated. It is shown that the BoostCrossCom C++ library and the ...
    • Stability of the Tracking Problem with Task-Priority Inverse Kinematics 

      Arbo, Mathias Hauan; Gravdahl, Jan Tommy (Journal article, 2018)
      The multiple task-priority inverse kinematics framework using the Moore-Penrose pseudoinverse has been shown to be asymptotically stable for the regulation problem with certain conditions on the tasks. In this article we ...