Browsing NTNU Open by Title
Now showing items 47721-47740 of 107052
I akuttmottaket: Hvordan erfarer sykepleiere vold utøvd av pasienter eller pårørende?
(Bachelor thesis, 2020)Bakgrunn: Vold mot sykepleiere globalt er av stor bekymring. Sykepleiere i akuttmottaket er dog i større fare for å oppleve dette fra pasienter og deres pårørende. Hensikt: Hensikten med litteraturstudien er å belyse ... -
'I am a Child with Education and Knowledge': Karen Migrant and Refugee Children's Daily life Experiences in Thailand
(Master thesis, 2012)This master thesis is based on a field work conducted in Thailand with migrant and refugee children from Burma belonging to the ethnic minority of the Karen people. One urban school for migrant children and one rural refugee ... -
“I am not a man but I am not a woman either, I am not quite sure what I am” - Om iscenesettelse og overskridelse av kjønnskategorier i Uganda
(Master thesis, 2017)Kategorien transkjønn er en relativt nylig etablert sosiokulturell kategori i Ugandas LGBT miljø. Formålet med oppgaven er å bidra til en forståelse av denne utviklingen på bakgrunn av transkjønnede personers levde erfaring. ... -
”I am not who I think I am, I am not who you think I am, I am who I think you think I am”
(Bachelor thesis, 2019) -
"I am ready and willing to provide the service...though my religion frowns on abortion" Ghanaian midwives mixed attitudes to abortion services: A qualitative study
(Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2017)Background: Unsafe abortion is a major preventable public health problem and contributes to high mortality among women. Ghana has ratified international conventions to prevent unwanted pregnancies and provide safe abortion ... -
I Am... Bothered About D&D
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2023)Is Dungeons & Dragons receiving too much attention in game studies compared to other tabletop role playing games? And what, if any, are the issues with this? In this commentary the author creates an overview of the ... -
“I base my life on sadness”: Apparently paradoxical sources of resilience among young Haitians
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2023)Haitian expressions of resilience also hold deep knowledge of human vulnerability. This longitudinal, qualitative study with young Haitians from urban shantytowns combines ethnographic and participatory methods to explore ... -
I bevegelse - Senter for fysisk aktivitet
(Master thesis, 2020)I bevegelse - senter for fysisk aktivitet -
I BILENS FOTSPOR - fra parkering til bolig
(Master thesis, 2016) -
I bærekraftens navn. En studie av forhandlingsrommet om bærekraftig havbruk
(Doctoral theses at NTNU;2022:2, Doctoral thesis, 2022)Sammendrag Den norske havbruksnæringen er en betydningsfull, men samtidig kontroversiell næring, særlig på grunn av dens påvirkning på miljøet. Næringen møter motstand på lokalt, nasjonalt og globalt nivå, men etterspørselen ... -
“I call it frost.” Features of scientific social language during inquiry-based learning on the particulate nature of matter
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2021)The particulate nature of matter (PNM) is central to learning science and is a difficult concept for both children and adults. The purpose of this study is to examine how teaching materials from an integrated science and ... -
"I can actually do stuff": Ein kvalitativ studie om opplevinga av å vere i ei ressursgruppe og deltakarane sitt syn på seg sjølv og forventningar til meistring.
(Master thesis, 2011)Fokuset for denne masteroppgåva har vore å undersøke kva opplevingar deltakarane i ei ressursgruppe for studentar med AD/HD og liknande utfordringar har. Studien vil spesielt belyse korleis tre informantar frå denne gruppa ... -
"I can teach you to do that'": On the analysis and prediction of sexual grooming and predatory behaviour against children in online chat forums
(Master thesis, 2022)I en tid der det blir flere store sosiale medieplattformer som aktivt brukes av unge, så økes interaksjonen mellom barn og fremmede. Det har blitt enklere å utnytte barn sin sårbarhet på nett gjennom digital plattformer. ... -
"I can't find my grandma on the Internet!": A Study of Project Work Using ICT as a Mediating Artefact
(Doctoral thesis, 2003)Life in the classroom is complex with all sorts of action taking place all at once. During project work this complexity is even more visible due to intense pupil and teacher activity. The project work method and the use ... -
(I can't get no) satisfaction: A comparative study of healthcare recommodification in Europe, 2010-18
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2022)European health reforms during the last decades have strengthened patient rights and introduced choice, competition and financial incentives in a sector that has typically been state-directed and centrally controlled. The ... -
"I Cannot Imagine Life Without It" - A Phenomenological Inquiry into the Relevance of Spirituality for Health and Wellbeing
(Master thesis, 2016)The interest in the dynamics between spirituality, health and wellbeing has virtually exploded in the last few decades, and a growing amount of research convey that there is an important link between spiritual factors and ... -
«I dag er det mori sjølv som seier: Drep barnet!» - En diskursanalyse av abortmotstanderdiskursen i kristen presse 1974-1978
(Master thesis, 2021)Fortellingen om Norges abortkamp på 1970-tallet blir ofte fremstilt som en seiersfortelling for kvinnebevegelsen. Det var en lang kamp for å få gjennomslag for selvbestemt abort. Kampen som hadde pågått siden tidlig ... -
I did my bit! The impact of electric vehicle adoption on compensatory beliefs and norms in Norway
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2022)The conception that undertaking a certain pro-environmental behaviour may encourage people to adopt other pro-environmental behaviours is appealing, but the evidence is inconsistent. Based on the literature, we propose ...